The tiger's back bear waist is immediately in this ancient king city.

Soon he got exact news.

"One hundred and fifty years ago, there was indeed a strong person who called ancient swords had passed the sixth floor of Xingyue, which is a mixed blood of human and ancient gods."

"In addition, when he signed up to participate in the ancient god palace trial assessment, he did indeed the ancient king!"

The tiger's back the old man gathered with the five-star ancient gods, and the two faces were extremely dignified.

"There are two possibilities, the first he is indeed a tribe under my king, even if it is not to have a certain relationship with my Wang Yixian."

"Second, he just heard of my name, this will be reported, it is just a special assessment of the ancient godberg!"

"No matter which possible, since I am related to my king, I have to find a way to see him."

The tiger's back the bear's waist is holding hands, and the mind has already set up the idea, and immediately he is alone in the ancient god.

The ancient huge palace, a huge play of the field.

The two huge ancient gods were crazy.

The body of these two ancient gods exceeded ten feet, one of which was shining, and the three-arms have been revealed.

In addition, the ancient god is that the whole body covers dark golden light, which is also three-headed six arms, and six arms are still holding a long sword.

boom! boom! boom!

The two ancient gods smashed, and the powerful ancient gods were crazy.

It can be seen at this time, but the dark golden god matter is a shock, it was originally three-headed, and the time was genetically clear for the four arms.

There are more one skull, and the law of its attack is also enhanced.

That is still just a three-armed land of the golden ancient gods, and they can't resist it, so soon be defeated.

When everything is saved, the two ancient gods are cultivated for humans.

"Ancient swords, you have a good time, a five-star ancient god, and how long is it to master this door, it is already possible to show four arms, I get this cross-school for more than five hundred years, to Now I can only use three six-arms, I am still a six-star ancient god. "The ancient god of defeated is smile.

And I heard this, the sword is unparalleled.

He is a royal god, and the blood will occupy a huge advantage, plus its own talent and extremely high, this progress is really fast.

In short one hundred and twenty years, the four major schools have been very skilled, like the "nine-headed 18th arm", he can now skilled four eight arms, the attack The law can also be very perfect.

Just then, a figure was brushing from the distance.

"Ancient sword."

The coming is a top five-star ancient god. According to the truth and the sword is in the same level, but at this moment he is very respectful and said that the sword is unparalleled.

"Is there something?" The sword was unparalleled.

"There is a person who has been outside, claiming to be the people of the ancient king, I want to see you." This ancient god squad.

"Oh?" The sword is not a double look.

In this time in the ancient god Palace, he also asked some ancient gods about the ancient king.

The answer is that the Gu Wangcheng has indeed has had an ancient king, but it is not in the ancient king city, it seems that it is not there.

In the sword, there is no double, maybe it is ancient king that has not come back.

And now ...

"Go and see."

The sword is unparalleled and immediately walked outside the palace.

When he came to the palace, he saw the old tiger's back bear in the tiger behind it.

"Wings Old?" The sword is not a double eye.

"You are ..." The wing is also in the sword. It hasn't shown a strange color, but soon he blindly, "You are a sword. The first part of the little guy who awakened some of the royal bloods?"

"Haha, the wing is old, I haven't seen you for a long time." The sword is unparalleled to laugh and go.

Wings are old ... That is the first Samsung ancient god of the sword unparalleled!

At the beginning of the sky in the green world, he lived in a hundred years of time in the ancient god of life and death, and the most powerful ancient gods met during the period. It is the old, natural impression that is very deep. .

You know, the Samsung ancient gods at the time, there is no double for swords, but super existence.

Now, the sword is unparalleled, this wing is old, has become a five-star ancient god, and is still the top five-star ancient god, which is quite equal at the level.

"The sword is unparalleled, is it you?" Wings are still incredible.

"Of course, I am, go, let's find a place to talk." The sword was unparalleled.

The wing nodded, he also knew that it is not convenient to speak.

Soon, the two came to a separate secret room, and the two were conversation after the sword was no ban.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can't walk enough, just left a sentence, saying that I will come back in thousands of years, but this is thousands of years." The old face with a smile.

"There is no way." The sword is unparalleled, but the wings are old, it doesn't matter, in fact, I don't have an ancient gods, I am still a human cultivator, I have never touched the ancient gods before, and then awakened ancient gods After the blood, naturally, I have to leave. I really want to wait for my strength to be strong, I will return to the eternal circles of life and death, and I have to open the holy place, who once I thought when I came back, life and death have disappeared. "

"Is this this?" The wing nodded and understood it.

"The reason why the wing is old, life and death will disappear, should it be your king, come back?" The sword was unparalleled, of course, he was known to ask.

He knew that the eternal circles of life and death were taken away.

"Yes, I didn't haven't, when you left, Wang was in the past, and he returned to ancient sacred land. Now I have a tribe in this ancient king."

"Tribe?" The sword is unparalleled, "Why don't you enter the Guwang City?"

According to him, the ancient king is the royal god of the top of the seven-star, if it is a peak period, it will never be weak in the ancient wings, and may even be more stronger, and he is also an ancient name of the ancient people, it can take it. He took the race of the pulse, occupying a place in the ancient king city.

"My king was changing, the strength was serious, and now I still haven't completely recovered, and the controller of his now and the current controls of the ancient king seems to have some entanglements, so I can't enter the ancient king city." Wing Old Road.

"Is there such a thing?" The sword was unparalleled.

"In fact, I came to Gu Wangcheng this time, just with some little guys, I took some tribes to take things back, but I listened to people on the way, and I didn't think about it. In the sixth floor of the Samyue Building, it was you. "Wings."


PS: Today is five more!

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