Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1696 talks

"This world, although it is a strong, the fist represents everything, but when the strength is much different, who is not the time, this '' is important." The sword is unhealthy.

And this picture is out, the strong people hidden in the nearby void are suddenly awkward.

"The original thing is like this."

"Oh, because the sword is unhappy, it is only killed by the sword. This can only say that he is unreasonable, no wonder others, but the Lingxiao Temple actually deliberately dispatched the strong to chasing the sword, then there is next A scene ... "

"At the beginning, this Lingxiao Temple also said that the sword is unparalleled, the treasure in the hand, this time, this time, the sneak attack will be a dream of killing, it is really shameless."

"Not only is shameless, and it is also overbearing, and no matter what the reason is, as long as it is a person who killed the Lingxiao Temple, he will die, hey, this Lingxiao Temple is really good, do not put all parties in the eyes."

Many strong people have smashed.

Although there is still no one will come, but in this heart, these strong people are still standing on the sword.

This matter, it is obvious that the Lingxiao Temple is too overbearing, too shameless.

And the sword is unparalleled to the end, it is just a counterattack in passiveness.

That Millennium, the color is unusual, but he didn't expect that the sword is unparalleled and there is this hand.

This picture came out, and his Lingxiao Temple was destined to lose his face.

I took a deep breath, and the gods of the gods strongly pressed the anger of the cell, and the sword didn't look at it. "Kid, you should know that cold spring is true, the importance of me Lingxiao!

"Know, of course, I know." The sword is unparalleled.

The cold spring is true, is the first person in the true god of Lingxiao, in the real god list.

Moreover, he is still a real genius, and it is not long, and the potential is also great. Although it is not like a sword unparalleled iron, he still does not have a small hope to break through the energy.

Such a genius, of course, is of course equally, of course.

"Say, what do you want, then let the cold spring come out." The sound of the thousandth of the gods.

He also has no way.

If the sword is a unusual chaotic true God, even if it is a strong sense of God, he will not hesitate to kill the sword without a double, there will be no nonsense.

But the key is that the strength of the sword is unparalleled, is not weaker than him, even when he has just been a big loss.

With this strength, he can't kill the sword at all, and naturally, it can only hold the inner anger and killing.

"Thousands of gods, since you have said this, let's talk about the conditions." The sword was unparalleled smiled, and this scene was in his expectation.

In fact, with his strength, you can just kill the cold spring directly, but he doesn't, just use the blood peak sword to suppress it.

The sword is unparalleled, of course, is of course purposeful.

For him, killing is not killing the cold spring. After all, the cold spring is unable to make a threat to him, and he wants to use the cold spring true God, bring you the greatest benefit, and he can also let Lingxiao Temple Heartache.

"I want me to call the treasure of the cold spring, you have to promise me three conditions." The sword is unparalleled.

"Three conditions?" Qianli Shenjun strongly pressed the heart of anger, "said!"

"First of all, I need a little downtime flower, the quantity, there are not many, will be 100,000 cars." The sword was unparalleled.


The void is standing in the distance.

The sword is unparalleled, the mouth is scared.

100,000 DOW? Task, a general chaotic true God is estimated to be around one or two hundred crystals, and the top chaotic real god estimates that there is a thousand crystals, it is very good, 100,000 Dual crystals, that can be connected by a hundred top chaos Can make out.

This figure cannot be imagined at the general God.

"Okay, I promise you." Thousands of gods did not change.

100,000 Dual Jing is naturally an astronomical figure for a real god, but it is not too much for a big energy, but it is not necessary to wait for the Lingxiao Temple.

"Second, I need some magic cores, it is best to be above three levels, as for the quantity ... Ordinary black three-level magic nucleus, the cyan three-level magic core, as for the bloody three-level magic core, Less less, there is a ten. "The sword laughed.

I heard this, the strong people hidden in the void are unattime.

The magic core is an alone that is eight big nests.

Only by hunting star magic can get, and the sword is unparalleled, even if the entire eighth nest, many stars, but must not be able to make it.

"Yes." Thousands of gods god mouth slightly twitch.

A powerful person, if you want to go directly to the seventh nest, the sixth nest smashing the singer, as long as it is not going to those overcast areas, almost never encounter threats, and smash thousands of years, you should make These magic nuclear nucleus, this is for Lingxiao Temple, and you can also accept it.

"The last condition, you also know that I have been cultivated on the Thunder Island before, and I also have the fairy palace inheritance, but unfortunately the cultivation time of the Fairy Palace, I have been using it almost, so I can only find it. Your Lingxiao Temple is still some, nor very much, it is five hundred years. "The sword is unparalleled.

"You dream!"

This time, the gods, but they can't help but also anger.

If it is not a self-strength, he has long unloaded eight pieces without double the sword.

The strong people hidden in the nearby also secretly marvel.

They see that the sword is unparalleled. This is on the lion.

The inheritance of the Fairy Palace is different from the Dow Crystal and the Magic Nuclear. It is not what you want.

Every 300,000 years will release a fairy hall inheritance, although the Temple of Lingxiao is the top great power, but it is only two thousand years, and only two, each time it is, It will use it immediately.

It can be said that the inheritance of the Fairy Palace is also very valuable to the Lingxiao Temple.

But now, the sword has no double one, there is a cultivation time of the Fairy Palace for five hundred years, which is equivalent to the five fairy palace inheritance!

"Thousands of gods, don't worry, the fairy palace's five hundred years of cultivation time is precious, but can not compare with a genius with breakthrough energy?" The sword is unparalleled but grinned, " This way, you go back first, and you have a lot of high-level high-level high-level high-rise to your temple, and I have to come to me again! "

"I will give you a hundred years of time, go well."

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