Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1673 Ancient


The sword is unparalleled now is a shock.

On the scene, the battle of the earth was completely exceeded by the impression of the sword.

The movement of the battle is simply the battle of death.

There is also a lot of strong people who fall in that battle. Although the sword is not involved, it can still feel in the picture, and the strong people who fall out will come out to put a chaotic world who plays now. It is inevitably standing in the top of the top of the pyramid, or even the excessive power of the ever chaotic world is still unknown.

And these wars, in the current Wancha chaotic world, is not formed.


"Ancient Wars!"

The sword is unparalleled.

Ancient ... that is the distance from now, it has become an era of legend.

The sword has also heard some rumors in ancient times. It is said that ancient times, the strong people are like a cloud, and the super strong person who destroys the earth is, it is not the current Out of Chaotic World.

However, after the battle, the ancient collapse, the countless power of the era is almost dead, and there is a huge change in the world, and after ancient times, it seems to have experienced a era, and finally slowly The ever chaotic world is now.

The distance is too long, the gap is too large, causing ancient times to have a legend.

It can be seen that the screen is unparalleled, that is an ancient battle!

Seven Star Xuanzong, should be a smoky in the ancient war, as for the owner of this crystal palace, the black robe man in front of this spirit is a super power in ancient times.

In addition to the war, the most sword is unparalleled, which is the snoring of this black robes in the battle.

Among the snoring, he called the name, the sword is unparalleled, and it is clear!

"Xuan Yi! Xuan Yi!"

"it's all because of you!"

You can know that the sword is unparalleled, the name is also called Xuan Yi.

Like the name of the two, this is not a double speculation of the sword, this black robes in the men's mouth, is it his master?

His Master, is the same as this black robes, is also a super power from the ancient times?

"The sword is unparalleled."

On the side of the golden tail, the old man dragon seven. I saw it. "You should see the picture? How do you feel? Is it very shocking.

"Well." The sword nodded without a double consciousness.

"Oh, shock is also normal, don't say that you are a small guy in a district, and if you see anyone to see the war, you should be very shocking." Dragon Seven smiled.

"Dragon seven people, are you also involved in this battle?" The sword didn't help but ask.

"Of course, I am involved in the battle of the earth, even if I haven't known how many years, but now I still have a lingering, my owner, that is incredible, the result is in that battle I'm almost dying. I have always fallen into sleep. I still don't know when I can wake up again. Unfortunately, my strength is too humble. In that battle, I can't help the owner. "Dragon 7 Sigh.

"Dragon seven people, your strength, is there harmful to the war?" The sword didn't have a double heart secretly convulsted, and he took a deep breath. The sword was unparalleled to continue asking: "Adults can know that battle, how to break out?"

"I don't know." Dragon Qi shook his head, "I am a dragon turtle, a brank lethargy, a long time, I have paid in the sleep, only when the owner summoned me, I will play side by side with the owner, but for the owner But I have never been to ask, and I suddenly suddenly suddenly, don't say me, many immortality in the battle, until war, they didn't know the battle of the battle. "

"The reason is nothing to know, this is the super existence, is it falling?" The sword didn't double the cold, and then the sword was unparalleled and asked. "In that picture, Dragon Seven adults your master mentioned A name, Xuan Yi, Dragon Seven people you know this person? "

The sword is unparalleled, he naturally can't tell Dragon Seven, his own master is called Xuanyi.

"I don't know." Dragon Seven still shook his head, "Although I don't know who this is a big one, but I know that the outbreak of the shocking war has been associated with him."

The sword is unparalleled.

At this point, he heard the roar of the black robe man from the screen.

He heard the hate that the black robe was to Xuan Yi.

Whether the outbreak of the war is related to Xuan, the sword is unparalleled, but it can be determined that the destruction of seven-star Xuanzong is definitely a plenty of doctors with Xuan.

"I don't know if the black robe is said to the Xuan Yi. It is a person who is a person. If it is a person, then my teacher is helping him ..." The sword is unparalleled.

He gave him an extraordinary person who came to his own master.

However, he has never thought about it in ancient times.

Ancient ... The distance is now too far away.

"The sword is unparalleled." Dragon Qi suddenly saw that the sword walked over. "You have cultivated the seven-star secrets, and come to the descendant of the owner. "

"Well." The sword nodded.

Just rushing on the black robes lying in front of the spirit, it is a super power in the ancient times, and the seven-star secrets that we practice are from the seven-star Xuanzong, and this black robe is worth the sword.

Before the sword walked to the spirit, I took a deep breath, and I immediately worship the black robe in the spirit.

This worship, staying in two breathing, the sword is not standing up.

"The sword is unparalleled, you come with me."

Dragon Seven said, followed by the innermost innermost of the sword without a double toward the crystal palace.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is always very real.

Not long after, Dragon Seven has a sword to have a passionate hall.

This palace is still composed of crystals, but the different crystals are black.

The entire large piece is also a darkness, can't see whit.

"Dragon seven people, here is it?" The sword asked without a pair of doubts.

"You don't worry, look at it carefully." Dragon seven relief.

The sword is no longer asking, but the position is condensed, watching it in front of him.

The darkness of the crystal palace can be abrupt on the dark crystal in front of the sword, and a bright star is on.

It is a seven starlight.

This seven stars are arranged in an invincible unique location, and the time has formed a dazzling seven-star pattern.


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