Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1684 Li Wei

"One is the Great God of the Lingxiao Temple, as for another ..."

The sword is unparalleled to see the cloudy and cold, "I have a slightly smashing," I caught the gods, I have nothing to do with the Lingxiao Temple. "

"Hey, it is indeed unrelated to me. Unfortunately, the price of Lingxiao Temple is quite big, and I am also very interested in this reverse repair." The cold old man etch the nervous evil laugh.

"Is this?" The sword is unpaired and indifferent, "I look like, my collision between the Lingxiao Temple is that I can't avoid it anyway."

"I ridicily, you killed the two chaos of my Lingxiao Temple. I have been sinful." The red robes are sinful. "

"Sin of the death of the death? I am waiting." The sword is unparalleled, but when he talks, a strong breath is slowly spreading from him.

"Well?" "Cheng Tian Zhen God is abrupt," "It is a bit wrong."

"What happened?" I asked.

"You look at his breath, it is the breath of eternal, this sword is unparalleled, it has broken through the eternal real!" Cheng Tianzhen gods with a shock.

"What?" I really shocked.

According to what they know, the sword is unparalleled to break through the true God is still very short. This is only a young man, it has reached the eternal real God?

"Before he is just a true god level, he can kill the purple real God. Now he breaks through, and the strength must have risen again. It may be enough to be comparable to the strength of the true God. Light of you, it is impossible to get it. He, we will retreat, wait for the other strong people of Lingxiao Temple, and then join hands to kill him together. "Cheng Tianzhen God.

There is a haze in the true gods, although it is quite unknone, but also looks back.

He is not stupid, will not take your own life to joke.


These two top chaos are really gods, they will start to retreat immediately, apparently giving up the intended intention of the sword.

You can walk when you have two piles!

"You don't have to escape!" An indifferent sound suddenly screamed their two minds.

Cheng Tian Zhen God, the ostrich is surprised to look at everything in front of it. I saw the sword who was still quite a bit from them. It was just a step, but the same beam is generally, only after the body, I will leave a dense numbness. Phantom, the sword has no shape, it has appeared in front of them.

"This speed ..." Cheng Tianzhen God suddenly shocked.

But at the moment, the sword is unparalleled, but also the long sword after the mother, just just a simple punch.

"Booming ~~~"

Simple punches have a horrible powerful powerful power, in front of them amplifies.

Single Single Dawns will make these two top chaos, the heart of the world, and his two eyes have exposed the color of the horror, even our best to show the restriction.

Then they did the final struggle, and they also showed their own attacks, but they were still crushing the front of the punch, and they only watched the sword unparalleled fists.

"The Hall of the Temple, this sword is unparalleled ..." Cheng Tianzhen did not even pass a complete message.

"Peng!" "Peng!"

This unrequestic fist, while smashing on the head of Zhen Zhen God and etching the true gods, the instant two head burst open.

These two top chaos are really gods, and they will be killed.

"The power of compensation of the power of the energy, it is really easy." The sword didn't look at the two ice-cold bodies in front of the face, and the face showed a smile.

Just that punch, he did not deliberately use what is just a powerful power with himself.

Purely striking people, these two top chaos really have been killed.

This is the great gap between energy and chaos, in strength.

"Since these two true God see me, I will definitely convey my position to the Lingxiao Temple. I have to use it for a long time, I will have other Lingxiao Temple to find the door." The sword is unparalleled, The treasures of these two true people in front of them are all over.

"Ling Xiaobao, come!"


Ling Xiao Bao Temple, there is a palace.

"Zhi Tian Zhen's news came, they saw the sword unparalleled!" The Ling Xiaobao Temple, the golden robe man suddenly got up.


"I finally found this kid!"

"The sword is unparalleled, what is the purple?"

Some Lingxiao Temple in the main hall also alarm.

"Cheng Tian Zhenzhen only saw the sword unparalleled, did not see the purple, no accident, purple should have fallen."

The golden robe is cold, suffocating, "this sword is unparalleled, and the two big chaos of the Lingxiao Temple will be killed. No matter what, he must die! Direct order, the many strong people of the Lingxiao Temple, immediately The position of Cheng Tian Zhe's God rushed. "

"Yes!" When someone is lifted, I will prepare the command.

"Wait!" The golden robe suddenly swayed, but he exposed an angry color, he received the last incomplete message of the last paragraph of Cheng Tianzhen.

"Cheng Tian Zhen God, it is dead, and in addition to the body of the eight-nest in the eighth nest, it should also die." The golden robe low depressed.

"What?" The top of the Lingxiao Temple is extremely angry.

"Zhen Zhen God, Ignit the bone, it is the two top chaos, and he will join hands, unless it is the power of true God's skill, otherwise it will never kill him in such a short time, the sword Unparalleled, there is already a strong battle force, or a strong man with true God list. "The sound of the gorgeous man was cold.

"The command, let me be the strong in the Temple of the Temple, don't act rashly, don't play with the sword, even if the sword is unparalleled, I will try to avoid it, I have to avoid him. When the lineup, he was surrounded by him. In addition, let the cold spring came back from the sixth nest, and he took the eight-nest to kill this sword! "

"Also, tell them, from the earliest beauty, to the true God, and now Cheng Tianzhen, I have three chaos of the Treasure of the Treasure of the Trinity, this is the hide of this sword, this is my Lingxiao Temple The big shame, the sword is not dying, what is the might of the Temple of Temple? "

"So, this battle is not only killing the sword unparalleled clean and neat, and you must let the St. League, let the whole of the people of the chaotic world know about the end of the Lingxiao Temple. On this battle, no matter what hindrance, such as the stars, there is no need to have a scruple, kill innocent !!! "

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