Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1649 Holy Mountain

Mountain river social map, as chaotic god treasure, is too high for power.

The general real god is not able to drive this treasure at all, and the sword is unparalleled because of the relationship of the reversal. He has the ultimate power of the chaotic, will not be weak than the spirit of the chaotic God.

Therefore, it can barely drive this treasure.

The most terrible in the mountains and rivers, the nine continents contained in the period, and the nine continents have formed an earth-shattering Jiuzhou Print.

Kyushu Yin has a total of nine-style, swords have not been mastered in the first style, but it is only lacking the power.

Now, with the corresponding power, the sword is unparalleled to show it.

"Try it ..." The sword is unparalleled even if it starts to try.

I saw him waving, and the mountain river map immediately integrated into the surrounding void.

~~~ The rays of the singularity, the original darkness is immediately starting to change.

On the empty, a huge and wonderful picture world slowly appeared, this painting the world, all over the whole sky, like flowing water slowly.

This world, there is water, beautiful scenery.

The most attention is naturally a nine continent throughout the nine different corners.

"The mountain river is the palm, Kyushu is printed !!!"

The sword is unblocked. Zhongxiao ham, a word, every word contains special magic.

At the same time, the power on his body is also crazy, fully integrating into the world of paintings.

Time, there is one of the mainland of the nine continents, but it seems to be completely alive, and it is slowly revealed from the world.

Booming ~~~

This continent is completely coming.

The horrible pressure, crazy oppression.

The void of this independent space is also a complete burst of paper paste.

Soon, the power dissipated, this independent space gradually sailed, leaving only the wonderful painting world is still slowly flowing on the sky.

The sword is sitting in the void, but the mouth is slight.

"It's a chaotic god, my current power can be reluctant, but it is still only possible to play the four-component power of this Jiuzhou Indian, and my own power is actually consumed more than 50%." Sword is unparalleled Squat.

He just stepped into the ultimate God, the ultimate Shenli water droplets in the body, just condensed a drop, the power is not abundant, forcibly driveing ​​chaotic god treasure, and the power consumption is too big.

However, consumption is amazing, but the power does not have to let the sword have no double disappointment.

"If I don't feel wrong, I have to drive the mountains and river maps, and the power should be enough to easily kill the general chaos. Even if the top power in the chaotic real god is also estimated. Responsible, if it is the words of the stars ... Even if it is the strong list of true gods, it is estimated that there are not a few to resist, and even if they are blocked, they will definitely go. "

"That is, I have two strongest smelevists, one is the secret surgery of the stars, and the two are the mountains and rivers, and if they encounter strong enemies that can't live completely, these two big cards are simultaneous Show. "

"If you wait for me to further, reach the second phase of the ultimate real God, after my power is comparable to the general energy, I should completely play the first power of Jiuzhou India, and even the Kyushu India Biography and even the third style, the power of this chaotic Shenbao can truly show it. "

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the light is light.


Thunder Island, Taoine.

As a standard for the power of the heavens, the Taoist Palace has been quite lively. Thunder island has a strong to come to the palace.

At this moment, the sword has also come to the Taoist Taoine.

"An universal person." The sword was unparalleled in front of a black robe middle-aged micro.

"You are the reverse sword of the stars." "How do you intend to come to the palace?"

"Try it." The sword laughed.

"Want to have the second layer?" "" Huada mid-year is asked.

"Start with the fourth floor, if possible, want to put the fifth floor." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh? Then I will wait and see." The middle-aged brow, "Go in directly."

The sword is unparalleled as a trip to the road.

Taoine, although there is only one, but you can let many people go.

The sword is unparalleled directly to the fourth layer of the Taoine Palace.

The fourth floor is that in a great volcanic group, in the upper side of the volcanic group, a red war army stands there.

This red war army shadow profile is unparalphed. "I see you feel that the turn and time-space, so you can choose whether it is a wheel, or a time-space, or two channels "

"Time and Space." The sword was unparalleled.

He has two heavens, but only on the time of time, you can pass the fifth floor of the Taoine.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled with this red battle.

Just just the fourth floor of the Taoizhi, the sword is unparalleled, no need for a lot of force, and it is easy to pass.

Then he came to the fifth floor of the Taoine.


Outside the Taoine, the middle-aged place is sitting there.

He is the palm of this palace, everything happened in the Taoine, he is clear.

"Well, the sword is unparalleled, it really has passed the fifth floor?" The middle age of the black robes exposed a shocked.

And after a long time, the sword has gone from the Taoist Palace.

"Little son, not bad, just have to enter the real God, there is not long after the god, and you can get the fifth floor of the Taoizhi. This can be resistant. In the Shengfa, I am afraid that there is no second void, I can be better than you." Smiling in the year, "According to the rules on the Tunder, you have passed the fifth floor, then you have the permanent residence permissions of this Thunder, I will tell the holy mountain's palm, now you can go Holy Mountain chooses a place to build your own palace or the cave. "

When I heard this, the sword was not bright.

Thunder Island's permanent residence permissions, this is a lot of eternal people, including some chaotic real gods are extremely envious, and now he just joins the real God, there is no longer.

The sword is unparalleled to the holy mountain.

Holy Mountain, in the north of Thunder Island, huge.

The sword is unparalleled to the holy mountain, watching this huge mountain range in front of the mountain, and also seeing a variety of palace loups on the mountain range, and the cave and the courtesy, the number of dense numbers is very much.

And these buildings are also very uniform, mostly in the mountain foot and mountainside, but not much in the palace on the top of the mountain.

"The top of the hill of the hills should be a large energy, the mountainside is the place where the gods live." The sword was unparalleled, so he found a place.

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