When everyone is amazed ...


The sword is unparalleled in an instant, and when the body is shackled, the Hong Kong Jacity slightly, then the direction of the direction of the sword is flushing.

The goal of sword is unparalleled, and it is the cold spring of the Lingxiao Temple.

"not good!"

The cold spring is obviously the intention of the sword and the unparalleled intention, and the face is changing, and it is desirable to escape.

He has always stayed in the edge of the battlefield. It is not far from the sword. The sword is not seriously injured. When everyone is in a horror, there is no sign of him, and the speed is so It's so fast, but it is too late to react when the cold spring is coming.

I saw that the long tail was dragging the long tail. It was like a comet's golden light to appear in front of the cold spring. Directly attacked the trend of the cold spring.

The cold spring is the first time to wave your hands, you want to resist.

Results, just an impact, ! The long gun in the Hanquan's hand is directly shocked, and the golden power is not reduced to continue to impact on the body of Fengquan.


The cold spring really spurted a large number of blood, and it was already pale in pale, and the breath was once again wilting into the bottom of the valley.

The shape of the sword has also appeared in front of him, and the blood peak sword in his hand, it is obviously the long sword waved, but the blood peak sword is already in order to be a vast oscillate mountain, The bottom of this .....................

After you finish this, this is once again in the sword in the sword.

The palm is holding the blood peak sword, and the sword is unparalleled. It is a long-awaited purple elderly in the distance.

"This nine palace is true, it is really awkward." The sword is unmainted.

The sword is not intended to be directly killing the nine palaces, and then the cold spring is really smart. However, the nine palace is very smart, when the Qianli Shenjun is present, he will go to the distance to the distance, not like the Fengquan true God. It is blindly confident to the Qianli Shenjun, and stay in the edge of the battlefield.

As a result, the sword was unparalleled, and the cold spring was really coming. It didn't come to escape. The sword was caught in the sword. As for the true God of the Jiugong, the sword is unparalleled, but there is no way to deal with it.

"But even if this nine palace is really fled in time, I want to kill him, I am afraid that it is not that kind of easy." The sword was unimaced.

The nine palace is true God, the spirit of the God list.

His strong is not just in strength, but also in his many means, especially the purpose of life.

Task, even if there is no way, there is no way, it is said that the star of the Stars once personally chased him, but they were escaped, the sword was heavy, and the thoughts were seriously injured. However, he will not think that he is strong than the Star Palace.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

A sound containing endless anger sounded, and the whole world is full of endless anger.

I saw that the Qianli Shen Jun was blown out, and the body was scattered, and his eyes were also scarlet, as the devil.

Hidden in this void, even if you are far away, you can induce the shockingness of the Qianli Shenjun.

"Why, the goddess will still want to fight with me?" The sword was unparalleled and cold, next to him, the Hong Yin Jincian, which was quiet, as if it can be re-turned once again. Shot.

Thousands of gods looked at Hong Yinjin sword, the eyes flashed a singular color, the completion became gloomy, "put it out of the cold spring, otherwise I will not die without you!"

"Haha, it is really a joke, it is difficult now, I am not dead, I am not dead, but the sword is unscrupulous," since it has already fightd to this, I have nothing to be jealous. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the strong people are nodded.

Indeed, the sword is unparalleled with the Lingxiao Treasure, which is equivalent to not die.

Now that Qianli Shen Jun also threatens the sword unparalleled, there is no meaning.

"The sword is unparalleled, it seems that you really have to provoke my Ling Xiaobao temple and the star of the stars." The sound of the thousandth of the gods, "the two top scored a big battle, the things involved, I advised you or If you carefully think about it, even if you don't think about yourself, I think more about the stars behind you. "

"War? Thousands of gods, you don't scare me, even if you really have a battle, what is it? Ling Xiao Bao Temple is strong, but I am a star, I will not be afraid of you?" The sword was unblocked, in When the Ling Xiaobao Hall collided, he has already passed away from the Yuan Dynasty.

The Yuan Dynasty is also told him ... let go, don't have any counseling, there is a star, there is a palace master, can't fall!

This time, the main point of the Yuan Dynasty, the sword has no doubles, no more scruples.

"Moreover, even if the battle is really outbreak, it is not what I have provoked, but you pick it up!" The sword is unparalleled.

"Mix, you have killed my Lingxiao Treasure Hall, I still dare to say that I am a war that I took the initiative to pick up the Temple of Taoism?" Qianli Shenjun immediately angry.

"Hey, I kill them, that's because they damn." The sword is not a biennar, and the spin is a big hand, but it is immediately on the empty, but immediately appears. Mirror screen.

There are two people in the picture, one is the sword is unparalleled, and the other is the true God that is already falling.

Among the screens, the two people are holding, and the words conversation with each other are also spread in this world.

The conversation is obvious, the first thing that is the most beginning, is a three-level magic core in the sword, and take the initiative to snatch.

The sword is unparalleled for self-protection.

The purpleness really admitted.

Even the true God of Zi, finally said, "No matter what kind of reason, as long as the people of the Lingxiao Temple, then damn!"

Then two people moved their hands.

At the end of the screen, the facts have been in front of the scene, and those who are hidden in the nearby void also look at the clear and clear.

"Thousands of gods, what happened to you now?" The sword didn't drink, and the world was roaring.

This mirror screen is the sword unparalleled, deliberately guided the true God of the purple, thus staying.

At that time, he thought of this scene in the future, this left a heart, recorded the image picture.

There is this mirror screen, at least the 'truth' is absolutely in the sword.

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