Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1645 is a little bit

"My body flows, the most level, the highest level, can simultaneously run thousands of phantom, and this level, the minimum threshold for the time-space road, this minimum is the fifth floor of the Taoizhi! "

"That is to say, as long as I can completely solve the fifteenth drawing of the time and space, I can show the highest realm of the magical motto, and my life is big!" The sword is unparalleled.

The viratory secretary, its creator is a strong chaotic true God.

However, this chaotic real God's feelings of time-space prices are just the level of the fifth floor of the Taoine, but his body is coming out, but in the time of his, it is called true God. First, this can be seen in this lane.

And the sword is unparalleled to meet the feelings of the time-space road, and the last heavy power of the flow of magic and phantoms will be displayed. Then his body law may not be able to call the first, but at least it is enough. There are still many people in the middle.

In this way, not only his strength will be greatly improved, but the key is that the life expective ability, will also increase.

Unfortunately, the forty years in the Time and Space Fairy Palace, he is a fifteen picture roll from the enlightenment, and it is slightly different.

"No matter what, the last heavy power of this flow of illusion, I have to show it. I have to find a way to cultivate this time in the empty fairy."

"As for this way ..."

The sword has no double eyes.

It is a long time, and the sword is unparalleled.

It is impossible to get a fairy inheritance for his star.

In this case, you can only rely on himself.

And with his ability, only one way may get the Xianchaic Games.



Thunder Island, fighting space.

When the sword is unparalleled to the fighting space, the two strong people who have just fought in the fighting space are completed.

"The magic sky is really god, and it is over." A white-haired old man laughed, the sound echoed.

"You are lucky." The magic day was cold, and the slender left.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is directly into the fighting space.

"Well?" The white hair saw the sword was unparalleled, and the look moved, and he smiled.

"I am coming to gamble." The sword is unparalleled to this white hair.

"What do you want to gamble?" Asked the old man asked.

"I also have more than a thousand years in Thunder Island, just cultivate the time in this thousand years, plus one hundred cars as a bet, and I want, is the cultural practice of the Fairy Ten years." The sword said unparalleled.

This time, this white-haired drift old man suddenly surprised.

Thunder Island's thousands of cultural practice, this is nothing, as long as it is the eternal spirit of the Daily, it can take the Thunder Island in Thunder Island for 3,000 years, and it is not too precious.

Can be a hundred Diverse, that value can be unclear.

After all, an ordinary eternal spirit, all of them added, and it is estimated that it is about 10 to 20 channels.

One hundred vs., under normal circumstances, it is already a full family of the top eternal real.

The sword is also because I first killed dozens of true gods in the burning of the magic domain, I got a lot of treasures, plus the whole house of Ten's God, this can make a hundred David.

But this is already his limit.

"Your bet is very attractive, but it is a pity that I have no inheritance in the fairy palace. Naturally there is no way to practice in the fairyna. I can't give you something." This white hair waved old man Watches, turn around.

The sword is unparalleled, but the eyes are surrounded by giving, solarky: "At the scene, whoever takes the fairy 15 years of cultural practice, even though come."

After saying, the sword is unparalleled in this fighting space, and it is obviously going to fight with him at this time.

The bet that he took out is really attractive, and he believes that there will be many people interested.

Sure enough, many of the words of the sword were unparalleled in the fighting space, they were alected.

"One hundred cars, this sword is unparalleled is really rich."

"Of course, people are the baby's bumps of the star."

"Unfortunately, he wants that the Xianchain cultivation time, there are many strong people in Zerrence, but there are not many inheritance of the fairy palace, at least I don't."

Many true gods also secretly regret.

They are very interested in the sword unparalleled bets, and they also have confident defeat the strength of the sword, but Nai He Jian is unparalleled, they don't.

But although they don't, they first notified some powerful people with Xianchaic Palace.

Thunder Island, a delicate loft roof, sculpting a special junction here, and at this moment, there is a handsome man sitting in purple warfare.

This handsome man, it is the true God of the four-like government.

"Well?" The treasure of God suddenly moved, his eyes opened, "The sword is unparalleled, in the gambling battle?"

"The bet is a thousand years of cultural practice, plus one hundred videos, and he as long as the cultural practice of the Fairy Palace?"

"When a hand is a hundred Diverse, this sword is really unparalleled."

God is so confused, and he got up and got up and went to the martial space.

When the funeral site where the fighting space is located, the treasure of life, and immediately saw the many real gods present.

There are a lot of quantities, close to 100, and there are many days of life, and even familiar, even more than some of the genius of the fairy palace.

"This sword is unparalleled, attracting people so much?" Temple is really eyebrows, but soon will be released.

He knows that the sword is unparalleled, this is not only for one person's gamble, he is standing directly in the fighting space, sending something, as long as there is a person who takes a 10-year cultural practice, you can follow him. Hand, this is challenged a lot of real gods on Thunder Island.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled, this is very unique, so when the news spreads, the strong people who come to attract natural will naturally.

"Dust Moon." Heavenly God opened.

"Treatment, you are also coming." A void is turned over.

"How, now someone goes with this sword unparalleled hand?" Heavenly asked God

"There is no longer." The dust is really ahead, "This sword is unparalleled is the practice of Xianchaicong, and there is not a few inheritance in the field. I have a fairy Palace inheritance, but I heard that The sword is unparalleled, and you have been defeated by you ... "

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