Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1689 comes!

The eighth nest core area, the land of the wilderness.


An emergence of a body shape.

This is a young man who is slim, peace, and a pale young man, this young man is covered with chills, just like Jiu Hell.

After he came to this ridiculous land, he closed his eyes quietly waiting.

After half a day, there was a sudden shape, this person is a high-speed close up to three meters, like a giant violet old man.

"The cold spring is true, didn't you wait?" The old man is smiling.

The young man in the body is full of cold spring, open eyes, look at the people, "I thought that you can at least a few days, but only half a day, look like you to kill the sword. It is not much smaller than me. "

"Hey, the old man and the star, the world knows, this time the star has such a genius, I certainly can't let this genius will continue to grow, it is impossible to make him a star The second Star Palace master. "The old violet is cold.

"The sword is unparalleled, unfortunately, he is too big, I get the news, he is still waiting quietly at this core area, obviously he is waiting for me."

"Waiting for you?" Zi Zobe old brow one.

"Before I gathered the top ten top chaos, including the two unlimited approached the strength of the true God. They wanted to kill him, but the result was almost by his two nets, this strength, should also It is enough to be in the forefront of the real God list, even if you compare with me, it is estimated that it is not too much. "

"The strength is similar, this sword is unparalleled." The cold spring is so cold, "However, he will not think of him, this time, go to kill him, not only one people, you still have you!"

"You and I join hands, even if it is a strong person in the top ten, it is enough to kill, this sword is unparalleled, you will die." The old violet is laughing.

"Even if you can't kill him, I also prepared it after the Temple of Lingxiao. He is still dead!" The cold spring is awkward.

"In this case, that is not terminated, we hurry to pass." Purple robe said.

"Well." The cold spring is nodded, and the two people directly frankly the sword where the sword is unparalleled.


On the ridiculous dark land, the sword is unparalleled and quietly sitting there, and closed his eyes.

I really god and the god of oil, the true god is staying in the sword. At this moment, there is still a lot of strong people, they all know that this time is not over.


The sword sitting on the ground is unparalleled, and the eyes are open, and the eyes flanges.

There are also many strong people near this void, and they also pay attention to the two shapes that are in the distance.

"Two people?"

"One of them is the true god of cold spring, another person?"

These strong people are quirky.

And after a long time, the two people who have greeked them are completely in front of them.

Among them, cold spring is naturally not to say, and another person is the old Purple of Zoo, which is nearly three meters.

I saw the old people in the Purple Robe, but the many strong people present were all shocked.

Irritance is also bigger with the true god of oil and the rains.

"Nine Palace! Nine palace owners!"

"It's a nine palace!"

"Scorpio, the nine palace is really coming?"

Everyone is a face.

The nine palace is true God, the same is true God list, and its ranking is higher than that of the cold spring!

That's a super existence of fifth in the real God list!

Moreover, it is well known that the true god and the star of the nine palace are huge hatred. This hatred can say that it is not dead!

Like the old nest of the nine palace, the strong people of the Stars, the strong, the stars, do not dare to step.

Of course, the true god of the nine palace did not dare to appear in the Holy Land of the Violet.

But this collision, the protagonist is the sword unparalleled and the Lingxiao Temple. No one thought that the Lingxiao Temple actually gives the nine palace's true God.

The two real gods, a true God list ranked eleventh, one of the true gods, if they join hands, that result ... a vocabulary, the sword, the sword.

However, the sword at this moment is unparalleled. When I see the two big gods in front of you, there is no panic, but the opposite of his mouth also has a smile.

"This is something that it means."

The sword is unparalleled, and the body is still slowly standing.


The true god of the nine palace and the cold spring appeared at the same time in the sword, and the sword was unparalleled, but the distance between the 100 miles was standing.

"Haha, I have heard a great rebellion in the morning, today's old man is fortunate." The nine palace is so laughing.

"The nine palace is true God, in fact, you have had a side." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh?" The nine palace is really a wrinkle.

"Can you remember tens of thousands of years ago, when your Jiugong God is covered, you met Dragon Qingzhen and others, and there is no one in the team of Dragon Qingzhen. The ordinary person who fluctuates slightly. "The sword said unparalleled.

The nine palace really began to recall, and the next moment of his eyes, "That is the ordinary old man at the time?"

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point. "It is the blood de deal that I asked Long Qingzhen's gods. Just I didn't expect my third retrieval robbery, so I lost my strength, turned into a incomparable The weak white hair, and I saw you at the time, but unfortunately, you didn't recognize me. "

"Hey, it turns out, it seems that the old man is inadvertently putting on your life, but it is just that you are more than a million years, and today, you still have to die!" The nine palace is really a low.

"The true god of the nine palace, there is no need to talk to him, you and I will shoot it directly, kill him!" The cold spring is so murderous.

"Well." The nine palace is always headed.

Immediately, the two horrible breaths suddenly broke out, and they came directly to the sword.

The surrounding world is still quiet.

"The sword is unparalleled." I real God and the .

"Two, this battle is not that you can make it, you will go back to go next to it." The sword is unparalleled.

Irritance is the same as the thrive of the rain, and the heart is helpless.

Although he is all the top chaos, it is a strong battle between the real god list, especially the active god list, but it is still not qualified.

"You are careful." Irritance, I'm talking about it, and then I will retreat to the distance.

On the dark, the sword is unparalleled with the blood and sword, and the two strong people in front of them are eye-catching.

"Come on, let me look at the fifth, with the eleventh two strong people, there are many !!"

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