Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1707 Taiwan

In the god poinse, the white water flows, the sword is unparalleled in the Shennan, only the head is exposed on the water.

"This is the force of too early?"

The sword is unparalleled to feel these white veteran '.

Spirit, no throat!

"It's too pure, and there is also a pure pound that is more pure than the power of the magic nucleus." The sword was unparalleled.

The Lord of the Demonstall, this is the most sophisticated force in the world's chaotic world.

This kind of power can not only absorb transformation into the power, but also it contains recovery capabilities, but also amazing.

No wonder, a dead emperor, only three years in this god poison, and the state can recover the peak.

"Try it first."

The sword is unparalleled to try to absorb these too early.

With the absorption, the surrounding of these white 'Tanshui' slowly poured into the sword unparalleled body, and then immediately started to transform it under the operation of China.

Just instantly kung fu, a trace of ultimate power that is transformed from the power of the Temporary force has become.

"This transformation speed ... more than absorbing the magic, and there is more fast, and the quality, strong too much, I am in an instant to transform the ultimate power of the main force, afraid than I absorb a three-level devil. Nuclear, more than one. "The sword is not big, and it is full of ecstasy!

"let's start!"

The sword is unparalleled, and even if it takes time, in this god pointed, it will start the power to absorb these too long.

With the absorption, the ultimate feelings in his body have more and more, and then slowly start to condense the eleventh drops of ultimate power.

Only three days of hard work, the eleventh drip ultimate, the water droplets have been condensed.

"It's too fast, this is only three days!" The sword is unbensed is surprise.

Task, if he has always rely on absorption of magic nuclear nucleus, if you want to condense the ultimate feeling of the eleventh drop, I don't know how much magic cores, how much time spent.

But in this generous watellia, only three days.

"carry on……"

With a mad, the sword is unparalleled to the absorption of the power of the generic force.

The time is slowly passed.


It is still before the bamboo house, Luo Yinjun is sitting with the wild dog god.

"This has been in the past ten years, but the sword is unparalleled, but I haven't come out from the Shentan. Ten years, how much is he absorbed again, the old monster, you don't feel painful?" Wild dog god Talk.

"You are you?" Luo Wei goddened a wild dog god, "but the power required for reversal, there is indeed beyond my expect."

"Hey." The wild dog gods smiled, but immediately came to come up with two fruits, and one of them, handed it to Luo Wei Jun.

"This is ... White Yan fruit?" Luo Wei gods showed a surprised color.

"Old monsters, don't say that I am reluctant, I have a total of two white fruits, or the sword is unparalleled, now I am dividing you, thinking about it?" The wild dog knew.

Luo Yizhen is also welcome, directly incorporate white fruits.

As for the wild dog god, it is a look that it is a look that it is enough to start the mouth.

"Baiyanian fruit is really wasteful." Luo Wei god judged.

Just talking about these two gods.

In addition to dark void, a huge space boat is slow, on the spaceship, four people are standing side by side, and the eyes are looking at the dark voids that have a foggy existence.

Among these four people, the head is a young man wearing a purple luxurious robes, the face-cold young man, and his mouth also has a fascinating smile. "Na Luo Shenjun, live here? Oh, it is really enough Lonely. "

"It is really very remote." A cold old man smiled: "I don't know if the Hall, this Luo Yingjun is lonely. After her husband is dead, she has been hidden, with the outside world, there is almost no contact, even if it is In the Shengba, knowing her residence, it is estimated that there is less than ten, and we also spend a lot of energy and time to find this. "

"Oh, is this?" The cold young man is slightly tightened, and his face is more.

And if the sword is unparalleled, see this cold young man will be angry.

Because of him, it is the first in the blood de deal, with the cold as a snow ... Mu Hong Hall!

At the beginning, the sword is unparalleled when he is passionate from the Mu Hong Hall, suddenly encountered the third reverse robbery, and the result was a meal of this Mu Hong.

"How is the strength of this Luo Yizhen?" Asked in Muhong Temple.

"Very strong, in the level of God, it should be in the top level, but our lineup, to kill her, but it is easy." The cold old man replied, "We will kill this Luo yak. God is still the second, the most important thing is that too early Shennan. "

"The seventh palace owner has told, that too early god pool, no matter how it has to get his hand, even if you can't get it, you must destroy it, or ... wait until the future, this is the help of the Hall of the St. ,too big!"

This is very clear about the gods of the gods.

A dead emperor, entering the Taiwan Shenda three years, it can restore the peak. If Luo Wei is really desperate, it is very powerful, and it can provide many power to provide a source of power. The Shen Li follows the recovery injury.

"At the beginning, the gods of the gods were just derived, and the high-level Want to put the Taijie Shennan in Zernse Island, but the young god pool was equivalent to the treasure. It was generally controlled by Luo Yinjun. There is no consent, even if it is The St. Alliance will not be able to force to snatch, and can only talk to Luo Wei Shen Jun. "

"However, the conditions of Luo Yakun have to kill Ling Yunmi, covering the Lingxiao Temple, and the rejection of the Shengshi, this Luo Yinjun is a angry, with the Taijie Shennian, It has been hidden, and the Sheng Lean is not a way to take her. "

"However, fortunately, it is good to master the Shen Shen pool in her hand. This has given us the opportunity. If you put it in Thunder Island, then we are not a way." The cold old man smiled.

"Hey, since the Shengshi can't control this Luo Wei Jun, then let us come." The Mu Hongshen smiled coldly, "Go, we will go straight."

As the Muhong Temple decided, this ancient spacecraft immediately broke into the dark voids covered in front.

And at the amazing speed, towards the darkness of the dark, and put it on the suspended land.

On the suspension land, Luo Yizhen, who is originally talking to wild dog gods, is abrupt!


PS: Today is 5 more!

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