The ancient giant refers to fall, whether it is the might of the nine palaces, the gods, and cold spring, there is no resistance.

As at this time, a vocal is suddenly rumored from the nearby void, this folk carrier is more powerful, and the lightning strikes with the ancient giant finger.

Booming ~~~ Tiandi earth seismic tremor, this ancient giant finger in the scene of the live gods is actually smashing directly.

"Well?" The sword didn't have a double eyeliner, and he looked at the direction of the picture.

Many strong people hidden in the nearby void, and they also looked there. In their sight, a gray robbed old figure slowly emerged.

This gray robbed the elderly Tong Yan haired, the eyes were cold, but it contained endless majesty.

When he appeared, there was a unique breath, and the time became the focus of this mighty world.


Many strong people nearby couldn't help but slam.

This unique breath, and raising the ancient giant fingers that hit the unpacking of the sword, and the identity of the people came.

And I saw the people, the cold spring really revealed the color of the ecstasy, even respectfully shouted: "I have seen thousands of gods!"

The elderly nodded slightly, but the body has slowly floated.

As he shaped, the color of the sword has gradually gains.

No matter whether it is the cold spring, the God is still the arrival of the nine palaces, he can be glaring, and it is uncomfortable.

But now, it is a genuine powerful person!

Hidden in the vicinity, and also secretly shocked.

No one will think that this time this time has such a big hand, not only the cold spring, the gods and the nine palaces, and even send a large energy, staying in the dark.

Deluxe, every chaotic world is high in superior existence.

In the top ten holy land, any party forces, if there is a big energy to sit in the town, it is inevitably the top great power, even in the Shengshi can occupy a place.

There are still a few in the existence of the Lingxiao Temple, but this time, it has sent a powerful person to come over, just in order to deal with the sword.

The elderly of the gray robe finally appeared on the battlefield, standing next to the true God of the cold spring.

"The cold spring is incompetent, but you have to let the goddess you will shoot." The cold spring is really low.

He just knew that the Lingxiao Temple didn't just let him join hands with the nine palaces to kill swords, but also.

But what is the backhand, but he doesn't know, until now he understands, the backhand is this Qianli Shenjun.

"This thing, no wonder you." The thousands of gods opened, the sound is indifferent, and there is no blame.

He came to this void very early, just hiding in the dark, a big energy is deliberately concealing, even if the sword is unparalleled, it can't be found, and there is no found.

And just the trend of cold spring, the real god of the Jiugong gone with the sword without a pair of war, he also saw it very clear.

He knows that it is not a cold spring true God, the nine palace is really incompetent, but because this sword is unparalleled, it is too strong.

From the strength of the sword, there is no double, his combat power is definitely in the forestead.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The indifferent sound sounded, and the thousands of gods were slightly turbid and cold eyes, and they came directly. At the same time, a pound of the might was also in the past.

The neighborhood is extremely strong, but the color of the sword is not changed.

"It seems that my face is really unsained. The cold spring is true and the top of the top of the nine palace. The top of the top of the true gods will join hands. But now, even the energy is dispatched, the Ling Xiaobao Temple is not a general I can see me. "The sword is unparalleled, the laughter is tuned, and everyone is listening.

"Hey, the old man is not planned to come out, but you are too mad, and you will kill my Ling Xiao Bao Temple, and I can't kill you, and what else is in the future in the future? Therefore, the old man will carry out your arrogant in this arrogant today! "The voice of the Qianli Shenjun is magnificent.

Very normal, big energy, usually care about our own face.

And between the powerful people and the real gods, the gap is a big, the sword is unparalleled, but after all, it has not reached the chaotic real god level, but it can't compare with the energy. If he is a big energy, if you personally go to the sword Unparalleled, of course, with a big bullying, out of the damage face.

So the beginning of the Lingxiao Temple is also letting the cold spring true God and the nine palaces.

It is really no way to now, he will appear.

After all, he is damaged by his face, and it is more than a joke than the entire Lingxiao Temple.

"Small generation, death!"

Thousands of gods did not have too much nonsense. He looked at the sword and watched the sword.

In the moment of his voice, it is rumbling ~~~ Tiandi shake.

The sword is unbolded, but it is found that the space around him is crazy, followed by ~~ The big piece of earth-yellow airflow sweeps, forming a stormy waves, from all sides of all sides crazy toward him.

The sword has no double shape, but if you want to avoid, it is found that these soil yellow airflow has already shrouded throughout the world, and he does not have any possible possibilities at all.

Subsequently, these earth-yellow airflows carryers the power of heaven and earth, crazy crushing on him.

In the outside world, the sword is unparalleled, which is completely caught in a dirty jail, and the prison is crazy, and there is constant roar.

Thousands of gods are indifferent to the indifference, and they will come to the me.

As a big energy, he is strong, not just on the power of the god, but also the feelings of the heavens.

Dagists have the feelings of the heavens, it can all be able to get through the seventh floor of the Taoist Palace, and then cooperate with the special horizontal power. If you raise your hands, you can easily kill the strong list.

This is also one of the big energy and the true gods.

As he is in this trick now, if it is dealt, it is the real god, which will definitely kill it.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and it is not possible to be more than that of the cold spring.


I only heard a dramatic explosion, that crazy squeezed is a small dirt yellow jail, but I have a hole in a hole, in the cavity, a huge dark gold arm extends, with this dark gold color The crazy tear of the arm, the whole earth yellow jail was tearned by a big hole.

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