Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1632, the ancient king

Wink, the sword is unparalleled in the ancient god palace for a hundred and twenty years.

The ancient temple is within a palace.

Ling Mountain respects in front of the ancient wings.

"The Gu Wian Wang, just got the news, the ancient sword was defeated," Lingshan Road.

"Gu Jin Yu, in the second phase of the six-star ancient gods, it is not too strong, can be considered a medium level, the sixth floor of the ancient swords in the Sword of Xingyue can be passed, beat him is not very normal?" Wings didn't care.

"If the ancient sword is going to defeat the Gu Jin Yu nature, it is the key to the fact that he never uses the human attack means, just with the four major schools of our ancient gods will be Gu Jin Yu. Give it. "Ling Mountain Road.

"Oh?" The Gu Winged saw it surprised, "I didn't use human attack means, can you see?"

"See it." Toming Mountain nodded, "I can determine that he does not use the feelings of the heavens, and even the sword has nothing. It has used his own power."

"That is to say, he has surpassed the ancient gold feathers in the control of the four major schools?" The ancient wings king released a heavy light.

The ancient golden feathers in their mouth were a six-star ancient god in the ancient god. Although the blood pulse was not high, it was the ancient gods of Silk A, but his mastery of four colors is Very high, the result is lost to the sword.

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say that the ancient sword is indeed a terrible genius, whether it is human, or ancient god, all in all, his progress, it is too fast, If you have been in this way, I really can't imagine that he will reach how often, "Lingshan Road.

Wen said, the Guyi Wang also smiled slightly.

He is not expected to be expected to the potential of the sword.

"Yes, I let you go to investigate, have there been a result?" The ancient wings king asked.

"There is a result." Toming Mountain nodded, "I have repeatedly investigated it twice. The result is the same, the ancient sword, not from the ancient king, the people of the ancient king, there is no one So, five star gods. "

"I will know." The ancient wings king faces, and it is not surprised by this result. "He is a human blood, no accident, he should always live in human territory, this time is coming to my ancient sacred On the ground, he is just to participate in the ancient gangster trial assessment, this reported the name of the Guyan Wang. "

"Is this? Then we have to ..." Ling Mingsong did not finish.

The ancient wing king has waved, "I don't have to do anything, no matter what this little guy is coming, he has the blood of my ancient gods. This is the fact, and he has passed the sixth floor of Xingyue Building. It is also the fact that we only need to do things according to the rules left by the ancestor. "

"I understand." The Ling Mountain nodded and quickly left.

The ancient god group is different from humans.

The ancient goddess is purely paying attention to strength and strength, as for the hint angle, there are, but very few.


The ancient kings, the streets, people come to people.

At this moment, a team of ten people walked into the ancient king city.

This team is ancient god, but the strength is very weak, it is just a Samsung or a four-star ancient god, as for the five-star ancient god, only two.

"Go to Wangcheng, you can go around, but remember not to conflict with people, go." A tiger's wife headed.

The people who are immediately excited about the people of this team.

And this tiger's back bear waist, with another five-star ancient god, came to a shop.

They came to Wangcheng, which is to buy essentials in some tribes.

When they purchase goods, they are gathered together in the corner of the shop, and I will laugh at it.

These three people, one of them is a bald man. As for the other two, regardless of the body, it is amazing, and it should be a pair of twin brothers.

"The two brothers are just coming to ancient king city?" The baldness said, his voice is rough, and he is not afraid of others to hear.

"Yes, we have been staying in the tribe before we have two brothers. This time I came to ancient king in the ancient king." The twin brother is a man.

"Hey, then unfortunately, you are too late. If you can get it earlier, you can see the miracle of my ancient gods." The head is strong.

"Miracle? What miracle? Talk." The two brothers came immediately.

"This is the case, in 150 years ago, there is an adult. He is the mixed blood of the ancient god and humanity. He also wants to join you as an ancient god, but also through the trial of the ancient god Assessment, because he is a mixed blood, he still can't enter the ancient god palace. At this time, this adult made an amazing decision, Xingxing Moon Building! "

"Star Moon Building?"

"Legendary place?"

"This person, great courage!"

These two brothers are amazed.

"Hey, what will be dead, maybe it will be dead to us, but the adult, he is in the face of countless people, and he lives in the Starry Moon, but he not only has passed the Song Moon. The first four floors of the building, I also have passed the fifth floor and the sixth floor, and the ultimate seventh floor is only a step away! "The bald head strengthened.

"What?" These two brothers were shocked.

The Tiger's wife who is picking the goods in the shop is also surprised by the five-star ancient god next to him.

"Sixth floor of Xingyue Building?"

This two people also shocked.

"This thing is really true, many people have seen it, so it is a miracle." The baldness praised.

"What is the name of the adult, which is the king?" One person in the two brothers asked.

"Name, I know, called ancient sword, as in which Wang Hao, seems to be the ancient king!" Light headband.

As soon as this, the two brothers did not, but the tiger's back bear and his wife and his pace were suddenly awkward.

"Wings, have you heard? They say the king of the ancient king? It is our king!" The five-star ancient god excited.

"I have heard, you don't excite it." Tiger's bear waist old face is incomparably lighter, he is lowered, "I was a big robbery, I am not the same year, now my king is a few people, although there are several quite Talented little guy, but wants to pass the sixth floor of the Star Moon, it is completely impossible. "

"Ancient swords ... I didn't have heard of this name, it is not necessarily me."

"Isn't my king?" The five-star ancient god frowned.

"It's still unable to conclude, don't worry, anyway, we have time, you can inquire first." Tiger's bear's back is slightly.

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