Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 165 Swordsman

In the Tianyun Mountain range, it has been completely fixed.

A serene.

It can be disagree, a sword of the world is like a dragon who is silent for hundreds of millions of years, and suddenly rises at this moment.

Time sky is discolored, and the earth is shaking.

In the entire Tianyun Mountain range, no matter how Naddan or the golden Danqiang who got it, he was alarmed at this moment.

"This sword is ..."

"The terrible swords, single is this sword, so that I have a fear of my heart, too strong!"

"Now there is one person who is still alive in the Tianyun Mountains, only one person, such as the sword, is a sword!"

While these Jin Dan strong, while fear, they also finally understood the meaning of swords unparalleled.

A sword in hand, there is no double!

The top of the sword is indeed unparalleled!

"Haha, start."

The topsome tops above the void gathered together, and they also became turning at this moment.

"The sword is unparalleled with blood clouds, this battle is very expected!"

"If so before, this sword is unparalleled with blood clouds, there is absolutely no chance, but now it is different."

"Three swords are combined, he is absolutely qualified to follow the blood cloud, and even a victory."

These tops are talking.

When I didn't start before the test, the sword was collided with the blood cloud. However, it was just a good greeting, and the blood cloud did not do their best. At that time, the sword was unparalleled with the blood cloud. No one is optimistic. The sword is unparalleled.

After all, the blood cloud is too strong.

On the first day after the start of the first day, the sword was unparalleled, and the three swords were combined. It was a sword to kill the Ouyang Tian Tian, ​​who had a half-step, so that everyone realized that the sword was unparalleled. The strength is already a battle with the blood cloud.

And now is the last day of the choice.

This day, I only belongs to the sword. There is no double and blood cloud.

A battle in the Tianzong Dynasty can be called a rare battle for decades, and will be staged.

Just after the swords of the world, I went to the top of the sky, and I rumbling ~~~ The same is a very terrible breath.

This breath, cold, dark!

It seems to be able to swallow everything in the world.

The moment of breathing, the whole world seems to be completely dark, and the owner of this breath has become the dominance of the dark world.

A sword of the world.

A breath is swallowing all the breath.

The distance is rising, holding, holding ...

The whole world is silent. All Jin Danqiang in the Tianyun Mountain range is on this moment, and the frightening is staring at this sword and the darkness, no one dares to speak half.

No one dares to move slit, for fear that they move, and let the horse will become this goal of the sky and the darkness of the darkness.

And when the sword is, it gradually increases to the extreme.


The low footsteps sounded, and the sound was very small, but in this silent Tianyun Mountain range, it is like a huge drumstick, and it sounds in everyone's heart, so that the Jin Danqiang in Tianyun Mountain has a bit. dry.

"The battle of the peak!" Yang Tuanli stared at a Jufeng, whispered, staring at all, although everything is everything, can see this shackles to see the darkness with the darkness, and do not dare to get involved in it.

"This is the strongest battle of my Tianzong Dynasty." Baili Chen also squatted: "Unfortunately, with the blood clouds, it is not me."

At the moment of the sword unparalleled, he said, he knows that the strength of the sword has been completely over.

"Old 3." Su Guang is still standing high, the brow is slightly clustered, and there is a hint of expectations, but more is worrying.

In addition to the Tianyun Mountains, close to the edge of Tianyun Mountain, a large number of wears are gather here.

These days, these martial arts are standing here in the Tianyun Mountains, although the things you can see, but these wearshers are still excited, and enthusiasm is not reduced.

And when this is a sword and the darkness, the crowd suddenly boils in the world.

"It's sword where there is no double, and there is a blood cloud!"

"Haha, last day, last day, these two monsters, I have to meet."

"The peak battle, this is the two genius of the most peak of the Tianzong Dynasty. This war must load the millennium of the life and death."

"I have been waiting for so many days, just for this battle!"

Countless martial artists shouted and shocked.

This is a shocking battle.

Even if you haven't truly start, just the swords of the sky, there is a dark breath that swallowing everything, it is enough to make them ingredient, so that they boil.

"This battle, I don't know who can laugh at the end." The face is still a pale Ling Feng, also stands on the edge.

He is also one of the golden Danqiang who participated in this selection, but he only took a day in the Tianyun Mountains, and he did not hesitate to leave Tianyun Mountains, and he knows the terrible level of this selection.

And now, the two most powerful battles will be a battle.

"Brother." Being next to Ling Feng, Jian Mengr's silver teeth, the bottom is not a taste.

Task, one of the great things attracted at this moment is what she is looking at it.

Even if she is considered to be waste, I can't have anything possible for a lifetime.

Can you now?

This person has already reached a point that makes it to look like.

Don't say her, even the brothers who have always worshiped, Ling Feng, which is far from being compared to that person.

"If, if I can stay there ..." Jian Meng thought of this, but did not think about it again.

She knows, when young, the sword is unparalleled to her.

If she is not at their own time, or if there is a short stay, maybe they will be together.

But now, everything has been empty.



The footsteps are still ringing, under the eyes of everyone, two people slowly walk from two different directions.

Two people, one of which is already turned into a sword, torn earth, straight to the nine.

And another figure, but it seems to be an epic behemoth that swallowed all things, all things in the world have lost color in front of him.

These two people have already become the focus of the heavens and the earth.

When these two appear on the vast plains of Tianyun Mountains, they are separated by a kilometer.

At this moment, the two were almost simultaneously looked up, just like a substantive gaze collided in the void.


The sword is unparalleled.


Blood clouds also disappeared at the same time.

"Where are they?"

All the warfare who watched this world-war is still in confused, but it can be abrupt in the center of the plain ...

A terrible sword light of a tear of the sky and the bloody blade that swallowed the sky, has collided on the front.

Time, Tianshal!


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