The Lingxiao Temple of all the best collides with the stars, with this transaction on the Thunder Island, this has come to an end.

This collision, the Lingxiao Temple not only has lost heavy damage, but also a joke of everyone.

As for the sword, it is a great victory.

Especially the 100,000 cary, many magic cores, and the fairy palace for five hundred years of cultivation time, all envy.

On the Zernse Island, the sword is unparalleled with the stars a lot of true God gathered together.

"I really god, the weather, this time in the eighth chambers, thank you two shots, this is a little meaning, do not pay tribute." The sword didn't have two Qiankun.

"This ..." Irritance, I'm afraid, I hesitate, after all, this battle, two of them did not help, purely the sword is unparalleled, and the Lingxiao Temple defeated.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have already gave it, let's accept it. After all, he is a thing from the Lingxiao Temple." "" The weather is very good at all. "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

"Well, it is right." Incense, I really gone, I also received it directly.

"There is also the same." The sword has come up with some powerful people who have given each star in the field.

He is really scary from the benefit of the Lingxiao Temple, and it should be the power of a bit of a pulse.

After all, when he fell into a dark area, these strong people in the stars can all help in finding his trace.

Everyone took over the Qiankun Ring, consciousness, but a surprise, obviously the sword is unparalleled, 'small heart' is extraordinary.

After leaving everyone, the sword is unparalleled to take out the newspapers of the Yuan Temple.

"What is the progress?" Yuan Demotor has already come over to ask.

"It's very smooth, the Ling Xiaobao Hall is always gave something." The sword was unparalleled.

"I will know." Yuan Demin is not surprising, "Although the value of you want is extraordinary, it is worse than the value of the cold spring, it is not as good, not to mention so many people know that you will suppress you. The trendy of the cold spring, if the Lingxiao Temple can't help but come up, wouldn't you let the strong heart? "

"Well, it is indeed." The sword is unparalleled.

"This time, you earn big, but honestly say risk is also bigger, but fortunately, it is best nothing, or ..." Yuan Dynasty is sigh.

"I didn't expect the Lingxiao Temple to kill my heart, it would be so strong, in order to deal with me a true God, even if I sent a veteran personally, it is really embarrassed." The sword has no double.

"Ling Xiao Bao Temple this time, it has been a little more beyond," said the main hall of the Yuan Dynasty, but he shakes his head. "Don't take them, you only need to be more careful to Lingxiao Temple in the future. , The real God list has been changed, you should haven't seen it yet? "

"I changed so soon?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It was originally required to change it later, but because of your appearance, there was a good shock for the true God of the God." Yuan Temple was done, continued Road: "You know you in this new true God list, ranked" ""

"How can you still be in the top three." The sword is unparalleled.

"It is in the top three, and ... or the first." Yuan Dynasty was directly.

"What is the first place in God?" The sword was unparalleled.

He knows that he must enter the top three, and it will definitely be in the second place, but the spirit is the first, but he didn't think it before.

After all, he has seen the true God list, and some of the results of the true God list before.

This time he was in the eighth nest, although there was an extraordinary record, even seriously injured the thousands of gods, but he can seriously hurt the goddess because he has a large number of bottom sign, but the goddess It's too late to show it, this can't explain that he is stronger than the gods.

On the contrary, if it is a desperate, the Qianli Shenjun may have some advantages slightly.

The first thing before, but under the premise of the two sides, it was suppressed a big energy, and the record was more powerful than the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, I can't think that I can shake this true God list, but the result, he is wrong.

"There is a gap between true gods and energy, the gap is too big, the many strong people in the spirit of the gods, but they are really qualified to compete with energy, before the first fracture, the real god, he is positive suppression A big energy, the record is indeed weaker than you, and the reason why Vientiane Tower is in the first, and the top of this method is in the forehead. It is because of your potential. "

The main hall is laughing. "The French has become a chaotic true God has been very long. He has already reached the bottleneck in strength, unless it is a big energy, otherwise there is almost no improvement possible, but you Different, you are reversible, the potential is much bigger than this method, and you will be big in the world, it is still a big amazing. "

"Don't say anything else, as long as you break through the chaotic God in the future, it is a generous thing to crush this method."

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

Really God list ... Not long before, he is the first, but now it has been raised to a new level.

There is an encounter of the first priority, the sword is unparalleled to this true God list, there is no excitement.

"Reverse, it is not a common practice, any reversal, even if it is very low, you can reach the third stage of the ultimate God, that is, the chaotic real god, then you can easily become the true God list I. "The sword is unparalleled.

Like that there is no sadness, he also ranked first in the world when he was the ultimate stage.

Different, the sword is unparalleled now is just the second phase of the ultimate God, but no sadness is to achieve the third stage.

"On the strength, now I, compare with the no sadness, still have some difference." The sword is very clear.

"The sword is unparalleled, when are you going back to the stars a pulse." Yuan Demotian suddenly came.

"Will return to Xingchen?" The sword didn't have a double look, and immediately nodded, "Yes."

"What time is it?"

"After a while, I just got from the Lingxiao Temple to get a five hundred years of cultivation time, and there are many magic cores, these are very useful for me." The sword has no double.

"That's good, you practice it is, wait for you to come back, send me a message." The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

"Okay." The sword was not a hyper point, then interrupted the news of the main hall.

And next, the sword is unparalleled to start using his resources in the Lingxiao Temple.

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