Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1638 Brothers

"It is indeed the sixth floor of the Sundy Moon, but today's things are not related to you." Gu Luo smiled slightly, then the eyes turned, but the sword was not double after the huge tribe. In the past, I took a deep breath, and the loud voice was sent from the mouth of this ancientulum.

"Luo Yu tribe leader Gu Luo, seek to see the ancient king!"

The sound is shocked, and it has also formed an echo spread, which will not be released for a long time.

But there is no response in the land.

This scene, many of the ancient gods of the King of the King of the King of the King.

"Mix, I am, why, is you thinking about it." The first one of the wings happened.

"Oh, no matter what, I have to see the ancient kings." Gu Luo light is indifferent, and its pace has slowly stepped out, actually walking in the land of the tribe.

At this moment, many ancient gods were in vain, and many ancient gods in the ancient king, they took out their own weapons, and it was necessary to block this Guro.

"Light, can't stop me." Gu Luo ignored everyone in front of him, and the pace was still stopped.

Seeing Gu Luo slowly came, the sword was unparalleled, and the long sword in hands was held, and the faintness was hidden.

Gu Luo pace slightly, but the sword is not doubles, "Ancient swords, your strength is good, but I want to stop me, but I'm gone."

After finishing, this anciento pace continued to cross.

The sword has no double-finish, but the heart has to be admitted that this is the fact.

He now has a lot of six-star ancient gods at the top of the second stage, but if it comes to the six-star ancient god of the third stage, it is destined to have crushing.

And his stars secretly have just shown it for more than a hundred years, and the power of the stars has not recovered. This trick can not be used.

He, can't stop Guro.

It is at this time ...

Gu Luo. "

The thick and long voice suddenly sounded, and the tribe of the Yuan was slowly spread.

The ancient Luo originally moved, and the pace was immediately awkward, and no longer dared to step forward, and his look was immediately humble.

At the scene of the scene, the sight of the scene is looking at the source of the long voice, where, a burly body is slowly stepped away.



Many of the ancient gods of the ancient king, all of them are all worship.

In this film, he is three meters, and he is deep, and the ancient king with a lonely arrogant comes to everyone.

"Gu Luo, see the ancient king." Gu Luo Fu.

The ancient king face is indifferent, and the essays of the lon arrogant look in the past, "You, have you want to see this king?"

"Yes." Gu Luo respect, the heart is also quite hair, while Gu Luo has also seen that the ancient king in front of him is indeed weak.

"The rumor before it looks like it. This ancient king strength is heavy, never recovered, no wonder, no appearance." Gu Luo

Of course, even if the ancient king is in a weak period, he does not dare to have a slightest.

"In order to see this king, he did not hesitate the people under the three five provokes. I even had a tribe of this king. You, the courage is not small." The ancient king voice is cold, can't see mood.

"It's too much for you, and I hope that the ancient king is atone." Gu Luo immediately looked down.

"Hey, reckless? You are also a tribal leader, will not be stupid to this point, or let you come out behind it." The ancient king voice spread.

Gu Luo Yi, the arrogance is helpless.

The ancient king ... was an ancient sacred land, the Queon of the Qixing of the Qixiang.

Although now the strength is heavy, it can have the authority of it, nor is it a six-star ancient god in his district to provoke.

Gu Luo is very clear about this, and he dares to do this, naturally someone is behind support.

Just after the ancient king voice spread out, a magnificent laughter also echoed in this day.

"Haha, the ancients, many years, don't come,"

The laugh comes from every corner of the world, the next moment, but a body shape is slowly condensed between the world.

He, the same three meters high body, wearing purple dragonfly, handsome, eyebrows, eight stars in the body, erecting inert-feeding.

This majesty is convinced.

"Eight Star Ancient God!"

Everyone around, including the sword, unparalleled, when I saw it, I was shocked, and I was now immediately aware of the identity of the people.

Eight Stars Ancient God, only one in the entire Ancient King City, that is the palm of the ancient king, the ancient king!

"Sure enough, the people behind Luo Yu is the ancient king." The sword is unhealthy.

The ancient king carrying his hands and looked at the ancient king that appeared in front of him, and did not feel unexpected.

"Ancient people, so many years, I still see you so miserable look." The ancient king voice is indifferent.

"What are you doing?" The ancient king cavitation.

"If I don't come, you are going to have not exposed it? Oh, if I have not guess, you have always been reluctant to show, do you want me to see your discoury?" The ancient king smiled.

"My business, I don't need you to manage." The ancient king is shorten.

"Hey, you still have the same as before."

The ancient king slowly shook his head. "I have been fighting for the privilege of the ancient king city, this is a fair competition."

"You are the battle between brothers, brothers, no matter what the results, it is all of themselves, but you are here to be miserable, but I still don't want to bow, I still don't work, I have no way, I have no way, I This brother, can only take the initiative to find you. "

"After all, it is my world, the only brother."

I heard this, the ancient king is slightly changed.

And the people around, but they have been shocked.

The ancient king and the ancient king are brothers?

Look like, or a brother?

"This ..." The sword is not blessed.

When he talked with the ancient kings, the Guan Wang did not say this, just say that he was fighting against the patriarchal king of Gu Wangcheng, and the two in order to break through the eight-star ancient god, so out to find The chair, the final attire has been broken through, and the ancient king encounters the erosion of the power of the bunny power, but it has not been completely recovered until now.

The sword is unbound, and these two people don't take a person, it is a brother.

"Ancient, you and my brother, no matter who controls the ancient king city, it is the same, mine, is yours!"

"Your strength, I will want to be able to recover for you."

"come back."

The ancient king of the king took a warmth, and he sounded between the heavens, and he also sounded in the heart of the king.


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