Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1674 Seven Stars, Yao Guangxing!

This huge seven-star pattern is present in front of the sword in a unique way, and the sword is unparalleled to see the seven stars in this pattern, but it does not come out.

"Dragon seven people, this pattern is ..." The sword is unparalleled as an inquiry.

"This is the unique seven stars of Qixing Xuanzong, which is the strong people of Qixing Xi Zong used to participate in the heaven and earth order and the auxiliary treasure." Dragon seven.

"Tiandi Order? Rule?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Of course, these things are too far away from the little guys you have a pure sun, but I can give you a chance to give you a chance, after all, I am not easy. There is only a small guy who cultivates seven-star secrets. The little guy who has a certain relationship with the owner will not let you go to leave. "Dragon seven.

"Enterprise opportunity?" The sword was unparalleled.

Although he doesn't know what this seven-star chart is in front of him, this pattern has a great role in the many strong people in ancient times, then he is definitely useful.

"Dragon seven people, this seven-star picture, how to relax?" The sword did not ask.

"In the seven-star map, there are seven stars, this seven stars are Tiancheng, Tianzhu, Tianzhu, Tianquan, Yucheng, Kaiyang, Yao Guangqi, each star has a unique operational trajectory and rigid Process, where the sky-pivot run trajectory is the most high, and Yao Guangxing is the most simple, but with your current strength, you can barely enhance the Yao Guangxing. "

"Remember, you only have a chance to enlighten, so that you can get yourself, you can resist your own."

Dragon Qi finished, and then the last star of the seven stars, the last star.

Suddenly, the other six stars have disappeared directly, and the stars in Dragon 7, they are quickly enlarged in the sword.

"Cherish this opportunity."

Dragon Qi took back the palm and then turned to the temple.

In the big temple, there is only one of the swords and one, and this huge star in front of him.

This star is really incomparably, the sword is unparalleled to see this star as if I see a huge world, and his whole heart is completely sinking into this star.

At first, this star is still incomplete, still in the pregnancy stage, but with time, this star gradually became perfect, and then gradually grow.

This is better than one person, starting from the placenta, getting born, slowly grows, gradually growing from a baby, youth, and finally enter the adult.

The same is true of the stars, just spending time, more than a long time.

A star is born from gestation, and it takes 10 million years.

"This is the run trajectory of the stars, and there is a rope process?"

"Too high, too wonderful."

The sword is unparalleled, and it has fallen into an unprecedented shock.

He knows that he must do it now. However, the running and dramatic of the stars beyond his imagination. He can't feel the deepest thing, and it is only just some of the rough run trajectory. .

It can be even if you can only feel some of the thick things, but it is still a great creation of the sword.

The time is slowly passed.

People are born, after adult, will ultimately slowly aging until they die.

This is the same.

A star was born, perfection, but eventually ushered in collapse, destroyed.

The sword is unparalleled with a seven-star map, which is very clear to see the process of birth to the destruction.

This process has experienced nothing to know how many years, but in reality, it is only used for ten years.

Ten years later, the star collapsed, thoroughly became the dust, this seven-star chart's enlightenment, I also reported a paragraph, but the sword is unparalleled, but the other is sitting in the main hall. His consciousness is still falling into the evolution of the star. In the process, I have been aware of the residence.

Until three months, the sword is unparalleled to come back to God.


Light spitting, swords are amazed.

"Too wonderful, the threshing process of the stars is too wonderful, but unfortunately I can see just some of the most coarse things." The sword is unparalleled.

He has also been to a lot of strange places, and some wonderful things are found.

However, anything from the previous enlightenment cannot be comparable to this seven star chart.

Even the twenty-seven pictures in the Shengle Fairy, compared with the seven-star map, it is too far away.

"Well, I have improved the feelings of the wheel, improved!"

The sword is not a double look, he can induce the power of the reincarnation that you can use, has a significant improvement, according to him, now he, simply in the wheel, it should also have the ability to have a fifth floor of the Taoine Palace. .

As for the time-space, the same is true.

Now he, in the sense of time and space, although it is still unable to pass the sixth floor of the Taoine, it is not too much, the twenty-seven pictures in the Time and Space Fairy, the sixteen, he must have enlining If it is the seventeenth, it should have been known to most.

Just ten years of reference, just only the evolution of the Yaoguang star of the seven-star map level, and he can see the most crusal thing, but he still in the emotions of the road, get it So huge progress?

Moreover, the truly sword is unparalleled, this decade of participation, his progress is more than just the sense of heaven, but his strength is also greatly improved in the extent.

"Now I, the strength of the soul should have reached the chaotic real God, and it is extremely strong in the chaotic real God!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands and feels the fire of the soul in the sea.

The fire of the soul is much better than before.

The light is in volume, and it is necessary to double the foot.

I have to know that the strength of the sword is unparalleled, the strength of the normal eternal spirit.

Once a real level, how much is it?

This seven stars ...

"It is a treasure that many super strong people used in ancient times!" The sword was unmarkable.

After a moment, the sword was unparalleled to stand up and then walked toward the main hall.

Just walked out of the hall, the sword was unparalleled to see the temple, relying on a crystal and waiting for his dragon seven.

Dragon seven is also open, and the sword is unparalphed. "Kid, look at your look, what does the harvest seem to be not bad?"

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

His harvest is not bad, it is too big.

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