Void, it has been completely solidified.

Hidden in the nearby strong people are also waiting.

in vain……


A low drink, from the true god of the cold spring.

At this moment of this drink, the trendy of the cold spring and the nine palace is also suddenly attacked.

"Look at me."

The nine palace is surrounded by a rich destruction, just like the devil of the earth, it is a wide black big knife.

"Green God!"

Booming ~~~ Tiandi shake.

The black big knife in the hometown of the nine palace, but at this moment, it is a magical movement.

Every time I ficty, there is a suffocating horror power outbreak, and I have a fifteen times of fifteen times, and the black big knife in his hands also watches fifteen times.

The sword is unparalleled to stand on the earth, and the fifteen destruction of the world's knife is instantly attacked him.

These fifteen knives, everything is enough to kill the top chaos, every, is enough to make the strong people around the battlefield.

The sword has no double eyes, there is a pound of the gods, and the body is shaped, and the blood peak sword in his hand is also swayed.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! ~~

The impact of dense numbness is connected.

Every time I hit, I blew the void, so that this world was caught in a destruction storm.

After fifteen times of impact, the power is dissipated, and the sword is unparalleled, it still does not fall in the destruction storm.

"The knife method is good, but unfortunately, the power is worse." The sword has no double smile.

"This little child ..." Nine palace real gods are slightly changed.

His blue gods, even the fifteen knives, it is a knife, it is a knife, and the whole force is coming, even if it is the top ten of the true God, it is not easy, but the sword is unparalleled. Lightly, it's next to him.


A cold and low drizzle sounded, and the sword was unbearable, and the void was suddenly broken.

At this moment, I became groggy at this moment, and in this grazing world, a picture of a picture suddenly shunned, whistling in the void, the sword is unparalleled, and the faint can hear the bearing behind it. The sound, and there is also an amazing cold forced.

But he looks too lazy to look at it, just a sword.

It seems a simple sword that can be contained is the majestic power of the energy, directly pressed.


A great sound, the world has returned to normal, and that the position is also bleak, and even the body shape of the cold spring is also detached.

"Good power!" Hanquan real my eyes took a shock, low and low: "Nine palace, this kid's power is very strong, much more than I have to wait, but his feelings of heaven, not high, Don't compete with him, rely on skills, kill him! "

"Understand." The nine palace is so cold, and his body is destroyed again.

The endless destruction of the breath rose, in an instant, in the void, a family of high destruction of the huge beast.

This destruction of the beast roar, but it is a fierce opening, ! call out! call out! call out! A destruction of the beam is unparalleled in the sword.

These destroyed beams are not too strong, but the speed is very fast, and the direction of the beam explosion is also very violent.

As for the nine palace, it is, it is a fascination, quietly floating.

The sword is unparalleled, the left hand is a strong shock, the strong power broke out, directly smashed the front of the vain, and even shocked the destruction of the destruction, after shocking The destruction of the destruction of the beam, but the direct illusion forms a huge and strange field, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Well?" The sword was unbrick.

He found himself in this field, the sight was greatly hindered, and the top of what he could see is only the range of ten miles, not only, and even the strength of his soul is also much more limit.

"It is a bit mean." The sword is unhappy smile.

! !

Void, a dark, and the knife containing endless destruction, there is no double side of the sword, and there is no double-headed skull.

This is a sharp knife, even if the sword is unparalleled, but he still has to react, I saw him a sudden turning, and the blood peak sword was shouted.

The sword light is directly distributed directly, but at this time, he has abrupt countless positions around him.

"Endless Starlight!"

The cold spring is so pressing the presses, and the hands are tapping.

This thorn, the sword is unparalleled, and there are countless cafes, but also lightning toward him.

"What?" The sword has changed, even if he can't resist this in this moment.


Only heard a roar sound, the sword is unparalleled, and it has been drowned by those portions.

The horribleity of the horror is crazy, and the earth is treated.


The two stones flashed, stopped in a void, it is the true God of the Jiuguan and the cold spring.

"This kid, should it die?" The nine palace is really cold.

"Faster, my endless starlight, this trick, he can't resist it, you will die!" The cold spring is very confident.

"I can let me join hands to show off, this sword is unparalleled, it is worthy of pride." The nine palace is smile.

However, the smile on his two faces just showed, but immediately solidified.

I saw that there was a fascinating sword in front of the scene, and the sword was scattered, and this Shen Li storm was born, and the shadow appeared again in front of everyone.

He, single-handed sword, the blood robes wear in the body have been turned into the bloody armor to cover the whole body, and there is a white mark on the blood-tattan armor. It is all in the gun shadow that has just been shadowed. Although there are ten white marks on the blood-tap war armor, but the breath of him, but there is still no weakening, but ... more stronger!

"This?" The nine palace is fascinating. "You don't mean that this kid will die? But why didn't him die, and even the breath is not weakened?"

"How is it possible?" "Hanquan real God is also incredible.

He doesn't know that swords are unparalleled, not only single, and the body is equally terrible.

His power and the body are the level of energy, just that the trick is really subtle enough, but the power is too dispersed, the sword is unparalleled, even if it is more than ten times in the long bun, it can pass the weakness of the bloody ring. The rest of the power is not enough to shake the sword unparalleled body.

"Your means have already been revealed, and next ... I am."

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