Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1703 Playing

At the end of the banquet, the main hall will hand over the two white fruits to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to immediately take the log.

"Wild dog gods." The sword has no tribute.

Just for a moment, the wild dog god will come back, "The sword is unparalleled? I heard that you have a small doll now has the battle of God's hierarchy, but also the first, amazing, I really didn't look at it. Unfortunately, you don't want to be my disciple, or I have to boast the capital. "

"The wild dog is laughing." The sword was unparalleled and asked: "Where are you now? Is it in Thunder Island?"

"No, no, I just came out from Thunder Island, now I am so fast to Xuan Guang." Wild dog gods.

"Xuanguang Shenzhou?" The sword didn't have a double look.

He also impressed this Xuanluo, and it is not too far from the top ten holy.

"I will go to you now." The sword has no double.

"How, your kid is looking for me, what is good?" The wild dog goddess.

"Nothing, did you have to get a few white fruit before you? I just got the hand, deliberately sent you." The sword was unparalleled.

"Haha, the feelings are good, I am waiting for you in the country of Xuang." The wild dog gods smiled.

I interrupt the news, I know that after the wild dog god, the sword is unparalleled, and immediately goes to the Xunguang.


Xuanguang Shennan, only the ancient chaotic world is a leading country.

One of the domains, these domains have been ruled by one party as a native fortune.

A huge mountains are in the mountains.

Snapped! Snapped!

The whip smashed in the blood on the blood, and there was still painful mourning.

"The action is going, slowly swallowed, let's die!"

Some sergeants who wearing black tarants are driven to make many cultural practitioners dig the sputum.

The number of cultivars is much, more than 100,000 people, most of these hundreds of people are Tianzun, but there are also a small number of gods.

They are all forced to be arrested by the Tianwang Fort. After caught this, their days have been very miserable, even born to death, these cultivators are full of angry, complaining, but they can't attack, after all The sky, for them, it is too powerful, it is a big thing.

Suddenly, in a large group of black wars, a high-year-old consecutive robe is slowly stepped.

Seeing this Purple Supper Middle-aged, although the many cultivators who do hardship, although they hate tooth, but they can only be helpless.

This purple robe is a holy fortio of the northern fort, but also a hegemony of the whole metrophic.

The Sky Paramunications is a ban in the most central in the middle of the mountain, and a cave palace with many sergeants guards.

"What is going on?" The main ring of the northern fortune.

"The Lord, all the best." The sergeant replied.

"Well." The main point of the northern fort is nod, then it is alone in the cave.

I walked into the deep depth of the Dongfu, with a black gas, the center of the earth, with a black vine, in the top of these vines, there is a fruit of black and a single aroma, which has a fruit. Baby skull size.

Seeing this fruit, there is a strong hot fever in the home of the northern fort.

"Haha, use numerous cultivators to moisture, this day, the growth rate of the soul is really greatly improved!"

"It's fast, there is more than ten years, this fruit can be completely mature, when you come ..."

It is extremely excited about the northern fortune.

He was discovered earlier before, but it was too far away from the time when it was discovered, so he deliberately grabbed a lot of cultivators nearby, and the resentment of these practitioners continued to promote this. The growth of fruits.

To this end, he has paid an incomparable price.

However, as long as this fruit can be completely mature, all the cost is worth it.

"The soul of the soul, the fruit, only this one, it is worth money than a lot of chaos." Sky is murmured.

Suddenly, the turbulents are church!

I saw that the void in front of him was broken, and the palm of the palm of the old yellowed hand extends from that, but I grab the paint black fruit, then directly Picking, under the eyes of the horror of the Sky Fort, this paint black fruit was taken directly by the palm.

Then, the palm of the palm, it has disappeared.

The main character of the northern fort is there, but the ear is echoed to laugh, ", thank you."

Skyworth is the master!

"Who! Who is it!"

"Fast, give it to me, immediately find me, I want to smash him!"

The Sky Fortress is with endless angry roar, echoing within this Moza Mountain, this mountain range is also instanting, and the sergeant of Niang Niang Niang Fort is starting crazy.

At this moment, there is a void in this mountain range, and the two shapes are standing there.

Among them, one of them wore broken clothes, unparalleled, and the neck and a strange old man with a white bone collar, was holding a dark fruit, laughing in that.

"Wild dog gods, but it is a natural resentment, if you need, I have one, I will give you, as for this feat, go to play these people?" Being a long sword is unparalleled. Faces of noodles.

"Hey, the sword is unparalleled, this you don't know, the old man likes to eat, the more precious and rare things, but also the mouth, but when you eat, I also like those who are stealing because I have been stealing because I have been stealing and suffering. The look. "The wild dog gods laughed.

"Like this day, the soul, the value is only one hundred to two hundred cars, for you, I don't think anything. However, this treasure is for the Niang Fortress, but it is equivalent to the family life, I In his eyelids, he stole the soul of the soul, he didn't worry, and I like to watch him crazy, haha, too interesting. "

The wild dog gods said, and then it was directly grabbed the paint black fruit biting, and then he had aestall it.

"The taste is really good." The wild dog god is very incomparable.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is secretly shaking his head.

This world, all kinds of people have, this wild dog god is a madman of a local road, everyone knows.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and the wild dog God is crazy, and it must be heard with him.

After all, the big energy is paying attention to the face, and the only wild dog god will not care about this, and he even the name is directly called wild dog.

This is a single one, in the big energy, it is unique.

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