Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1619, three secrets, four big school!

The ancient godberg, the assessment registration office.

"Name." An old woman in front of the table.

"Ancient swords." The sword is unparalleled.

"Which king is affiliated to me?" The old woman continued to ask.

The sword is unbeded, but it is slightly wrinkled, the heart is blamed: "Dai Wang, you can ask such questions when you have not signed up."

"I have left ancient sacred land for so many years, who knows how this ancient godberg has changed?" .

The sword has shrugged the shoulders, and she took a deep breath. "The ancient king."

The sword is unparalleled to determine the ancient king of the ancient king, but he doesn't know the existence of other kings, naturally, it can only touch the luck.

"The ancient king?" The old woman lifted his head and watched the sword and was unparalleled, but immediately wrote the name of the ancient sword on a jade. "Holding this jade, it will participate in the assessment. "

"Thank you." The sword is unparalleled, and after picking up the jade, they will leave immediately.

"See, the king is indeed a seven-star god of the ancient king city." The sword smiled.

"Maybe it." Yu Wang should.

"For the king, you only say that the ancient gods of the ancient gods and the killing of the ancient gods are in the ancient god honeys, can these secrets?" Sword is unparalleled.

He is a basic understanding of these secrets and cross-school.

"The ancient gods, suitable for five-star ancient gods, six-star ancient gods and even seven-star ancient times, there are three secrets and four collections!"

"These three secrets, the thunderstorm, the crane, picking the moon!"

"Three major secrets, they are called an earth-shattering, the original owner Luo Zhen Wang, as an eight-star ancient god, the three secrets are fired, and these three secrets are also his strongest. One of them. "

"As for the four major schools, it is specially used to kill the skills, just feel the power of the heavens, the same is the same, but the ancient god is its own strength, it is the body, but in the power of the heavens Nothing to study, in the ancient goddess, you can feel less than the power of the heavens, even if you have anything, you can only understand the rough part. "

"However, even if there is no assistance of the heavens, with its own violent blood, the four major schools, the ancient Chinese people still will not be weak than any other human cultivator, and even more powerful. "Yu Wang said.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is secretly amazed.

The ancient god group, the strength of the body is strong, this is the great advantage of the ancient god family.

But in the sense of the power of the heaven, it can't be better than human beings.

However, even if you have never enhanced the power of the heavens, the ancient gods can also have the strength of destroying the earth, and can also achieve the level of the super power with humans, and even the superinner of the emperor.

"I got the inheritance memory before, and the ancient god of the ancient god referred to, is it one of these four major schools?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, you master the nation, is the ancient god of the four major schools in the ancient gods, but you are only just the first six fingers of the ancient god, which is also enough to make the general six. Xingchao shows, but this finger method has the last three fingers, that three fingers are generally seven-star ancient gods to show. "

"Sure enough, there is also a stronger three fingers." The sword is unparalleled. "

In the school of the ancient god, he made a lot of understanding of the ancient god, and this ancient god refers to the strength of the power, and even becomes the strongest attack of the sword. It can be in the ancient gods, enough to follow this ancient god. It is also comparable, but there is another three-door, and there are three secrets.

I think this, the sword is unparalleled.

"Thirty years later, we must pass the trial assessment, enter the ancient hood!" The sword is unparalleled.

For these thirties, he stayed in the ancient king city and quietly hung.

But now, he is thirty years, but it is a moment, soon it will pass.

The ancient huge palace, on the huge campus, the hundred stones are there.

There are men with men in these stones, but the shape is generally very high, and the sword is unparalleled in the crowd, but it is more than others. His body shape is obvious.

"Is there a lot of people?" The sword has no double surroundings.

These people are ancient gods, and they are all the five-star ancient gods of the third heavy god robbery. On the realm, it is quite.


A indifferent man whose height is more than five meters, and the indifferent man with silver gloss appears in front of everyone.

This indifferent man is an ancient god of six-star silver, which is equivalent to human beings, and still eternal.

"This assessment is the three rounds of centers. Through three rounds of assessment, you can stay in the ancient god palace, the loser, and then come back later." The voices of the indifferent man spread.

Many of the ancient gods on the downtown are not hit hands.

The ancient god palace trial assessment, although every hundred years will be held once, but they participate in the ancient god of the assessment, as long as the assessment is in the assessment, it has to be able to participate in the second assessment. This is the rule of the ancient hood.

"The sword is unparalleled, I remind you, here is an ancient god group, you participate in the trial assessment of the ancient gods, so when you will be assessable, you can don't use your own power, don't use the heavens The feelings are purely useful to use the ancient gods, with the means of the ancient gods through this assessment. "

"Understand." The sword is unparalleled.

"Now, the first round of assessment begins." The indifferent man sounded.

Many ancient gods on the downtown gods becomes dignified, and a nerve is also tight.

However, the indifferent man only said that the first round of assessment, but did not say the first round of assessment, just in the confusion of these ancient gods.

Booming ~~~

A horrible pressure is directly oppressed.

This percentage contains extremely pure blood pressure, as well as atmospheric pressure, like a hills in the event of all people.

These ancient gods on the play of these ancient gods, one by one, is not a bit handle, and there are four people who are directly oppressed on the spot.

And this is ambush, and their assessment has failed.

"Good power, this percentage should be the top six-star ancient god, enough to be comparable to the ancient god of human chaos, and the blood of this ancient god is very pure, it should be the golden ancient god. "The sword is unparalleled.

The top of the top six-star gold Antur is fully released, and these these are only five-star ancient gods. It is naturally difficult to compete.

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