Originally, I just want to pass the complete monarchy, but I didn't want to be in the process of inheritance, and I also increased myself to the time-space road. This can be said to be extra harvest.

"The four major schools in the ancient gods, I have already gotten up, and I have already broken through the true God, this ancient gods, my purpose is completely, and I should leave." Sword is unparalleled smile Stand up and stand up.

Although he also has the blood of human and ancient gods, after all, he lives in human territory from a small life, and is naturally native to human belonging.

This time I came to the ancient gods, but only for those of the school and secret, now the purpose has reached, of course, to leave.

After giving out the palace, the sword is unparalleled and immediately bid farewell to the ancient king, the ancient wings.

I didn't feel unexpected in the sword where there is no double.

Not long after, the sword has no doubles, and then there is a matter of the ancient gods, and then leave the ancient sacred land and went to the human territory.

"Yuan Temple, I have left the ancient sacred place, and I broke through the true God." The sword will notify the Yuan Temple at this time.

"Breakth? Is this so fast?" The Yuan Dynasty was first shocked, and it was a big happiness. "Too good, sword is unparalleled, are you planning to return to the star, or go to Zerrence?"

"Go to Thunder Island." The sword has no double.

He just broke through, the strength was in the outbreak period, this time I went to Thunder Island cultivation, the effect was the best.

"In this case, then be careful about your way." The Yuan Dynasty was a sentence.

"Well." The sword never nodded.

Returning from the ancient sacred land, there is still a constant time in the middle, but it is good to stare at him after coming from ancients, and he is quite safe.

Thunder Island ... The old nest of the Holy League.

After returning to the Thunder Island, the sword was unparalleled immediately went to the Fairy.

"Snake old."

The sword is unparalleled in front of a dark skin old man wearing simple shell.

This black skin old man is the fairy palace controller snake.

"The sword is unparalleled? I haven't seen it for a period of time. Oh, break the true God?" The snake old looked at the sword. He saw that the sword was unparalleled.

"Fortunately, it's a big break." The sword laughed.

"Reversal of the real god, although just a big break, it can be seen how long it takes, my Holy Leverage will have a top power that is enough to match the energy." Snake is smirk, "You are this Want to enter the Fairy? Rotate how many years in the Xiancai and Time and Space Fairy Palace, how many years? "

"I have the two fairy malasses in the city, there are still 40 years of cultivation time, and they will be enlightented." The sword has no double.

In the past, he was every time you went to you once, once a 10 years.

But now his realm has just broken through, and it is naturally as possible in the fairy palace, the longer the better.

The snake is old in the sword, the two Xianyou inheritance, "Go in."

The sword is unparalleled first, and it entered the reincarnation of the fairy palace.

A vast endless starry, the starry sky is full of twenty-seven mystery paintings.

These twenty-seven pictures, the sword is unparalleled before, I have enlighten the tenth.

However, because the previous is just the world, the strength reaches the most, it is impossible to improve, and the sense of feelings of the heavens can not progress, so the sword is unparalleled can only stop the entertainment, but now it is different ...

The true god level is nothing in the power limit.

Like a virtual god, as long as he is talented, there is a large firmer, the feelings of the road can fully reach the level of the fifth and sixth layers of the Taoine.

Of course, the general voidance will not reach that step, because the sense of the road has reached that step, then he should break through the eternal real God.

"let's start."

The sword is unparalleled, even if you start to refresh.

And with the extension, swords are unparalleled. After breakthrough, the ability to achieve the strength of the heavens will be significantly improved, and when he only trembled, he reincarn the fairy Palace, with this twenty-seven pictures Plus the wonderful guiding ability of the Fairy Palace, the speed of the entertainment is very amazing.

Now, he became the true god, and the speed of the enlightenment has increased the fullness of fullness than before.

"It's too fast, the speed of this is too fast."

The sword is unparalleled in the sword, and the heart is surprised in the heart.

Under this amazing, just for two years, he will fully understand the eleventh drawing.

After another for seven years, the twelfth picture is also enlining.

I enlighten the twelfth drawing, which represents the feelings of swords and unparalleled in the turn of the road, but also has the level of the fourth floor of the Taoine Palace.

It is time, but it is still about thirty-one years.

"carry on!"

The sword is unparalleled to suppress his ecstasy and continue to refresh.

However, the feelings of the heavens, the more you are, the more difficult it is naturally, and the first twelve picture is still good. When you go to the thirteenth drawing, the sword is unparalleled, the speed is obviously slow. Down.

Wink, forty years passed, swords and unparalleled only from the round to the fairy palace.

"Forty-year time, the twenty-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-seven-eighth cars in the fairy hall, even the fourteenth also enlightented nearly 90%, it is very good." Sword There is no greater heart.

After all, if you rely on his own ability, you want to reach this step in the feelings of the wheel, I don't know how many years I need.

But the reincarnation of the fairy, but he took the shortcut and was only used in just forty years.

"Next, it is a time and space in the sky."

With a smile, the sword is unparalleled and immediately stepped into the time and space.

In the Time and Space Fairy Palace, he can participate in forty years.

Moreover, he has a strong sense of time and space, and it is stronger than the wheel, and you can go through the fourth floor of the Taoine.

For more than 40 years, the sword is not carefully refreshed. After forty years, the twenty-seven pictures of the Time and Space Fairy, he has completely enlightened the first fourteen, even the fifteenth, and A seven seven eight eight.

"A little bit, I can completely understand the fifteenth drawing."

When the sword is unparalleled from the time and space, there is a hint of it.

He has a feeling. Only when you can stay in the sky, you don't have to be too long. If you have a four or five years, he can fully understand the fifteenth drawing.

Task, the fifteenth drawing, as long as you know, you can pass the fifth floor of the Taoine Palace.

It is a lot of chaos that can not be reached in the Villa's fifth floor.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled, the time-space road has passed the fifth floor of the Taoine, the meaning is more important!

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