Those who are still in confused, only heard a deafening dramatic roar, and there is an insurance to shock their eardrum, everyone will look at the source of the voice.

I saw there, a long sword is with the bloody blade fiercely confrontation, and the space of the confrontation is in the crazy battle, and the surrounding void has formed a non-star ripple, and the corrugation is in order to simmer. Come.

Rumble ~~~ sweep everything, the surrounding dust is all set off.

Even a large number of wears outside the Tianyun Mountain range, at this moment, I feel that a terrible breeze is directly swept, and some strength is weak, I have been blown up in the east of this wind.

You can know that the edge of the Tianyun Mountains they are, there is a thousand meters away from the sword, and there is a thousand meters away, and the energy fluctuated by his two controversies, even the distance from thousands of meters. They blow it in the West?

I can imagine if they just have a hundred meters or closer, will it be a scene?

And in the confrontation, the sword has no double eyes, and the swords on the body are actually skyrocketing again, and the swordsman also broke out.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

One of the swords and shadows, the wind, every sword, all included the fire, the wind, dripping three swords, in this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and there is more than ten swords.

Every sword is light, it is enough to kill the dragon list.


Blood clouds also obviously feel that the strength of the sword is more than too much than before, and at this moment, the succession of this succession is, even if he has to resist caution.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

The sound of the impact sound, the body shape of the blood cloud also quits a few meters in this hit, and this sword was unbounded in the eyes, and the three killing swords were strong, and the sword was directly across. Split.

The blood cloud brow is slightly wrinkled, and the body is shaking next to it, and this sword is avoided.

But this sword sword is light, there is no blood cloud, but it is a huge peak, which is a big peak outside the front.


The terrible sword is directly brushing from this hills of Jumin. , Tight, this is the top of the peak, and it will fall directly.


This is enough to fall on the ground, and the earth is one of them.

The people around the battle saw this scene, and the head is a piece of hair.

What did they see?

A , is it turned directly from a sword?

A sword, cross cuts?

Blood clouds also saw this scene, and the eyes were shorten.

"Is your progress in just a few days?" Blood clouds still laughed.

"If there is not enough relief, will I be stupid directly with you?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, it seems to have great confidence, then, then try this knife" The blood cloud mouth is slightly tight, but the figure is suddenly turned into a fog.

"Dark, indulge!"

Blood clouds, drink, the blood color blade in the hand is angry.

Suddenly the whole world is dark.

The sword is unparalleled on the sword, and the three swords will explode, and the three kill swords.


Blood color blade is directly smashed on the three killing swords, rumble ~~~ The earth is crazy, and it is directly collapsed.

The surrounding dust is crazy, just this moment, from the surrounding of the land of the two, there was a rounded drag in diameter more than 100 meters. This huge pit has three meters deep.

The sword is unparalleled with blood clouds at this moment, this is the most central.

Seeing this huge pit appeared, everyone who watched the battle couldn't help but absorb the air.

Just just a sword directly crossing the giant peak.

Now a knife, actually makes a circular taste of a diameter of 100 meters deep three meters?

What strength is this?

"He, they, really just congenital Jin Dan?"

Many military doors are muttered.

This terrible power, the terrible movement, the scene, is really only caused by two congenital Jin Dan?

"Monster, these two people are really monsters!"

Even if it is the top of the top of the yin and yang, the top of the yin and yang, seeing this battle, can't help but feel it.

It is insiscible that there is only a number of inummanements in the yang, which is only a quadrant, which is only a lot of email.

And the next world war, in their opinion, it has already exceeded the congenital Jindan, don't say Jin Dan, even if it is the true yin deficiency, even if it is two yin deficient, it is impossible. It causes so amazing movement.

In other words, although the sword is unparalleled with blood clouds, although it is just congenital golden Dan, it can be realistic, but it has surpassed most of the intensity of most yin.

Most people are stronger than gathering in this group of peaks here!

On the battlefield, the fierce battle is still going.

Source continued to break out, three killer swords also broke out of the sky, colliding with the bloody blade crazy, but the sword was not double-sided, but it could not help but sink.

"The artistic conception of him ..."

The sword is unparalleled, this is very unique, very unique.

The special artistic conception can be swallowed, it is not a crust in the wind, earth, fire, and dripping.

If you want to describe, this kind of art will be dark as a dark!

"Yes, it is dark, inforiative darkness." The sword has no double eyeliner.

In the sword, there are all swords in the swords, and the swords are unparalleled in the swords, and those swords are not only normal, the land, the fire, and the four swords. There is still a lot of strange artistic conception.

Those mandes are not only unique, but also powerful.

At that time, the sword was unparalleled, and the artistic conception between this world is about to be in the wind, the earth, the fire, and drip these four.

There is more unique artistic conception.

Now, this blood cloud feels that is one of the unique artistications and dark artistic conception.

Devouring everything, is boundless, powerful.

And this blood cloud not only realizes the darkness, but also realizes the mood of the wind, these two artists are combined with each other.

"The mood is combined with the darkness, the two kinds of artistic conception are extremely high, and the strangeness will be so strong." The sword was unparalleled.

Until now, he finally understood why this blood cloud would be so terrible.

Fortunately, he made a breakthrough in this selection battle combined with three swords, otherwise he was lighted with him, I am afraid that there is only a hope that I will win the secret to fight, in order to win the hope.


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