The dark and ridiculous land can not see whit shines.

The sword has been flusted in front of the road. He is now just in the outer nest of this eighth, and the stars here are relatively small. The level is not high. It is only suitable for eternal life, and the chaos is true God, generally It is directly to the inner layer of the eighth nest.

And some stood in the top chaotic God, most of the core area of ​​the eighth nest.

"I just went to the eighth nest, just to deal with the star demon, now go to the most core, but too barely, but go to the inner, but it is more than enough." The sword has no idea. On the war, he can be strong than the general chaos.

All the way, the speed is also very fast, there will be some star demon in the middle of the sword, but most of the stars are in the kind of adult, and there is no more interest in this star magic sword. Therefore, there is no shot. , Just hurry to travel.

After half a month, he truly came to the inner layer of the eighth nest.

"The inner layer, the strength of the stars is strong, and the division should be intensive, unlike the periphery is often just or two stars." The sword is unimaced.

Suddenly ... Boom!

From the dark void, faintly bonged.

This roar is constantly connected, it is obviously from the fierce battle.

"In addition to the star demon in this eighth chamber, it is our human cultivator, and this fierce battle should also be the human cultivator is generated by Human practitioners." Sword is unparalleled, "go see "

The sword is unparalleled, and the source of the sound is passed.

Soon, he appeared in the void near the battlefield.

Standing on the void, the sword is unparalleled to look at the dark air in front of the front, although the void is dark, but the sword is unparalleled, but everything that happens to the air is clear.

"Eat! Eat!"

"Practice, food ..."

Passive Ma Ma, there is nearly a hundred star magic to gather together.

Most of these star demones are never adulthood, but there are some of them, they have grown on the head. Although they are low, the strength is very amazing, especially those who have grown angle, one speed Amazing, it is completely enough to compatibility with the general eternal spirit, and in the war, it is also enough to get the top void.

And with these star demon, it is a middle-aged man wearing a black armor, a war, holding a black giant ax.

This middle-aged man is angry, and the power is in the sky. Under this foot, near the Baby Star Devil, it still looks more, his shape is simple, like a black arc, so that those elders The star magic can only be followed behind him, and his giant ax goes freely.

Every ax, you can easily kill the never adult star.


This is entirely a slaughter.

Although the number of these stars, the individual strength is not strong, and they face a chaotic true God, it is indeed a slaughter.

It can be seen that the sword is unparalleled, this black armor middle-aged is intended to first slaughter the star devil who has never adultently, and then deal with the star of the rack.

"Those who have never had adults, also on the top of the world, a true god wants to slaughter, it is too easy, it is estimated that these star magic will be killed by him." Sword is unparalleled It is murmured, but there is no mercy.

Star demon is a special ethnic group that exists in order to kill and destroy.

They exist, this is a disaster.

Once upon a time, the vast chaotic world fell into a big difficulty because of this star Mo.

It is already a long time, the star magic in this eight nest, has been in full rise, and it has been growing, and when they reach a certain degree, the space of this eight nest is too small, so it will appear A large number of star demon came out from the eight major nests, began to swallow, destroy the many people in the world, cultivators, followed by continuing to reproduce, and the quantity is more amazing.

At that time, there were countless strong people in the world.

In order to resist these star demon, the top ten holy places set up the St. Union!

That is to say, the reason why the Holy League is born is because of the threat of this star magic.

Later, there was an unprecedented battle between the Holy League and the Star Magic, and a lot of strong people were falling, but the final result was the victory of the Shengshi, and the star magicity was rushing back to this eight big nest.

However, the star magic is born by these eight big nests, as long as the eight major nests are still, the star magicity will continue to reproduce, but the eight big nests, any one is a giant herma level, finally The great level of the Holy League personally shot, and it can't be destroyed. Naturally, it will not be able to completely cover the star magicity. The top can only use some powerful array prohibitions, and the eight big nests are completely blocked.

Moreover, the Shengfa also encourages many strong people to go to eight big nests, and they will kill these star demon.

After all, there is only the continuous killing of these rim stars, including these never adult stars, this star magic will not make a threat to human beings.

The sword has already known this, so it does not have any disgusting in front of the black arm armor in the middle of the black armor.

These stars who have been destroyed, they have to kill before they have not yet growed.

A chaotic real god strong slaughter, the speed is amazing, just a moment, this is a big star magic, including the adult star magic of the horns, is killed by the black armor Lost.

This black armor has also received many magical spirits from these star demon, including several magic nuclei.

After receiving these magic spirits, the Mo's Monk, this black armor has been seen in the direction in which the sword is unparalleled.

"You, I have seen it for so long, and should I see it?" Black armor middle-aged opening, voice spread.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no hesitation, and the body is also going forward.

"The remains of the sun." The sword didn't shout, and his face was kind.

The sword is unparalleled for so many years, but also deliberately searches some information, and the information on the Shengsion, including the vast chaos world, has a certain understanding.

Like the black armor in front of you, he can recognize it, it is a single chaotic true god in the Shengzhi, the remains of the sun.

"Virtue is true?" The remains of the sun, "You are a sword, no pairs?"

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