Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1697 Chapter of Thunder Island

"I will stay in Thunder Island, if you agree with my conditions, we have traded on Thunder Island. If you refuse or have no reply after a hundred years, then you are Genius, there is no! "

"Thousands of gods, go back and think, I will leave."

The sword is unparalleled, echoing in the world, and his figure is a shake, when the south of Qianli gods, leave directly.

Thousands of gods looked at the swords and unparalleled leaves, but there was no meaning to stop.

No way, he can't stop it, can't stop.

Ling Xiao Bao Temple has been a powerful lineup in order to deal with the sword, there is no big lineup. Even his energy is coming, but it is still the latter, now the Lingxiaobao Temple wants to ask other strengths. Dagists come to kill swords and unparalleled.

"This time, I am going to turn a boat in the ditch."

Thousands of gods, swords, no pairs, but they are all helpless.


The South Angle, all parties forces, including many exclusive power, are waiting for the frontal collision of the Lingxiao Temple and Stars.

Especially when I know that the sword is unparalleled, when I have a tip of the top of the top of the top, they are interested.

One is not expected to wait for the news.

And not long, a message is delivered.

The first is that the God of the cold spring and the nine palace are always arrived at the same time, and they wanted to kill the sword. The result was defeated by the sword.

Subsequently, one of the majestic people of the Lingxiao Temple came to come from, and the sword was unparalleled. The result was no double injury, and the cold spring was also directly suppressed by the sword.

At the end, it was a thousand and unparalleled conditions, and the sword was unparalleled, and the sword was unsatisfactory, and the successful condition was fully unacceptable.

When these news is public, the entire Shengba is shaking, a piece of exclamation!

Almost everyone believes that this time will be a frontal collision of the Lingxiao Temple, and the sword is unparalleled as the protagonist of this matter, almost will be dead.

There are still people who have always been mercy the sword, but what?

There is no one in the stars, and there is only a sword!

Just one of him, a single gun, but the powerful lineup sent by the Lingxiao Temple, including that of the energy, but in the opposite, they were still in the sword, and a big loss.

For a time, countless people shocked.

"The sword is unparalleled, it is the result of eternal God, the result is enough to confront a big energy, and even seriously hurt the opponent, it is incredible."

"It is terrible, this sword is unparalleled, it is terrible, simple genius, the enchanting to describe him, basically can't describe, because it is a kind of enchanting, the monster does not have him."

"Reversal, this is reversal!"

Many strong people in the Holy League know how amazing the rise of swords and unparalleled rises.

You know, more than 20,000 years ago, there was no sad hall, and the swords were unparalleled. It was just a contest, just a little guy.

It can be more than 20,000 years, but it has become a hegemony!

Yes, it is a hegemony.

His current strength has already reached the level of energy, and the big energy in the world of chaotic world is the existence of hegemony!

Of course, while the sword is unparalleled, the parties in the Shengshi will, many exclusive strong, and they are also looking at the joke of the Lingxiao Temple.

The Lingxiao Temple has always strongly overbearing, there are many forces in the Shenglang or a strong person who has once complained with Lingxiao Treasure. It is just that the strength of the former is always anger.

This time, the Lingxiao Temple has a full face.

This face is too big, it has been completely a joke.

If you have such a strong lineup, there are dozens of the top chaotic real gods, including cold spring real gods, the strong people of the two true gods of the nine palace, even a big energy personally shot, the purpose is just just to It is a true God.

This true God has almost no one to help, just give yourself, the result is the seven-zero, terrible, terrible, which is not a joke?

And this joke is also purely self-satisfied.

Because the sword is unparalleled to talk to the purple truth, it is very clear that the Lingxiao Temple is chaling, the sword is unparalleled, it is always in the self-insurance.

And this war is also the Lingxiao Treasure to make a news, this is so much such a big move.

Now they have faced face, eat, except for themselves, there is no wonder anyone's head.

In addition, the face of the Lingxiao Temple has not been thoroughly lost, after all, the cold spring is still in the sword, unparalleled, and the conditions of the sword have also announced.

Now everyone is looking forward to how to respond to the Lingxiao Temple, is it promised, or still refused?


At this moment, the Temple of Lingxiao, the atmosphere is very dull.

The many high-rise of the Lingxiao Temple is naturally an anger.

But the anger is angry, but things have already happened, and the face has been lost, and they can't even find the trouble of the star.

After all, they losses!

Now that they have to do is to minimize the loss of Lingxiao Temple.

This loss, first, it is natural to replace the cold spring.

Shortly in the sword where there was no longer long, the Ling Xiaobao Temple came over and promised the three conditions of the sword unparalleled.


Thunder Island, an open surface.

There is no chair of this air, there will be no one in this empty floor on weekdays, but today, the strong people who come to this empty floor have few days.

The entire Thunder island, in addition to some strong people in the charter, more than 90%, have come to this air, including a few big energy, is interested in this piece Vachane near the air.

Because today, Lingxiao Temple will be with the sword to complete the transaction on this empty.

The center of the air, the Lingxiao Temple is a strong person, and it is still the same person.

As for the sword, there is also a strong person who has several stars in the side.

"This is the Dow Crystal Magic Nuclear, and there are two fairy hall inheritance, each of the fairy halls have a cultural cultivation of two hundred and fifty years, you have a list of yourself." The face is cold, took out a Qiankun ring.

The sword is unparalleled, and the soul is swept away, and smiled and nodded.

After a waving, I will put it out of the cold spring in the blood peak sword.

"Thousands of gods, happy trading." The sword was unparalleled and smiled.

"Hey, don't be proud, this matter, I will not give it here," I won't think of this! "

"I am waiting." The sword is unparalleled to smile. "


PS: Today, six!

The fourteenth volume, the road of true God.

The fifteenth volume, the first true god in history started.

I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival in advance, and the group is round.

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