Eight big nests, all of them are dangerous.

In the case of the current sword, I can only come to this the eighth nest.

"go in."

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled and didn't escape, and I immediately across the huge space in front of the huge space.

In the face of a heavy space, the sword has been moving forward in front of the front, but he still used the time for half a month. He came to the other end of the space black hole.

This is a dark world.

There is no sun, no shine, dark land, dark mountains, and even rivers in this world, are black.

The blanket is also filled with black mist, which has a pungent smell and disgusting.

"This black mist, it is said to be toxic, the general void is in this world for a few years, it is estimated that it will be born to be poisoned, and the eternal life can be more than a period of time, but the top more I can only stay in the millennium, only chaotic real God can always survive in this world. "The sword is unparalleled.

Of course, his ultimate population is also a chaotic realist, so he can also survive here.

The sword is unparalleled, slowly moved to the front.

His soul is completely released, and everything around it is in the fund.

"Sure enough, the eighth nest is said, it is a magic wave, and the ordinary flowers and trees do not exist at all, and some are just black and black mountains." The sword is unmainted.

He flipped over 100,000 miles all the way, and it was too dark.

And at this time ...

"Well?" The sword was suddenly moving, followed by the shape of the body.

On the black earth, the sword is unparalleled immediately, and a strange force will extend from his own soil.

"Even the ground contains erosion?" The sword is unbrick, and the eyes are watching a magic in front.

This magic, has the body of human size, and there is also a hands-on hands and skull, but it is different from humans. Their skin is dark, and there is still a touch of black scales, but in their heads, no Nose, some is just a eye and a bloody mouth, and there is a scarlet scorpion.

"This is the star magicity in the eight major nests?" The sword was unbeded.

The star magic is the product of eight nest.

It can also be said that the eight major nests is the eight old nests of the star magicity.

In this eight major nest, there is only one kind of spirit, in addition to the human beepers that come to the swing, there is only one kind of life, which is this star magic.

This is a special ethnic group integrating terrorism and destruction.

It is not human, not a different beast, it belongs to the magic!

Many human beings who come to eight major nests, the most important purpose, is to kill these magic lives!

"This star's head has no existence, it should be the star magic of the adult." The sword is unparalleled.

Before he started, he asked the Yuan Temple mainly came to some information about the star demon.

He knows that the stars grow amazing, and adult star strength is powerful, and whether adults can see from their body structure.

As long as it is an adult star, they have a horned angle, and the number of horns is different, and the strength of these star demon is different.

When the sword is unparalleled in this black earth, the star of the star has also seen the existence of swords, which only appears in the eyes.

"Practice ... eat, eat!"

Simple, there is a few words from its mouth, followed by seeing a black stream instant crafting.

The speed of the speed is much faster than the true gods.

Of course, this speed is nothing more in front of the sword.


The sword has no doubles and cold, nor has it, but only just looks at this star.

"Eat, eat!"

This star is still murdered in this star, but the eyes are slow and closed, and the body shape is directly falling on the ground, and there is no voice.

Star demon, it is also a spirit, although the wisdom is not high, but also has their own consciousness, since it consciously, the sword is unparalleled soul attack can be used.

"Star demon who is still not adult, the strength is indeed weak." The sword was unparalleled.

He saw that this star magic in front of him, although the speed of the moment is faster than the general void, but the strength of the strength is equivalent to the top world.

Only when the star of the Star, the head is sufficient to compete with the true God of human void.

The sword is unparalleled, and the body of this star magic is coming. I glanced at this body. The sword was unhappy. This star magic immediately turned into blood fog, and this blood fog is also presented. Significant black, seeing people creepy.

"Without the magic spirit?" The sword was unbrick.

Star demon is a magic, in the world of chaotic world, is the biggest alternative.

As a magic, there is a very unique substance in the body, which is the magic spirit.

The magic spirit is a very strange force. There is also a great role in human cultivators. The stronger the strength of the stars, the more pure, especially those adults, long angle The star magic, the magical spirit in the body has formed a magic nucleus, the magic nuclear value is extraordinary, in the vast chaotic world, a lowest magic nucleus, is also equivalent to two to three vango.

Now the star magic of the sword is unless to kill, it is obviously the star magic who just gave birth to a long time, and there was no demon in the body.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled.

Subsequently, he once again, and pilled his front.

The eighth nest, great, even if it is compared with the part of human being, the area is not far from the area.

Among such a huge nest, it is a non-old star.

These stars are everywhere, there is a separate, there are many star demones to stay together, and these star demones have a characteristic, just like to eat, even between the star demon and the stars, it is often swallowing each other. After a star magic swallowed another star magic, you can get the other party's magic nucleus or the magic spirit, so that your strength is improved.

Of course, they are eating, but they are human cultivars!

So in the eighth nest **, these star demones only have to see human cultivators, they will immediately have a strong, regardless of this human strength, even if they see this human cultivator, all of them all around all the same type It will not retreat.


PS: Today, four, no accident, and start to make up.

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