Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1675, unfortunate

"The seven-star chart is really increased, but though so, I still don't grasp it safely." The sword is unbolded.

"I have already given you the chamber. As for the next, you can't leave, then you don't matter." Dragon Qi is indifferent. "Of course, if you are not sure, you can be more in this palace. After a while, the strength is enough to leave again. "

Wen said, the sword is unbrick but frowns.

He is very clear, there is a large number of star demon outside this independent space. Once you go out, you will be killed by those star demon, but with his current strength, you want to be surrounded by those stars. Kill, escape from the overcast area, almost no hope.

Unless he can make a breakthrough, it reaches the second phase of the ultimate God.

At this stage, it is necessary to accumulate a lot of power, this kind of spiritual accumulation is very time consuming.

If you rely on him, you will slowly practice, even if you give him 100,000 years, he is afraid that it will not break through.

More than 100,000 years, it is too long for him.

"This is dark, the time and space is unique, the message can't be passed, I can't help it like a star." The sword is unparalleled.

I have chased the purple , the star is not known.

It is estimated that now the star is also anxious to find his drop, you can want to find this dark area in the star, it is impossible.

I can't rely on the stars, and I can only rely on himself.

"Singlely rely on his blind cultivation, it is too time, the only shortcut is to find a lot of magic nuclei." The sword is unparalleled.

Here is the dark area, the star magic is the most dense, and the quality is also the highest. I want to get the magic core here. It is very difficult, but it is not possible.

"Dragon seven people, I have an unfortunate." The sword is unparalleled.

"Tell to see." Longqi glanced at the sword.

"The next time, I will try to hunt out some star demon, so I want to be free to enter this independent space." The sword has a boring.

After all, he did not make a relationship with this dragon and seven people. The other party just looked at the grace of the seven-star secrets, and before they saved him, and gave him a chance, this is already incomparably thick. Now, he is now looking for Dragon Qi to freely enter this independent space permission.

This independent space, but the owner of Dragon Seven, the black robe is sleeping in the black robe.

"I can promise you, but only within a thousand years, you have to leave after a thousand years." Dragon Qi.

"One thousand years?" The sword was unparalleled, and immediately nodded, "It's enough."

"Well, I will create a space channel with the outside world. During this thousand years, you can freely access the space channel." Dragon Seven.

"Thank you." The sword is unparalleled. "

"You are slowly cultivating it yourself." Dragon Seven finished, the body shape has disappeared.

After Dragon Seven left, the sword was unparalleled, but the disc was taken down.

"I want to leave here as soon as possible, I have to get a lot of magic cores to break through, and get a way to get the magic core ..." The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the bottom has been faintly planned.

"Don't worry, first absorb the ready-made magic nuclear nucleus."

The sword is unparalleled, and the big hand is played, and there is a lot of magic cores in front of him.

These magic cores are all the swords unparalleled from the Qiankun of the Ziqi Zhenqi.

The violet is true God, all the year old, in this eighth chamber core area, it has been more than the millennium, which is the star magic of the killing, but the sword is unparalleled. After death, these magic cores naturally fell into the hands of swords, and there were hundreds of feet.

Of course, these hundreds of magic cores are mostly a first-class magic core and the second-level magic core, as for the three-level magic nucleus, very small.

In these magic cores, the highest level is a blood ** core.

This magic core is that the sword is unparalleled to show the bottom card to kill a bloody triangle and get it.

Blood ** core, the impressive strength is incapacitated.

"let's start."

The sword is unparalleled to absorb the fine power in these magic nuclear.

He didn't know, in some place in this crystal palace, the dragon seven people were observed in the dark.

Observing the sword is unparalleled.

"This little guy, in absorbing the power of the magic nucleation?" Dragon seven slightly frowned, "the power in the magic core is extremely pure, used to absorb, good, but this little guy's own power, but it is soothing!"

The sword is unparalleled with the ultimate power. This is the ultimate spirit of the spirit of true God, which is totally two concepts.

Just this special power, the general power is not seen, in the vast chaotic world, even if many of the big energy can't see, they only think that the sword is unparalleled, the power is far from the same order.

But this dragon seven ... as an ancient times, but it is an extraordinary of swords.

"Entering pure sunny, can be strong, but this little guy cultivation is very uncommon, and I can still induce him, there is a kind of invisible treasure, this treasure will be what?"


The absorption of the magic core is taken.

The higher the level, the slower absorption speed.

There are hundreds of magic cores, and there is even a blood ** core. The sword is not absorbed in the eleventh year, and all the fine power in these magic cores will be absorbed.

After absorbing, in his body, only five drops of the ultimate power. At this moment, there is already sixth drops, even the seventh drop of the seventh drop, the ultimate draft, is also very close.

"A little bit, only a little, the seventh drop of the ultimate Shenli water drops will become."

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and it also flashes a thick variety.

He can be very clear and getting closer and closer to the second phase of the ultimate God.

"From the magic nuclented nucleus you get in Ziqi, it has all been absorbed. Next, it should also start my plan." The sword is unparalleled, and the next moment is slow to stand up, loose your own bones, I went to the palace.

Going out of the Crystal Palace, the sword is still seen in the huge independent space, and the most at his sight, there is a space channel.

There is no excessive hesitation, the sword has no double body shape, directly into the space channel.

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