Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1634 see the ancient king

"Wings, when are you going back to the tribe?" The sword didn't ask.

"The tribes need things have been bought, and they can go back at any time." Wings.

"That's good, I will go back to the tribe with you, I also want to see the ancient king, there are many things to ask him to ask him." The sword has no double.

He has a lot of doubts.

More than many aspects, and these doubts, the ancient kings should be able to answer a lot for him.

"In this case, we will start now." Wings.

"Yes, there is no thing anyway." The sword was unparalleled.

Immediately, the sword is unparalleled with the wing of the old, and there is not long after the small guys in the ancient king of the city, then go outside the city.

The ancient kingcheng, the vast void, the team of ten people slowly flipped in front.

A few days of hard work.

"The sword is unparalleled, there are half-day distances, and we are in the tribes." Wings.

"Well." The sword has no double nodding, and the bottom is some expectations.

It is insiscuous that he was in the end of life and death, and he also had some friends, some of whom also saved him.

Now that 10,000 years have been separated, he doesn't know how the ancient gods of the original is now.

After half a day, a huge tribe appeared in front of the sword.

Although it is a tribe, there is still a hitting building, and some buildings are still suspended.

Under the leader of the wing, the sword is unparalleled into the tribe, and the power of the soul is spread, and some familiar atmospheres can be inherent.

"This breath is ancient Yang." The sword is unparalleled. "

The ancient Yang, that is, that once saved his godboo ancient god.

"The photoual mother is also ..."

I feel the familiar atmosphere, and the sword is quite joy.

"The sword is unparalleled, I will take you to see the king." Wings said.

"Well." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

Under the leader of the wing, the sword is unparalleled to the central center, and there is a few ancient god guard outside the palace before the palace.


The old palace in the palace.

"Come in." The sound of the Hong Kong came from the palace.

The wing of the wings with swords and unparalleled into the palace.

I entered the palace, and the sword was unparalleled, I immediately saw a burly shadow on the top of the palace.

He is three meters, the skin is dark gold, and the double-handed faintly emerging dark golden light, even if he still returned to the peak, he stretched out of his eyes, but it took a soft tolerance, and the most eye-catching is him. The eyebrows, there is a seven-star stuffed.

When the sword is unparalleled into the palace, the burly faded golden eye is like a arc pen straight.


The wings are directly squatted.

"The king of ancient times." The sword is unparalleled is a gift to respect.

"Little guy, is it you?" The King of Gui looked at the sword, naturally, there was no double recognition.

"You go go first." The king of the ancient times watched the old one.

"Yes." Wings were standing and stood up and then retreated.

Inside the entire palace, there is only the sword unparalleled and the ancient king.


The king of the ancient times, immediately after the sword didn't have a double, there was a dark gold stone chair, and the sword was unparalleled, and it took directly.

"The sword is unparalleled, your master is a mysterious one, okay?" The ancient king asked.

"The body of Master is dissipated in front of me, but I see that people should not die, as for now, I don't know." The sword did not shake his head.

"Oh, this old guy, still the mystery." The ancient king smiled, but did not feel unexpected.

"The ancient king has been over for so many years, your injury is still not good?" The sword is unparalleled.

Task, when the King of the ancient king, it was always in a serious injury, and it could not play a force.

It has now been in the past few years, and the ancient king has also come to the ancient sacred land. It has been in ancient sacred place for so long, but the strength of the priest is not completely recovered, don't say it completely. ...... The power of the sword is very clear, and now the ancient king is still in a state of extreme weakness, the breath, and the six-star ancient gods, which are worse than one.

"This king is not injured, but suffered a strange force erosion, the power of the power, I want to completely solve, not that simple." The ancient king shook his head.

"Strength erosion?" The sword is unparalleled, "" What strength can make your Queon's top of the royal family can't bear, I can't remove it for so many years? "

"This power, I have to give you the battlefield where your hometown is located." The king of ancient times.

"That battlefield?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Since you have come to the ancient sacred land, I want to know the unique place in your hometown. In this way, this king will tell you." The ancient king said.

"This matter, I have to come up from millions of years ago. In fact, in millions of years ago, this king is already the top of the royal god of the top of the seven-star, and the one of the ancient sacred land, which is the Turning Town. The eight-star king ancient gods were unexpected, and the position of the Tao Town controlled the position of the people, and the most struggled to win a total of two people, one is this king, and the other is ancient king. "

"This king and the ancient king are the ancient gods of the top of the seven-star, and there are royal bloods, and there are many supporters and followers. For a long time, this king has fighting aqi, but because of the fight It is difficult to solve the victory, and you can't decide to control the position of the controller. Ben Wang and the ancient king know that if you want to really control the ancient king city, only one way, it is to see my two people who broke through, who first Dacted eight star ancient gods! "

"So, in order to break through, I have to find the opportunity."

"Ancient Qingshen went to find his homewhere, and this king is under a chance, through a special secret space gap, came to the battlefield where your hometown is located."

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled.

"The king of the ancient Tan is from the space gap to the battlefield. It is no monster that the strong people have not found that if the Nagan King will shoot, the Qinglu Palace has always don't know that there is such a superfur. Existence. "The sword is unparalleled secretly.

The environment where the fire industry is located is extremely special, that is, in a spatiotemporal storm, and there is a large lady in the Time and Space Storm.

Once there are foreign strong people, the green palace will be perceived immediately.

However, in fact, there are two foreign people in the hot community, and even the green palace has never been aware.

These two foreign people, one of the princes is the king, and the second is the strong man of the blood, and has been killed by the sword.

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