"Haha, once standing in the ancient king of the ancient kings, the peak of the peak, has been completely declined? Is the power of sending?"

The buzzing laughter echoed in the world, defeating the six-star Jinjia, the ancient god of the ancient heng, and the body is strong and strong, oppress the audience.


The many people under the ancient king of the ancient king are extremely angry, but they are not helpful.

Guheng, is now in this vein, except for the ancient king, the strongest one, but it is obviously not the opponent of the six-star golden god of the ancient gods in front of him.

It is not as good as people, so even how this six-star golden ancient gods screamed, they don't help.

But at this time, the sword in the crowd was unparalleled.

"This person, give it to me." The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled?" The wing of the wings next to the old, the movie and other people have not reacted, but the sword is unparalleled but has already gone.

The sword is unparalleled directly in front of the six-star golden god.

"I am coming to your opponent." The sword has no double silence.

"You?" This six-star Jinjia ancient gods glanced at the sword, but immediately smiled directly, "Haha, it seems that the ancient king is completely endless, just dispatched well or a six-star ancient God, and now, a five-star ancient god came over, it is really ridiculous, the palace of the ancient king, it is really letting these people in him. "

When I heard this, many ancient gods in the King of the King, were holding hands and angry.

The sword is unparalleled, but he didn't argue it for himself, but his body, the dark golden rays suddenly, and it was also an ancient god of ten feet.

The strong breath self-sword is unparalleled, and it is spread, and there is a pressure from the blood.

That originally smoked, the monk, six-star god, who was unparalleled, and when I saw the sword unparalleled, my eyes fierce.

"Royal Great!"

The many ancient gods of the ancient king, and they also showed a shock.

The blood of the Queen's ancient gods, this is all the whole ancient king, and even the whole ancient sacred land, but there are not a few.

There is no nonsense in the sword, and the blood peak sword has appeared in his hands, and the strong sword is straight to the nine.

Next moment, the sword was unparalleled.

! !

The sword is unparalleled, the big feet of the ancient gods, crazy foot walks on the ground, his body is like a big mountain rush, and the speed is fast.

With the pentium, the breath of his body is more and more strong.

The Supreme 1 Six Star ancient gods, "Hey, how is the ," I only have five stars, since you have to take care of you! "


This golden armor is also fierce the void rush, and the golden sketch in the hand holds the strength of the pounds.

It can be collided with both the two, which is also preparing to wavily waving the hammer.


The sword has no double shadow, but it disappears directly in the face of this six-star ancient god.

"What?" This is the first shot of six-star ancient gods.

Combining, a harsh sound explosion sound came from him, he fierce turned, but it was a bright, dazzling sword light.

"This speed ... how can it be so fast?" This is the six-star ancient ancient gods widened, but it does not respond.


The sword is dissipated, the sword is unparalleled, the sword is slammed on this golden armor, the big body of the six-star god, is quite horizontal, so that this is a six-star ancient gods, and after connecting back Finally, I fell directly on the ground, but I immediately stood up immediately and watched the sword unparalleled.

"I just used the sword blade, your head, has been moving." The sword was indifferent, echoing in the world.

This is a six-star trend of the golden armor, which is clearly angry, but it can only be suppressed, not dare.

He knows that the sword is unparalleled, just the sword sword is not using the sword, but he is afraid of being dead.

"This is really just a five-star ancient god?" This is an incredible.

He is the second stage of the second phase of the ancient gods. The result is a photo, and it is defeated. If the other person is in hand, he has already killed it.

Is this made of five-star ancient god?

The ancient gods of the ancient king around the battlefield, seeing this scene, also have some hair.

"The sword is unparalleled, he, he is ..." Ancient Hengji eyes, a face is incredible.

"A photo face, defeated a second phase of six-star ancient god?" The photo-mother-in-law, Gu Yang also horrified.

They impressed the swords of the swords, it is a genius, but it is far from this terrible.

"It is worthy of the top of the sixth floor of Xingyue Building." The wing of the wing is a handsome grower.

In this void in this battlefield, there are several movies to stand there. These people are from the strong from Luo Yu tribe, including the leader of Luo Yu tribe, Gu Luo.

They have been staying in this void, and everything on the battlefield is in the eyes.

At the beginning, I saw the golden nail of the tribe, and when they were defeated, they just smiled casually, and they didn't feel unexpected.

But now, these strong people, all of them are all shocked.

"How is it possible? The little child, obviously just a five-star ancient god!"

"With the power of five-star ancient god, I immediately defeated a second-stage six-star ancient god, and he was a blood of the royal family. This person ... is not a short ago, the sixth floor of Xingyue Building, name The top genius of the ancient king city? "

"First in history?"

These strong people will soon.

"If it is his words, it can be explained." Luo Yu tribe leader Gu Luo Wei slightly, deeply glanced at the sword in the distance, but the body is always moving, directly in front of the battlefield, Several people behind him are naturally followed.

In an instant kung fu, the gorro has appeared on the battlefield.

"The leader, it is incompetent." The land of the golden armor who was defeated in the sword is unbentered.

"This is not blame you." Gu Luo waved, but his eyes were there, but the sword was not double. "The blood of the royal family, and it is only a five-star ancient god, but the power is strong, if I have not guess wrong If you should be the genius ancient sword in the sixth floor of Xingyue? "

"It is me." The sword is unparalleled. "

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