Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1635 of the secret

The ancient king is the battlefield that is directly coming through the space gap, has not passed the big array of that time and space, and it is not very normal to pass the green fire.

Can you have a bloody door, how is he in the green world?

The sword is quite confused.

"The battlefield where your hometown is located, it is not the same, the king is just a simple search, and found a lot of treasures and the opportunity, this king is even concluded, the battlefield, hidden secrets, also There must be a big machine! "

"This king also saw the hope of breaking through the eight-star ancient gods on the battlefield!"

Speaking of this, even if it is the ancient king, can't help but hold.

Obviously the battlefield where the fire world is located, the secrets and the opportunity of the period, even if he can't calm down.

"Subsequently, this king searched the opportunity in the battlefield, even with means, with a lot of strong people to go to the battlefield search, search for a long time, during the period. A lot of opportunities, and as I stayed in the battlefield, the Trinity felt the terrible battlefield! "

"However, in addition to the opportunity, the battlefield has endless dangerous, this king is still too small to show the battlefield, originally thought that the strength of the top of my seven-star ancient gods, even in the battlefield, I have encountered a dangerous, and also I should be able to cope, I have repeatedly payable, I can pay it out, but I can have a third trip ... I will not only lead to this king, including the king, I have encountered the erosion force of this. "

"This power, eroding my ancient god, eroding my whole body blood, let my strength reach the most original, the state of the lowest valley, and if the force continues to erode, I am full body blood The body of my ancient god will be eroded by the two nets, and it is equivalent to being able to live with this power! "

"That time, this king really thought that he had to fall, it has been completely desperate, but it will take place in the last, your master, and Xuan."

"Master?" The sword was not double.

"Your Master has made a transaction with this king. He refined a medicinal medicine, alleviated the continued erosion of this viral force, and gave a letter to make this king could rely on his own strength. Going to the virump power, and this king is owed by him, then he took the king to your hometown green fire circle. "The ancient king said.

"This is the same as the Master." The sword has no double nodding.

With the god king, he asked his Master Xuanyi.

And Xuan Yi said that it is consistent with the ancient kings.

"As for later things, you will know that this king has been dulling in the green fire world to remove the viral power, but the process is very slow, until you have changed, the mysterious party will let the king shot, this king out, With his trading, it has been completed. I naturally take my people to leave, but even if the king returns to the ancient sacred land, it can be the power of the viral in the body, but it is still not completely cleared. It takes a while. "Ancient King Road.

"It turned out to be like this." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Ancient king, you said that you came to the battlefield of my hometown, where did you come to my hometown? Where is the spatial gap?" The sword is unparalleled.

That is directly to the space gap to his hometown battlefield. Once it is discovered, spread it out, it will immediately attract a large number of strong people into his hometown battlefield.

A lot of treasures on the battlefield have been caught by these strong people, the most important green fire world!

That's his hometown.

"Do not worry, the secret of the spatial gap is not in general, it takes a long time to open, and it takes a while from the next time. In addition, even if the secret is once again opened, there is no one will find that. Space gap, after all, the space gap is incomparable. "The ancient king said.

"That is a little better." The sword was unparalleled, and immediately said: "The ancient king, about that space gap, and the battlefield of my hometown, please don't leak it."

"Yes." The Gong Wang nodded directly. "Although the battlefield contains a big secret, the big movement, but it is a nightmare of this king. The king does not want to step into the place for the second time. Nature is also Will not tell others. "

"Thank you." The sword has no double-sensitive.

"The sword is unparalleled, although the king will not gap the space, and the things in your hometown battlefield are leaked, but the king is still reminding you that the battlefield in your hometown is not general, it is very likely to be from ancient times, It is also a huge battlefield that is circulating during the time of the ancient gods. "

"On the battlefield, I have lost countless top, and these top strong people do not only have human beings, and there are many special ethnic groups, such as in your hometown, there are many special ethnic descendants, and even The descendants of the ancient gods, these should be because of the relationship between the ancient battlefield. "The Guysa said.

The sword is not bilateral slightly.

He also guessed this.

Within the fire industry, there are descents of many special ethnic groups.

Like yourself is the descendants of the ancient god, with an ancient blood, as long as it is sometimes awake.

In addition, there is also the hemorrhoidal blood, swallowing the blood, blood and phoenix blood, etc., many of which are top blood.

The fire community is completely isolated from the ancient chaotic world. If it is normal, how can there be so many descendants left by the special ethnic group?

The answer is only one, inevitably, is related to the top of many special ethnic groups on the ancient battlefield.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can't come to the ancient sacred place, should you rush to school with the ancient gods?" The King of Ancient Tang saw.

"Well." The sword never nodded.

"But you are the mixed blood of the ancient god and humanity, and it is impossible to add the ancient god of the gods by normal ways." The ancient king said.

"It is true, so I have to go to the Xingyu Building and have passed the sixth floor." The sword has no double.

"Sixth floor?" The ancient Wang You is a hit, but there is no accident, "reversal, really."

"The king of the ancient king, you know that I am refurbished?" The sword didn't ask.

"Of course, I saw it in your hometown." The ancient king smiled.

"Then my master, whether I know, I know that I am refurbished?" The sword didn't help but ask.

"Ben Wang also saw it, your master will definitely know." The ancient king smiled. "Your Master is the most mysterious and unnecessary one in this life."

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