Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1666 is smashed (eight more!)

Calculate this purple moon from behind, five in the foot, and simultaneously attacking the sword, and the speed is incredible.

"It is quite strange." The sword has no double body shape, and there is thousands of ill vantry.

And his own true god is fast shuttle in the void, easy to get out of the fifth of these five purple monsters.

" " " " "

The five bright purple knives were in vain, and the five huge cracks were separated, followed by dissipating.

It can be next, but there are five purple monsters to condense in the purple moon, and the purple electric light in the Ziyu is also overlapping.

call out!

The purple real God has also turned into a purple knife, and even the five purple moon in the surroundings, the instant appeared in front of the sword unparalleled real body.

"I actually judged my real body. It is worthy of the top chaos." The sword is unparalleled, and the sword in his hand sword sword.



The sword is unparalleled, but it has collided with the true God of purple.

Just see a knife, swords crazy and horizontally collided.

Ziyu's true God's knife, swords and unparalleled swordsmanship have been perfect, and the speed also has achieved the ultimate.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

Determine, countless hits the collision sound sound, in this short-term kung fu, the two at least collided with a hundred times.

It can be obvious that in the confrontation, the sword is unparalleled is in absolute lower air.


A low giant, the sword is unparalleled, the shackles are rolling, and there is a far-reaching, and they will stop the body.

After standing stabilizes, the sword has a hint of blood overflowing.

As for the true God, the state is still intact, and the body is more harmonious.

"Hey, dare to kill me with me, it is really stupid." Ziyi really looked at the sword unparalleled, sound shock.

It is the most good at it, and the most good is to kill.

His close-up ability is strong, and then with his knife method, it is a terrible.

Better than the near-body, as long as he does not encounter the strong list, he is more fearless.

When I heard the true God, the sword didn't smash, but the bottom didn't be angry, but the opposite is a bronze and excitement.

"Zi Yu is really god, you didn't let me down." The sword was unparalleled and laughed and looked at purple. At the same time, the power of his vast ancient gods was instantaneous.

~~~ Shenli, the shape of the sword has suddenly skyrocket, and it is already in an instant to a high dark golden god.

He, in the past, the dark golden Li Mang, the eyebrow, the six-star vertical, Shenqih.

"Since the self-breakthrough of true God, this is the first time I have been going all out." The sword is unparalleled with hands, feel the magnificent roads contained in the hand, "Ziyu really, you just said, your close killing ability Is it very strong? "

"Well?" The purple is really a brow, and his heart is faintly ambiguous.

"Oh, the ability to smother?" The sword was laughing, but its huge gods were immediately started to have changed.

~~~ I saw a huge head that was condensed by Shen Li, and there was a rigorous arm to extend from his body.

Time, the sword is unparalleled, it is already in the state of the four arms.

His eight rough arm, every hand, hold a long sword, foot, the long sword, is like the magic God.

"Hey, so I am imaginary." Zi Yu real God is unfinished.

In the vast chaotic world, like this, there are many secrets, and there are many secrets that have a lot of cranial comics. If you come out, how do you only improve some combat power, for many top scorpions, two arms are four The arm is actually the same.

However, he didn't know that the sword is unparalleled now, but the ancient god of the people!

This is a simple school, but it is just a simple man. The key is that the key is to contain a special attack method.


The purple real god made a low drink, and its body shape is a purple knife, and it hits it again.

The sword is unparalleled, it is tightly the eight hand swords, four heads, and the eyes are all in the dark gold.


The same sound, the sword is unparalleled, the body of the ancient ancient gods, and also directly.

That huge feet stepped on the ground, and each step took out a big hole in the upper ground burst.

The distance between the two, rises rapidly.

There are hundreds of miles, instantaneous spans.

Two size is not proportional, positive collision.

"go to hell!"

Ziyu really kills the sky, in his whispered five bloody moon, all burst into the light, and with his own hands of the purple war knife, it is also very incomparable. In an instant to form a six-way knife, crazy waving Out.

"Dead, it!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it has a big drink, and the eight hand sword in his hand is in this moment into eight streamers, with the unique attack method, whispering.


Complete crazy close killing.

Both are already all right.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!! laugh!

The sound of continuous impact, the roar sounded.

This collision, the electro-optical flame has been complete.


The sword is unparalleled with the purpleness.

The sword is still in the eight-handed long sword. The eight eyes are still in the sky. After the body is stable, they will turn around, and they have seen the past.

At this moment, the purple is true ... but it is a strange look.

His eyes are rolling, and it is incredible.

next moment……


A big mouth is sprayed from the mouth of purple, and his face is also white.

"How can it be like this?" Ziyi really murmured.

He is very clear about what happened to the moment.

In that electric spot, he is unparalleled with the sword, and it is fully played with the sword, the two people, the speed, and the skills are completely played.

The result is in that short time, the sword is unparalleled, but he is six times in the foot!

In other words, he was smashed in the six sword, and the sword was unparalleled, but his knife was completely resistant.


He is proud of the near-body killing ability, and it turns too completely, and it is too complete, it is entirely rolling.

Even if he did not wear his armor's hierarchy, plus his body secrets also cultivated to the extremely high-rise, the six sword came down, he was dead!


PS: Today is coming!

There will be two days of eight more than two days this week, and it has been a day owe it.

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