Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1650 Permanent Residence

"Just here."

The sword is unparalleled to watch the mountainside, and immediately make a big hand, and immediately have a pound of the power.

These power gradually condensed into a black castle on that empty ground.

To achieve the strength of the sword, there is a unparalleled power, and the palace is condensed with the palace.

However, when the sword is unparalled, there is also the attention of some palace owners nearby.

"Look, the old man has a new neighbor, I don't know who this new neighbor will be?" A purple robes floated, soon came to the void of the sword unparalleled.

At the same time, he also saw the sword is unparalleled.

"Virtue is true?" The older of the purple robe immediately revealed the color.

The sword is unparalleled, although the strength is sufficient to compare the chaotic true God, but the end is only the true God of the first stage, and the breath that is released is only the hierarchy of the true God. This purple robe is of course wearing it.

"The star is unparalleled, I have seen the five elements of true God." The sword is unparalleled.

"Sword is unparalleled? Stars That reverse repair?" The purple robe is the true God of the five elements, "You, you can't condense the palace on the holy mountain, it is hard to do it." "

"Good luck." The sword was unparalleled.

"Is it true?" The five elements really felt an incredible.

He knows that the sword has only been led by the third reversal, and in the Burning Tiando domain and the four-like government strong, this makes him increase his name, and the identity of the reversal is also out.

The battle of burning the Tiando domain, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, but also in the ordinary eternal life, the feelings of the heavens are also good.

However, how many years have you been in the day?

He not only broke through the true god, but also broke the fifth floor of the Taoizhi, how is this progressive speed?

"The five elements are true God, have you to sit in my castle?" The sword didn't double.

"No." The five elements of the real god shook their heads, soon got away.

And after a long time, the five elements of the past, unparalleled the sword, unparalleled, and broke out the news of the fifth floor of the Taoizhi.

For a time, the entire Tunder is is shocked.

To know, the first person who has been called the true god before, he stayed in the true god of voids for so many years, and now it is just a fourth floor of the Taoine.

Can the sword are unparalleled?

He didn't have a big god that he had just broken. He said in the level of the true God, there is a great improvement space, let alone the eternal spirit of the future, the chaotic real god level.

"It's too fast! This sword is unparalleled in progress is too fast!"

"I didn't have to break through the real God, I have passed the fifth floor of the Taoizhi, it is really terrible, is it a reversal?"

"No, although the reversal is terrible, but there is no great advantage in the sense of heaven, the sword is unparalleled to break through the gods, and the fifth floor of the Taoist Taoist is completely relying on his own understanding, his talent. "

"That is to say, this sword is unparalleled, even if it is not reversible, it is also a super genius of the ancient chaotic world monster level, first plus reversible identity ... His potential, far more than the original There are many. "

"Yes, there is no sadness, although it is also reversed, but he is far from the sense of heaven."

The strong people of the Shengling, the Thunder Island, all parties are discussing, sighed.

Of course, in the case of the Chinese Union, there is such an incredible genius. This is a good thing, but it is completely different for some strong people who have the heart or forces.

Ten major cultivation holy land, glazed holy land, four elephants.

Within the palace, the four-year-old house owner gathered together with the many high-rise strong people of the four elephants.

"Fifth floor?"

The Sihuangfu, the owner is the domineering man wearing a purple robes, and it has been in the eyes, overlooking, "The sword is unparalleled, how long is he practiced on Zernse Island? Not two thousand years?"

"He has burst into my four elephants, and I have passed less than five thousand years. I have passed the fifth floor of the Taoine, and I have already broken the gods. If you give him some time, is he becoming a big energy? "

Many four-song high-rise strong colors in the palace are extremely ugly.

The progress of the sword is unparalleled, it is really fearful.

"The House Lord." The refurbishment is suddenly opened. "Let's have no swords, is it going to change the attitude?"

"Red Fire, what do you want to say?" The four elephant the house was in the eyes of the barefoot.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the understanding is so high. Now just just a big breakthrough, I have passed the fifth floor of the Taoizhi, and the terrible level of reversal, he as long as he reaches the eternal realistism, it should be famous Legend, if it reaches the chaotic true God, it is definitely the power of the energy, even more than the original nausea, such a peerless genius, I am not necessary to have a lot of stiffness with him. Reficing of the fire.

"Achille, what you mean, I didn't deal him in the four elephants in the future? He killed my four-like government in the brank domain, which was asked?" When there is a long old Reverse.

And the refurbishment is a smile. "My four-like government and swords are unparalleled, in fact, it is caused by the battle of the gawth. It is good, the battle, my four elephants are indeed a big loss, falling Many of the real gods, but those who really only have some ordinary void, such a void, I have a lot of four, I can't die, I really call it, it is a loss, it is my four pictures. Face! "

"I have always wanted to kill him, but it is just to save some faces."

"If the advancement of the sword is not so fast, if there is a chance, we can try to shoot him in the dead, but now ... he has broken through the true God, and it is also a member of the Shengshi, which is incredible. Once the person grows up, the person has grown up, the lowest is also the war of the peak peak, a little a bit a bit, it is estimated that it is a star palace master, and if he is lucky, there is even hope to reach the emperor! "

"In order to save some faces, I will go to death with such a top, and the risks are too big."

When I heard the refurbishment of God, everyone in the scene was also silent.

They repeatedly think that they also think that the refurbishment is reasonable.

After all, the sword is unparalleled, sinned, but the four elephants, but there is no more guilty.

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