"Next, I am!"

The sword is unparalleled, the laughter has echoed in this world, but the many strong people around the battlefield.

The true god of the nine palace and the cold spring is also unusually lighter.

Before the sword is unparalleled, they have never thought that the sword is unparalleled.

They are in the true God list, and the other is the top five, the two super strong people teamed up with the number of means, and the results did not have anything?

At this time, in the eyes of his two, the sword is unparalleled in the hands of the bloody sword.

At the moment of the blood peak sword, there was a shocking sword to get rid of the sky, and there is still endless power.

Above the darkness of the dark, there is a bloody sword.

These bloody swords, each of which is extremely stronger, and it is stronger and suffocating.

At least those strong people watching around the battlefield, they can feel a strong threat from these blood color swords.

At the moment, there is dozens of blood color swords formed during this day, and there are dozens of roads!

One is enough to make the top chaotic really threaten, the foot is ten?

Those strong people watching also finally changed, a total of forty-eight blood swords!

This is also the seven-star pictures of the sword unparalleled, not only in the sense of understanding. At the same time, the understanding of swordsmanship has also reached a new level, so it is a new level, so the trick, the bloody shadow that is condensed Naturally more.

After the foot of forty-eight swords is condensed, it is integrated with the speed visible with the naked eye.

A short moment of Kung Fu, a new blood color sword appeared in the world.

The only one of the only swords is left throughout the world.

But this Sword Ying, after the appearance, but it is a burst of creepy.

Even if it is the true god of the nine palaces, the cold spring is true, when seeing this sword, their scalp can't help but felt.

"This sword, even I felt a fear, cold spring, you and I have to be careful." The Nine Palace Zhen Shen said.

"I know." The cold spring is really the head, "this sword, I have to join hands to block it, if it is one-on-one ... you are strong, but I can do it, you can hit it."

"Show it." The nine palace is really a bit, from him, an unprecedented destruction moment instantly broke out.

The cold spring is like the same look, his body is faint, and a scarlet, the pound of the throne is venting.

"God is destroyed!"

The nine palace really gods, under the mobility of the destruction, his handle in his hands, but it has skyrocketed, and it has skyrocketed half a void.

The big knife has endless destruction of crazy swept, carrying a life.


A burst of drinking, this handle filled the blade of half a void and suddenly waved.

As for the cold spring, the gods were sent a burst, and the power of the body was constantly infused in the hands of long guns. After he was, he took a detachment of the ancient dragon, and the number went, at least thousands of giants Long deficiencies.

"Qianlong's power, Longxing extinction !!!"

In the cold spring, the scenery is bright, and there is a thousand dragon imaginary pictures behind him, and then the thousands of dragons are rumored out, and they are in an instant In the long gun in the hands of the cold spring.

The carrier is the power of the thousand dragons, which is a horrible shot.

Will, all shocked!

And many strong people who see this scene understand that the true god of the nine palace and the trend of the gods are now the most stronger recruit!

They are all desperate!

The sword is unparalleled, and the bloody swords that condense.

The blade of the destruction of the true god of the nine palace.

There is also the strongest shot of the Qianqian's Qianlong.

The three shocking offensive, time, positive collision.


Tianshure crack.

The terrible power broke out, as if we want everything in the world and cribed.

As those strong in the dark, even if they are far away, they can also induce incredible power in the battlefield.

These top chaos are very clear, the power of power, as long as it is slightly illegal, they will fall into the ground.

This fierce battle is a super power standing at the top of the real god pyramid, and it is qualified to participate, and they can only wait far away from this thrilling.


Two streams, suddenly shot from the storm of the destruction of the world, is the true god of the nine palaces and the true gods of the cold spring.

At this moment, two of them are obviously a sorcerer.

The nine palace is quite messy, and it is pale with a pale, as for the cold spring true God, his face is pale as paper, his mouth is also a fresh blood, the breath is more than the previous point to weaken more than 30%, Obviously injured is not light.

! ! !

The slight shout came, and the true God of the Nine Palace and the true God of the cold spring appeared in front.

I saw it in front of the Shenli storm in the crazy, it was suddenly broken, and a young figure was slowly spanned from this channel.

He still holds the sword, the breath is still angry.

While walking in front of step, there is a sudden sound of a few cold and cold sounds in the sky.

"The nine palace is true God, the fifth place in the God!"

"Cold Spring is true, I really rank first!"

"Originally, you can join hands, you should bring me a lot of fun, but now you seem to be so tope."

The sound falls, and the sword is unparalleled, and it appears in the sight of everyone.

Seeing this scene, the whole world, except that it is still raging, all everything is quiet.

A piece of silence.

The true god of the nine palace and the cold spring is flashing, but more is awkward.

Their two real gods played hands, but the result was defeated?

Lifting the sword is unparalleled! ! !

"Single this kind of strength, even if I use Hong Yu Jinjian qualifications." The sword is unparalleled, but the killing is a lot, "I don't play with you, death!"

The sword is unblocked, and it is slow to raise his right hand, on the forefinger of the right hand, it has already been condensed.

"The sixth finger of the ancient gods ... etched the sun and finger!"

Booming ~~~ Tiandi collapsed, an ancient giant refers to fall.

At the moment of this ancient giant finger, the true body of the nine palace, the whole body pores are all inverted.

As for the cold spring, it is wide, and the eyes are deep, and it has emerged in a desperate!


PS: Today is coming!

There are two days old this week, and it has been added to the chapters of the week. Everyone will support it!

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