"This time, the power of the Lingxiao Temple is to learn smart." The sword smiled.

The three top chaos appeared in the coverage of his soul, all stayed near him and did not come to hand with him.

Obviously, it is more intensive, and there is a powerful lineup, and then do it.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled and too lazy to pay, and the three strong people have not found out that these three strong people are not discouraged.

Over time, there is a strong person near the sword and the unparalleled, more and more, and the strong from the Lingxiao Temple, or the power of the Taoist Temple is already in seven.

There are two people, and there are two people, and there are two people who are close to the God of the God.

This lineup is very stronger, but the Lingxiao Temple is still not an urgent man.

"The sword is unparalleled, I am nearly near you." A message suddenly passed.

"Oh, it is a thorough inflammation." The sword has no double brow.

I really god and the thorns of the rain, but the two top chaos of the stars, when the Lingxiao Temple strongly slammed the sword, the strong people in the stars were naturally followed, but they were on the lineup. Some gaps are large.

This is not a great gap between the star, but because the star has not spent a lot of money to invite the strong, the Yuan Dynasty is originally planned to be done so, but the sword is unparalleled.

"Trouble, now the Lingxiao Temple has already gathered the seven top chaos, the gods in this, this lineup, even if it is generally the real God list, it has to be retired, but I can definitely definitely fight." Imaginary god low departure.

"Maybe." The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, the strong of this Lingxiao Temple can be rushed to you, you can see your look, why don't you worry about?" Irritance is really beautiful.

"It's here, there is always an urgent need?" The sword was unparalleled, but it was uncomfortable.

"You are so optimistic." Irrit of inflammation really got mouth, and suddenly ...

In the scope of the sword unparalleled soul, there are more three strong breath.

And these three breaths quickly gathered with the seven strong people of Lingxiaobao Temple.

"Come and three?" I really was shocked.

"Worse!" The ram is the same, the same face is dignified. "The previous seven top chaos is really the gods, it is far from we can resist, but now I will come three, the top ten top chaotic real God, which is still The two are unlimited. It's too horrible! "

"The sword is unparalleled, quickly escape, I will help you with the unobs of the rain." I really god.

"I have a good way to show the treasures of the domain, and you should block them for a while, you caught this opportunity." The real god of the rain also directly.

These two true gods are obviously anxious.

"Two, in fact, you don't have to be like this ..." The sword is unparalleled, not finished.

"They have to do it!" I really said.

I saw that in the dark voids in the sword, there is a dark void, and the ten biadom galloped, and the speed is very fast.

This ten big shapes, any breathtaking, strong, immediately attracted the eyes of many strong people near the void.

"Have it, the Ling Xiaobao Temple finally started!"

"Even if you have, you will be able to do it again when you have a top ten top chaos.

"The top ten top chaos is true God, there are two more infinitely close to the true God list, this is a lineup ... Even if it is the strong in the true God, it is estimated that only the head of the head."

The many strong people who look at the void are looking forward to it.

They came here with the strong people of Lingxiao Temple, which was for this lively.

They also wanted to witness their own eyes, a fallen genius.

On the dark void, the top ten top chaos of the Lingxiao Temple has already appeared in front of the sword, and one has burst into a murder.

"The sword is unparalleled, you will die!"


The horrible broken wind, the carrier, the majestic, the prince is unparalleled.

When they have not been close to the sword, they saw a white woman suddenly appeared in front of the sword, the white woman was beautiful, the left hand took a long sword, and the right hand is holding a strange compass.

"The sea!"

"Women in the world!"

Booming ~~~

The green sea is crazy and swept it, and he has formed a heavy height of the world. It has formed a heavy wave of heavy and one heavy, and these huge waves are endless, and they are covered with the top ten strong people of Lingxiao Temple.

"It's the thrilling of the stars, and there is also a thorough inflammation!"

"They want to block us, and then let the swords can't have the opportunity to escape, hey, think that there is a beautiful, the palace has a good, I don't have to have any counsel, since the star, the power, the power, the way will They kill together! "


The top ten top chaos really came up with their own gods, and there were also a variety of breath to spread out, some are hot as a flame, some are the thick mountains, which also fierce the giant The ax, it is easy to open the first weight of the front of the front.

"The sword is unparalleled, we hurry!"

I really want to quickly escape from the threatens of the threatening of the threat.

They have never thought about it, they go to the top ten top chaos in front of them, but they are hard to die.

However, when they were ready to leave, the sword on the dark land is unparalleled, but the fierce looks up, and the cold eyes spoke, and the top of the top of the top of the top chaotic. The stock kills also starts instantly.

call out!

A strange figure is fierce and out, leaving a dense number magic in the void.

This ghost charm, directly passed through the waters of the throne, and appeared in front of the top ten top chaos.

This scene, the many strong people present, including those who stayed in the dark, are full of horror.

No one can see that the throne is really exhausted to show the world of the sea, and it is to give the sword unparalleled creation opportunity, let him escape, no one thinks, including the weather, broken The same is true for them.

As a result, the sword is unparalleled, but a single gun, a person kills out, killing the top ten top chaotic real gods.

He ... what do you want to do?

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