Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1704 can't go

"The sword is unparalleled, how do you bring me a white fruit?" The wild dog goddess is unparalpted.

The sword has no double smile, and I will take the two whitefise fruits.

"Two?" The wild dog godde is bright, "Not bad, your kid is still a heart."

Said, this wild dog god will directly incorporate the two white fruits of the sword, then he will open the mouth: "Kid said, what is it?"

The sword is unparalleled, can't help but dumb.

The wild dog God seems to be crazy, but it is actually savvy.

He knew that he came to him, and he also deliberately with two whitefritcha, it must be equal.

"I really have something to worry about the dog God, you are about the early gods." The sword has no double.

"Too early Shennan?" The wild dog goddened, the original Jinjin taste is eating the soul of the soul, but now I still stop.

"Don't tell me, do you want to enter it is too deadty?" The wild dog God said.

"There is this idea." The sword is unparalleled smile, and it is not concealed.

"Hey, there is no need to have the idea, that too early gods, you can't enter." The wild dog gods continued to eat fruit.

"Why?" The sword was unparalleled.

"This is ..." The wild dog gods just prepared.

"Finally found!"

A flavor is coming, I saw that I saw a darkness in front of him, and the Niki, a large number of black wars. The armor was unparalleled, and the wild dog goddess came.

That day, the sacred murder was released, especially when he saw that the wild dog gods had already bite most of the soul of the soul, his eyes were completely scarlet.

"Old things, dare to steal the soul of this seat, this day, this is to make you ash!" Skyburger satent.

I heard this, the wild dog goddess did not care, and even deliberately biting this day, the soul of the fortress, the soul of the soul, and then lost the future, ", still Give you. "

"Also give me? I have been eating, and I will give it to me?" The face of the main gas of the northern fort is "dead!"

A good breath released from this day, the heart is released, this breath has reached the level of eternal real.

A eternal real God, in the country, it is definitely the superior existence of the hegemony, and even some of the country of the country will have this level.

But this level is in the sword, but the wild dog gods are generally in front of the antity.

I saw the horses of the northern campus, and the sword was unbolded.


A low drink, fierce.

The sound is very low, but it is like a crazy thunder crazy crazy in the Skyworth, and there is a heart behind him behind him.

Then, the whatever desire to kill the wild dog gods, the body is stunned, his eyes are in an unprecedented, dead staring at the sword, and his inner heart is numb.

The sword is unparalleled. It has reached the second phase of the ultimate real God. Its Shenli and the body are the level of energy.

The Sky Ballo Lord only felt that he was drinking, the whole of the body must be completely burst, he has a feeling, the young man carrying the long sword in front of him, a thought, it is enough to kill him countless times.

He is so, and the black sergeants behind him are more wolf.

"Admiral, I will leave now!"

"Leave it now!"

There was no temper again, as for the anger, it has long been there, and the ash slipped with his people and climbed.

When these people leave, the sword is unparalleled and the dog god will come over. "Wild dog gods, you just said that I can't enter the Taijie Shennan? Why?"

"Don't worry." The wild dog gods waved, and an ancient cyan spacecraft appeared immediately in front of the front. "Go, we went to the air boat, don't walk back."

"Well." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

When two people got on the spacecraft, the wild dog gods drove the spacecraft, and went toward the Xuanguang.

In the cabin, the sword is unparalleled with the wild dog gods, and the two conversations.

"The sword is unparalleled, since you have heard of the young god pool, then you must know the origin of the Taijie Shennian?" Wild dog God said.

"I know." The sword is not a hyper point. "It is said that a strong person gets a drop in the ancient battlefield, which is the generosity of this drip, and is derivatizes the genre and pool."

"Well, this is the case, but you have to understand that the derivatization process of Taijie Shenli is very slow, from the initial one drop in order for a god pointed, the process does not know how many years it used." The wild dog God slowly said .

"Later, the young god pool is getting more and more amazing, and there is a rumor that a serious injury, the dead, the emperor entered the Taijie Shennan, only three years of recovery reached the peak, this is indeed true, because I It is seen in your own eyes. "

"However, although the emperor reached its peak, he consumed a lot of generous power in the past three years, this consumption, Taiji Shen pointed, it can still be recovered by tens of thousands of years. Make up. "

"I also because of this, the emperor paid the price equivalent to him half a price."

"Half a home?" The sword has no double.

God of God, the Lord of the Star Palace!

In the world, the chaotic world is second only to the super power of the emperor.

Such a top power, the family is amazing, far from the sword, unparalleled, can be imagined.

However, just to go to the Taijie Shennan repair for three years, spending the price of him half a family?

This cost is too much.

"Even the emperor is so, as for you ..." The wild dog gods are interested in the sword unparalleled, "the little guy, you are reversing, if you enter the Taijie Shennian, the power consumption, estimate Compared with the emperor, it's not too much? "

"As far as I know, I have been in the same time. When I was still in the world, I also found the owner of the Taiji Shentan, Luo Yizhen, and also took out a small price and Luo Wei god tandem, Luo The yarn monk thought he was just a true god, it would be reversed. The top of the Taijie Shennan is absolutely two years. It is enough, so I will agree. "

"Results, the no sadness is in the past eight years, and it is eight years. It also absorbed the whole eight years of Taiji, but he did not come out, so that Luo Wei gang was angry, directly shot forced to give no sad god I have come out! "

"After the matter, I learned that the power of the Taijie Shennian losses, this Luo Wei gods were irritated, and they were almost got to be killed!"

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