Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1667 Face, completely torn!

"Ziyu true God, your close killing ability, but so." The sword is unparalleled with a bit of ridicule.

The purple god is full of color, but it is dead and staring at the sword.

I suddenly moved his dream, "this looks ... is an ancient god!"

"The ancient chaotic world is called the first ancient god of the best!"

The true God finally knew that she was so miserable, and his opponent was actually an ancient god.

"Bast easter, the master of the temple makes me to kill him, but I don't say that he has an ancient blood, and he didn't say that his strength would be so strong." The purpleness is so gloomy, "his close smile Strong from me, and I have been hit hard in just collision, the strength is damaged, if you fight with him, then I am killing him, but he kill me! "

No hesitation, Ziyi Zhen God made the most correct choice.


I saw that the shape of the true God was immediately turned into a purple arc, and the voids were sent directly.

"Oh, how can I go so anxious?"

The sword is unparalleled to play a smile, watching the direction of the true God escape, one of the palms slowly extended, and he finished.

"Secrets ... Thunder!"


The vast power has reminded.

This dark sky is abrupt, and then the dark sky above the true God is actually split from it.

A red ray has emerged from the cracking void and then suddenly comes.


This is a red-desirable god of red, this Thunder has a rough bucket, carrier, destroyed the horror of the earth.

After the cracks are falling, they are directly toward the purpleness.

The speed is too fast, and this killing spirit is obviously locked. It has no possibility of violentness at all.

"This power!"

The purple is really eye-catching, and the heart also shocked, he was a death crisis in this death.

I didn't dare to think, I saw his body shape, and the purple war in the hands of the purple rays.

~~~ The knife is photographed, in an instant to condense a huge purple shadow, this purple knife is also a fierce, and the gods of the thunder.

Both, front contact.


A great sound, the void immediately broke a huge cavity, and a large amount of space crack was crazy to spread.

And in the center of the big hole!

A meteor, or a meteorite falls directly toward the ground.

This 'meteorite' is still with a part of the red Thunder, falling into the ground, and the ground is shred in an instant, and it has been bombed by the power of the Thunder.

As for the true god of purple, it is also in the ruins of the place, and he will not know.

"The thunder of the three secrets of the ancient gods, the power is really strong." The sword didn't look at everything caused by the red thunder, and the face also revealed a touch of smile.

Thunder, although in the three secrets of the ancient gods, it can only be a bottom, but the power is still strong.

Thunder, it is to kill the world.

The sword is unparalleled, and it can only lead to the god of the thunder. This gods will have easily destroyed the general chaos.

It is important to know that if this secret is to achieve the extreme, it is exported, but it is possible to attract thousands of deaths. What kind of scenes?

In the peak period, Luo Zhen king can attract thousands of deaths, and his thunderstorm, which is full, although it is a big energy of the Lord of Star Palace, will be very surprised.

at this time……

call out!

A purple streamer was suddenly surrounded by the ruins, and then fled and fled.

"Don't die?" The sword didn't have a sidebrow wrinkle, looked at the purple god of the continued escape, and he also found that the Ziqi Zhenqi suddenly had a rich blood, "That Lingzhuang Blue Dynasty, is Ling Xiao The life of the treasure hall, even this secret is displayed, and it seems that this purple real God is really desperate. "

The sword is unhealthy, revealing a cold smile, "Even if you are desperate, you can't escape."


The Shenli in the sword is directly burned, although the speed of burning is not too fast, but the power is still a great consumption.

The sword is unparalleled by Shen Li, and the speed is suddenly burst of the speed of ten times.

He can't plan to let go of the true God.

"I am with the Ling Xiaobao, there is no hatred, but they have two times to deal with me." The sword has swayed the killing.

Before I was on the Tunder Island, the land of the Lingxiao Temple found his trouble.

Subsequently, in the eighth nest **, the imperiality and blood spirit are really gone, want to kill him, and rob the three-level magic core in his hand.

Originally, this is a king of the king, a shadow of true God, the blood spirit is selfish, they can't represent the entire Lingxiao Temple.

But now, the Lingxiao Temple is deliberately dispatched Zi Zhen God to kill him, then this beam is completely complete.

The sword is unparalleled. It is a person who doesn't commit me, I don't commit me. If people commit me, I will be ten times, and a hundred times.

I have been passively playing, this is not his style.

Now that this purple is coming to the door, the sword is unparalleled, there is a guts, and the purple god is completely left.

"Purple, you can't escape!" The sword was unparalleled.

I have already suffered from hit hard, and I'm going to see the sword. When I came, my face was changing, and the face was now changed, and I was angry: "The sword is unparalleled, I have hurt it, you still don't want to stop , When you really have to tear your face with my Lingxiao Temple? "

"Torn the face? Hey, when you can send you to kill me, there is already completely torn, there is no transfer, now this point, you still want to take Ling Xiaobao Temple Come to me? It's a ridiculous. "The sword is unparalleled, under the urgency of the dragon blood, he completely follows the speed of the true God.

"Bastard!" Ziyu really dark, while crazy escape, he hurriedly took a trick.

"The main hall, the temple, save me, sword is unparalleled, he is chasing me!"

"I have suffered from hitting, and I can't completely play it. Even if I have already shown the Ling Xiao's blood, I still can't escape from him!"

"Fast, quickly inform the star, let the star, let this sword are unparalleled, must be fast !!!"

The violet of the true gods.

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