Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1685 Daddy

The command of the Temple of the Lingxiao Temple reached the whole, and the whole Lingxiao Temple was shaken.

In particular, the Lingxiao Temple is finally said, no matter what happens, there is no need to have any scruples, and they will kill innocent!

I even specifically specified the star.

And this battle is obviously the Lingxiao Temple to be established. Since it is necessary to make it, it will make people see, so this order they have no hidden, directly spread.

Transferred to Thunder Island and passed to the entire Shengfa.

For a time, the entire Shengba has set off a stormy waves.

"To kill the first day of the week, don't have any counseling, even if the star is strong, it will kill innocent? Ling Xiaobao, this is to completely fight against the star?"

"It must be a war, but the sword is unparalleled, the baby's baby, the star will make him something, and will send a large number of strong people to save him, and it will be willing to come to the Lingxiao Temple. "

"The Ling Xiao Bao Temple is very strong, but after the two white fruit trees, the Sundia is not too much than the Ling Xiaobao, if the two major hegens are right, oh, interested."

The parties to the Shengfa are all, and countless top stronies have learned this news.

Everything looks forward.

Among the Holy League, some big forces are full of outbreaks, that is often something, and therefore leads to some big forces, which also exists.

The parties in the Shengfa are so used to it, and now they are happy to see these two major hegens.

The eighth nest, the core area.


Before I scattered in the core area, after searching for the sword unparalleled, the strong, the first time, the first time, the position of the Zhenzhi's true God rushed.

And they also learned that the news of the God of God and the body of the body, so they did a few more people and very careful.

On the empty, there is a three-faced image to be thrown forward.

These three people are the top chaos, one of which is from the Lingxiao Temple. As for the other two, it is the excitement of the monet of the Lingxiao Temple.

In the World of Out of Chaotic World, there are many powerful excitement. They are not afraid of all parties, as long as the cost given is enough, they have to be sinned, they don't care, after all, the party is ideal Kill them, is not so easy.

This time, in order to kill the sword, the Lingxiaobao Temple is pleased to be more than ten kinds of excitement.

The three people who were rapidly plundered in front of the front, suddenly paused, and the old woman wearing a gray robbell in the center, looking at the dark void after the body, "I don't know which friends, always follow What is the purpose of my three people? "

This gray robbed old woman seems to be thin, but the sound is powerful, and it is more powerful in the surrounding world.

After the sound sounded, the strong people behind him did not appear, but there was a laughter.

"Liangqi is expensive, I have nothing to do, just want to make up and play, after all, we don't know where the sword is unparalleled, only follow you can find it!"

"Yes, yes, you will take you, I will not participate in the competition between you and the stars."

"The Ling Xiaobao Hall and the frontal collision of the stars, the thousands of clothes are difficult, I will not miss it."

I heard these laughter, and the old woman in the gray robbell.

"If you really just join the lively, even if you follow, I have a statement. If you start, if you want to intervene, if you want to intervene, I will never let go of the Temple." The old woman said, " Turning and continuing to start the road.

"Liangqi, this time you have the movement of the Taoist Hall, it will not be too big?" A strong man with a gray robe and rushed.

"The Ling Xiaobao Temple is to stand, this is of course the more people who look at it." Another one laughed.

"Two don't joking this, soon, I will go to the sword where there is no pair of positions, and I have to rely on two." The gray robbed old woman.

"If you rest assured, since I have promised the Lingxiao Temple, I will naturally do my best." These two have promised very refreshing.

This time, from the Ling Xiaobao Temple, the Shengshi has spread, and the strong people who have been in the eighth nest ** naturally learned news, because they also deliberately came over, and the Shengshi There are countless double eyes, all staring at the next collision.

It can be said that this collision is a favorite.


A darkness, there is no gentle land of life, and the sword is unparalleled without choosing the void plus, but it is going on the ground.

His pace is very slow, since he kills the sky, it has been in the past few days, but he has passed through the road, but he has not moved, but I deliberately waiting for a strong enemy.

In fact, he is indeed in deliberately waiting for the power of the Lingxiao Temple.

"The sword is unparalleled, you attract the movement, you can't do it. Just Lingxiao Temple has a strong person to send me a message, promise that I have a lot of benefits, I also assisted the Lingxiao Temple to kill you. , The Lingxiao Temple is worthy of the top great power, it is really big enough, and the benefits of promise even I am very excited. "

"Haha, did you promise them?"

The sword is unparalleled with Penghuo.

"My nature, don't you know? I never take the initiative to find someone trouble, even if there are many benefits, I will not have no reason, let alone, I have to pay for you, I will be For some benefits from the district? "Peng Hui smiled.

"That is really unfortunately, I still want to have the opportunity to fight with Peng Huang brother?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I want to fight with me, I will go to Thunder Island, some is the opportunity, and we can still drink a cup." Peng fire is very enthusiastic.

"No problem." The sword was not a hyper point, and he suddenly had a look.

"Peng Hui old brother, I will not talk to it, the power of the Lingxiao Temple has been looking for it." The sword is unparalleled.

"Then you can be careful, the Ling Xiao Bao Temple is not very good." Peng Hui really said.

"They are not good, but I am more unhorse than they!" The sword is unparalleled but smile coldly, and immediately interrupted the news of Peng Hui.

On the dark, the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes look at one direction. His soul has already induced three breaths in that direction.

The three breaths, it is all the top chaos.


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