Ling Xiaobao Hall. Inside the palace, Many high-rise strong people in Lingxiao gathered together.

Before, these high-levels have already learned that the purple real God found the sword unparalleled, they all waited for purple ....

They have an absolute confidence in the Ziqi God.

After all, the purple god can be the top chaotic true God. It is not far from the true God, and the sword is unparalleled. Although he kills the real gods, it proves that his strength is not weak, but he is still only broken through the true God. Moreover, it is a reversal, even if it is back against the sky, you will die, you will have the top chaos.

They believe that with the strength of the purple real God, they can definitely kill the swords, and they can kill the swords that can be killed.

These Lingxiao Temple's high level think so.

At this moment, a goldpastic man in the top of the main hall moved, and the face was also revealed. "Zi Yu is coming back."

"It seems that the sword is unparalleled."

"Ziyi true God is from the horse, of course, is water to the stream."

"Hey, the sword is a genius, but he is too self-righteous, even the person of my Lingxiao Temple, he dares to kill, it will live."

Many of the gods in the hall laughed at will.

And the golden robe man is browsing the message from the Zhenzi's true God.

This browsing, the smile on his face suddenly solidified, followed by a fierce standing.

"Ziyu true God, is being killed by swords." The golden robe is low.

"What?" There are many real gods in the main hall.

"The main hall, are you wrong, should it be that the purple is really a double?" One of the chaos really couldn't help but ask.

"The ghost will be wrong." The blonde man is blowing, just like an angry lion, he has a low drink, "Fast, inform the stars, let them send it to the sword, let him stop immediately, otherwise ... ... if it is a violet, it is dead, no matter where he fled, I will kill him in the Lingxiao Temple! "

"Yes." Now someone will lead.

The many of the great gods in the main hall is a big eyes, they know that they have not heard the wrong, but the truth is true.


"Ziyi real god is chasing it by the sword?"

This news is like a storm that has been swept throughout the entire Shengfa.

Of course, this news passed to the ear of the star of the star in the star of the star, and the main hall is a bit unbelievable. "The purple is true God, that is the top chaotic true God, it is actually sword where there is no sword killing wolf? I didn't listen wrong? "

With a silk question, the Yuan Dynasty is immediately asked to ask the sword.

Soon, he also learned the result, and the purple god did be chased.

"The sword is unparalleled, this purple is true God, how do you intend to deal with?" Yuan Demago asked.

"He must die!" The sword is unparalleled is a short response to four words.

"In this case, then kill, don't have to take a scruple of Lingxiao Temple." Yuan Dian is directly giving swords unparalleled confidence, then the Yuan Dynasty will give the Lingxiao Palace, and the content is very simple. "Sorry, I have already communicated Give the sword unparalleled, but he ... did not respond. "

The Ling Xiao Bao Don is anger.

The eighth nest, the core area, swords are unparalleled in the madness to kill the purple god.

"Hey, Ling Xiaobao Temple Lingxiao, the power consumption is very huge, and you are also hit hard, I have to see, you can also flee how long!" The sword didn't have a double eyed, but also secretly The power.

The previous battle, and now showing the blood of the dragon blood, I'm really the God, and the power consumed is not small. Fortunately, he has now condensed the fifth drop of the ultimate Shenli water droplets, and the power is quite abundant. Now it is just consume Two drops, Shen Li is still very sufficient.

But the purple god, the sword is unparalleled, and the power of his body is not enough.

"The death, this sword is unparalleled, should have received the news of the stars, but why not stop?" The purpleness of the truth is white, and the heart is full of fear, and he also feels the power of your body. Leisiless, there is still two% left, but now there is only one guaranteed.

"The sword is unparalleled, don't force me!"

Zi Yu really turned out a slice.

"Forced you? Oh, it's all, it's so true." The sword is unparalleled.

"Very good, since you want me to die, then I will never let you have a good!" The purple is shining in the eyes, but the next moment is suddenly changing the direction, and the other is blooming.

"This purple is true, I'm going to this step, what else, what else?" The sword is unhappy.

After a moment, the sword is unparalleled, knowing the purpose of this purpleness.

"Here, is the overcast area?" The sword did not have a double-color change, looked at the void in front of him.

That kind of void, the same is full of darkness, no shine, but the black fog in the air is obviously much more rich than other places, the at least doubled.

The overcast area ... is some of this eighth nest.

A long time ago, the Holy League and the Star Magic broke out, directly killing the star of the star magicity, which is within the eight big nest, trying to make all the star demones in the eight nests, but this eight big nest There are some very special places. Even if the energy is, these places are subject to some restrictions, they can't explore, and they can't explore the star magic in the period, so, these special places have formed a Another dark area.

The overcast area is not just the most intense place of the star magic, and there are some other crises in the overcast area, in short, very dangerous.

With the strength of the sword, in this eighth chamber, in this eighth chamber, the life will not be greatly threatened, but if it is in the dark area, it is absolutely a lot of things that he is dead.

At this moment, this purple is so enema to the surrounding area, and directly in the overcast area.

"I thought I fled into the dark area, I won't kill you? I ridicily!"

The sword is unblocked to kill, even if this kind of void is the dark area, but it is still not hesitating.

In the overcast area, the sword is still in the madness, and the two have a chasing, and it has span quite distant distance.

But how long, the last one of the last one of the purple thirst is also exhausted.

Without the power, his secret can not be displayed.


The shape of Ziqi's true god paused in the rich black mist, turned around, and he went to the sword.

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