Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1669 will die together!

"The sword is unparalleled, I am really enough to admire you, I really can't catch this overcast area." The purple is really a gods, staring at the sword.

"You dare to come, what do I not dare?" The sword didn't smile, he has turned into a human face, and the three heads with more than six arms have disappeared.

"I am different from you, I have already lived long years, even if I stayed in the chaotic real god, I have been spending millions years old. I have already lived enough, but you, you can be recognized by the chaotic world. It is still reversible, it's hard to go to this step today, your life, you can more money than me. "Ziyu really laughing with a madness.

"It can be pulled with your top genius together, and God is not thin."

"Pull me together? Purple true God, you have not too high to see yourself." The sword is unparalleled, "although the dark area is dangerous, it is a step-by-step crisis, but I can't fall. After that, the original road returned and soon went out. "

Swordless sssherence dare to break into this yin area, naturally there must be confident.

After all, it is not the deepest place in the dark area, and he has turned.

"Haha, you are right, the light is now in this case, you want to pull your super genius together, or some are not enough, but ... If this is this?" Ziyu really suddenly smiled, tight A violent violent breath is out of his body.

"Well?" The sword has no double-faced flash, "self-explosion?"

"Haha ~~~ Sword is unparalleled, don't you want to kill me? In this case, then we die!" Ziyi real god sound was crazy, his body was crazy, and the whole world was caught in a whole world. Violent.

"Retreat!" The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is instantaneous.


The true God finally issued a dry and drunk, and its skydock is a sharp explosion.

Rumble ~~~ The horrible power sweeps to the four sides, and the whole world has fallen into this storm.

The sword is unparalleled by this self-burst of self-explosion, but because this purple, the spirit of the true God has been exhausted, and it is seriously injured. Even if the power of self-explosion is also strong, the sword is unparalleled. Far, it is easy to resist this power.


The sword has no double-shaped plunder, appearing in the most central, waving the treasure of the true body of purple, and there is his Qiankun ring.

After you finish all, the color of the sword is unusually lighter.

"The trouble is big!" The sword was unimaced.

The self-explosion of purple, indeed hurt him, but this self-explosion is the movement of this self-explosion, but it is very amazing.

And here, it is a dark area, but the most intense place of the star magic, although the sword is not seen in the way, the existence of the star magic, but the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is immediately see The darkness of your own feet has been cracking.

! ! !

The dark ground constantly cars cracks, but in these cracks, !!! A black ghost charm came out from the bottom of the ground, and the number of dense numbers was not exhausted.

"Star Devil, a lot of star magic!" The sword was unbolded, "these star demon, they have been staying at the bottom."

The sword is unparalleled, but it has not been infiltrated into the depth of the bottom of this dark land, so there is no existence of these stars before.

But now ... As these stars have emerged from the bottom of the ground, the sword is unparalleled and the soul is sweep, and the star magic appeared in his neighborhood, there is more than thousands of heads!

There are thousands of stars, and most of the adult star demones have long, there are many triangle stars.

And the territorial star of the ground is still incurred.

"Hurry and escape!"

The sword is unparalleled without a slightest. When I found that the star demon came from the bottom, he has fully translated the blood of the dragon blood, and fled in the original road.

In the bottom of the stars naturally noticed that the sword is unparalleled. When it is seen that a head is high, it is directly in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the first time bursts thousands of phantom, these phantoms are crazy, and they also attracted the attention of those star demon.

I saw that there was a lot of star magic to those phantom.

"Fortunately, these star demon can't identify my phantom, although the number is very much, but with my body, I still have hope to escape." The sword is unbolded. "

Suddenly ... ! When a head body is obvious than other star demon, the triangle star is in front of the sword, and the most important thing is that this triangle star, the whole body is a blood color.

"Blood Star Magic?" The sword was unparalleled.

The cyan triangle star is already comparable to the top chaotic true god, the bloody triangle star, that is enough to compare the truth in human cultivator.

In front of the sword, there is a bloody star.

And this bloody star magic scarlet is firmly locked him, which is not confused by those phantom.

call out!

A bloody is flashing and flashing out, and there is a unparalleled in the sword.


A sharp claw lightning can catch the sword unparalleled throat and a quick speed is incredible.

"not good!"

The sword is not double-colored, and the royal queen also immediately presents swordsmanship.


That claw bombarded on the sword of the blood peak sword, and the strong power suddenly broke out and passed along the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to wear the bloody round, and his own body has reached the chaotic real god level, but this moment, under the impact of this force! The sword is unparalleled, the right arm is directly bursting, and the blood peak sword in his hand will take the first time.


The sword was sprayed into a blood, and the body shape was like a meteor. I also took a few star demon on the way. The couple of star demon had a strong second-pointed star. Other few days have been directly hit into blood fog.

Half rang, the sword is unparalleled to reopeically stabilize the body.


Hold the pain in the body, and also can't take the right arm of the split, and even he can't pay attention to the blood peak sword who flew out, and suddenly escaping.

After all, the soldiers are right, you can find a way to find it back, but if you lose, it is all over.

Because there is the existence of the bloody star, the sword is unparalleled. It doesn't escape according to the original road. It can only flee in the darkness of the overcast area.

In his surroundings, including his front, there is a lot of star demon to block.

The sword is unparalleled has fallen into a desperate situation.


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