Pong! Pong! Pong!

One of the golden light flashed, and once again, I went to the Qianli Shenjun, and every shock, the high-spirited road contained in Jinguang will shock the thousands of gods.

Thousands of gods, Zhongxiao, and constantly want to get rid of, or completely defeat this golden light.

However, this golden speed is too fast.

Hong Yu Jinjian, mainly the power of time and space, the most terrible place is its speed and flexibility.

Hong Yin Jinjian is rumored in the void, as if the darling of time and space is generally not affected by the power of time and space, often colliding with Qianli Shenjun, after shocked, immediately collided Come, do not give the opportunity to be given to the latter.

As a big energy, the Qianli Shenjun has many means, and it can have a chance to do at this golden light.

He was forced to be forced by the golden light, and the festival was defeated.

"Mix, what is this ghost?"

Hong Yu Jinjian's one-time impact collision, so that the thousands of gods are angry, and they are also awkward.

"It's too fast, and it's too strange. I bombard it once, I am unless I've been hard to bear an impact, so that I can find the opportunity to fight against it, but this golden light is weak, I will hurt, I will be injured. Not light, this sword is unparalleled, from which to be so high? "The Thousands of God is roaring, and Yu Guang can't help but look at the sword.

Hard students endured Hong Yinjian's collision, the price is not small, but he doesn't do this, but only the shackles that have been constantly suppressed by Hong Yin Jinshen.

Of course, there is also another possibility, so in the way to the sword, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled to smash, so that the sword is unparalleled.

It can be said that he is smashed, he sees the sword unparalleled four-headed and eight arms of the ancient gods gave up.

Old chaotic world, who doesn't know that the ancient god family is stronger in the nearby killing, killing with the ancient gods, that is to find abuse.

Hong Yin Jinjian hits the collision once again, completely presses the thousandth of the gods.

Seeing this scene, the sword is not a cold smile. "The Hongyin Jinjian," I made all the best, "Although only one handle, it can still press this Qianjun, but it can only be suppressed. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the energy, as the top batch of strong people in the world, a strong power, and the ability of life is more terrible.

Now this Qianli Shen Jun is still hesitating, or if he chooses to desperate, the sword is unparalleled will never be good.

As for the killing of thousands of gods, the Sword is unparalleled now, it is a luxury.

"Although I can't kill, but I can give him a lesson." The sword didn't have a double eyeliner. He drove the Hong Kong Jindan once again, and the latter was oppressed. There is also a power of power and the power of the ancient god.

Booming ~~~ Shen Li.

After a great battle, the sword has no double, but at this moment, it has once again consumed the power of 20%.

Consumption of two complements, only for the display.

This trick is an ancient god group, the strongest trick.

"The ancient mystery, the operation of the moon!"

The sword is unblocked in the bumper, and the throne that is sudden is suddenly swept.


Void is a tremble.

Then, the neighborhood of the thousandth of the gods that was still constantly burning Hong Kong sword suddenly changed.

He is very clear to induce a homotype, the effect of this void around him, the time is ~~~ The voids around him immediately collapsed.

The power is also transmitted to his body, which makes his body, and it also reveals a slice.

At this moment, he only felt the whole world, the whole sky, including the whole time and space, and destroyed him to completely crush the powder.

This force is too strong, and it is too strange.

Just as if he is rejected by the heave and space, it seems that he should not exist in this world.

"My body can't be moved?" Qianli Shenjun was shocked.

Yes, you can't move.

No matter how he struggle, how to crazy, his body cannot be moved, and the top can only slightly slightly throw one or two.

That skyite space-free rejection is crushing, he can only resist the resistance.

In the absence of the moon, the only secret of the ancient goddess involved in time and space is also a big magical.

If this secret is burst out of power, it can be completely excluded from time and space. Subsequently drive throughout the world's time and space, just like crushing dust.

The sword is only just a preliminary masterpiece, and the strength is too low, and this secret can not be completely exerted.

In this way, this secret surgery he is still can still constitute a huge threat to this Qianli Shenjun.

! ! !

I only heard a sound of a low slim bulging sound, and the null's nature of the voids became pale.

For a long time, when the oppression of the world space is completely fixed, his body has just restored the moving.

call out!

A strange golden light lit again.

It is still that rapid, and it is still that it is unresolved. This time this Qianli god will not be able to resist.

Hong Yin Jincian seems to be sharp, the fierce shock is on the body of the goddess.

It is a strong person, and the body is extremely strong, and the body of the body is very strong. It is extremely amazing on the body, but the defense ability is extremely amazing, but after being impacted by this Hong Kong Jintian, it is still the first time. I spurted a big blood, and the breath also wilted down.

This scene, the many strong people near the battlefield look at the eyes, and one is a bit.

"I was hurt, the Qianli Shenjun was injured?"

"A big energy, fight with a true God, and the result of the biggest victims seriously injured?"

"The front of the past, the true god and the cold spring are really the god. After all, two are only true gods. But now, the Qianli Shenjun can be a genuine real energy, this sword is unparalleled to seriously hurt a big energy?"

Unbelievable, everyone feels incredible.

That's staying on the edge of the battlefield, I have been quietly watching the cold spring of this battle, and the two eyes are more rolled.

However, this cold spring is really not noticed. Then, the surgery and Hong Hao Jinjian will be unparalleled according to the sword of the thousandth of the gods, but the cold eyes are already chairing him.

"The lesson of the lesson is less learned, next ..."

The sword is unblocked in the middle of China!

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