Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1683 Sword Musou and Lingxiao

"Zi Yuzhen is dead early, killed by me, but he is very high, before death, hard is to force me into the desperate, and my space is completely isolated from the outside world, I can't let you rescue, I can only rely on my own ability, but fortunately, my luck is good, and I will end it from the desperate situation. "The sword laughed.

"Is this this?" Yuan Temple frowned.

He learned that the sword was unparalleled, and even the sword was unparalleled, it would like to know.

"No matter what to say, it is good, I, I, there are many strong people in my star, I can hang an mouth." The main hall laughed, "Yes, your location is, where, I Immediately let my strength of my star in the past, I will pass you. "

"Receive?" The sword is unparalleled. "No, I will return it myself."

"No? The sword is unparalleled, you are afraid that you still don't know your situation now?" Yuan Dian's laughed.

"What happened?" The sword was unparalleled.

"A hundred years ago, you chased the purple god in the core area, this thing is that the lot of the lotion, the many high-rise power of the Lingxiao Temple is amazed, especially when you lose the trail with the purple gods, The Lingxiao Temple is even anger. Even if they sent a lot of strong people to come to the eighth nest, searching for you in the heart of Zhenzhen's true God, and has been going on for a hundred years, all have never stopped, opposite Lingxiao Temple The strong people sent more and more, and even some top chaotics that were invited in a small price. "

"The purpose, the first is to hold a hit hope, think that the purple real God may have not dead, secondly ..."

"Second, is it to kill me?" The sword was not a double brow.

"You know, from the original championship, the Zifei's true God has been in a desperate, but it is already dead, but although you lose the trace, it is very much not dead, and the Lingxiao Temple has always been overbearing. You have killed their two chaotic real gods. Will they let you go? "The main hall was laughed.

"So you are now best to find a place to hide, wait for my stars to come, these year, my star, I also sent a lot of strong people to the eighth nest to find your trail, although I can't overcome The treasure hall, but they are together with you, and the Lingxiao Temple will also kill you, it is not so easy. "

"It turns out." The sword has no double smile, he understands the meaning of Yuan Temple, but he still laughed: "Yuan Temple, there is no need to trouble, I will go back to himself."

"The sword is unparalleled, you ..." Yuan Temple was at the same time.

"Yuan Temple, I haven't come yet, I haven't come yet, I have made breakthroughs in the time of I am in a desperate situation, and I have already been a level of eternal real." The sword has no double.

"Break through?" Yuan Dynasty was.

He can know that the sword is unparalleled from the world to break through the true God, but it is not long. Top will have hundreds of years.

In such a short period of time, he is really god from the void, breaking through the eternal real God?

How can it be so fast?

"The sword is unparalleled, you are really sure?" Yuan Dynasty is still asking for some uncertain.

"Of course, now I am, not who can take it." The sword is unparalleled.

"In this case, that's fine, but if you are really in the power of the Lingxiao Temple, I will still be close to you nearby." The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

"Yes." The sword nodded.

After the news of the Yuan Dynasty, the sword was unparalleled and slight, but the eyes were suddenly seen in the darkness of the darkness.

"Ling Xiaobao Hall, I hope you can put smart points this time, or ..."

The sword has nothing to do with endless temperament.


The dark voids are all over the cold breath.

In a dark land, more than 20 star magic gathered together, and suddenly, a silver-ray light shielded into these star magic groups, and then slaughtered.

More than 20 star demon, but for a moment, it was a two nets of this silver stream slaughter.

Silver stream is slowly dissipated, revealing a cold old man wearing silver tact.

This is also jumped in this over-cold old man, and the face has a smile, but how this smile has a little strange.

"Ignore the bone, you are so leisurely," also is interested in hunting these star demon. "A red robe appeared in the face of the cold old man, this red robes were a young man, a young man, Their two are all top chaos.

"Hey, this is searching for a hundred years, but it can still see the trail of Ziyi Zhen God and the sword, and I think two of them are definitely aligned. We continue to search, and it is not as good as white. Take some time to hunting the star magic, the magic core of these star demon, but good things. "The cloudy old man whispered.

"Hey, don't forget, I spend so big costs, but I don't want you to hunt the star magic." The junior man of the red robe is cold.

"Hey, rest assured, you will also hunt a few star demon, will not delay the business." The cold old man said.

The junjack of the red robe saw this, and it is not good to say.

at this time……

"Well?" The old look of the old people suddenly moved, "someone came."

The man's handsome man is also perfect, and the eyes are in the first time.

There, a body shape is slowly brushing.

He, face Pang Junyi and is incomparable young, wearing a bloody robe, and behind him is carrying a long sword. It is clear that there is no power, but it is all free to release a strong breath.

Seeing the people, I was originally unparalleled, and there was a handsome man, and the eyes were fierce.

"This dress, this way ..."

"It's the sword. There is no double! It is him!"

"The main hall, the palace, found that the sword is unparalleled, he is still alive, the location is in this ..."

The red robe handsome man immediately screamed, and the first time will give the Lingxiao Palace.

"I finally found him, and I happened to be found by us." The cold old man is showing the color of the surprise.

"Walk, we have passed!" The man's handsome man flanged.

Next, these two stones have passed directly, and they have appeared in the sword without double.

I have been slowly moving the sword that is slow, and I feel that the arrival of the two, and the pace is also awkward, and the eyes are also lifted.

"Is it going so soon?"

The sword is unfolded, with a strange smile.

"The sword is unparalleled, finally find you!"

The red robes and handsome men have the cold old people, they are dead and staring at the sword, and the two are watching.


PS: Today, six!

There will be eight more tomorrow, and at the same time tomorrow's eight, it should be quite exciting. Everyone will wait and see.

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