Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1708 Mutation

"Some people come in." Luo Xi god enjoys a hint of ice.

"What?" The wild dog gods came over.

"This void is arranged by me, even if someone is coming to visit me, it will also be a little for the ban. I will get my consent again, but now people, I haven't passed my consent." Luo The yarn Jun just said this.


A dramatic roaring is already coming from the nearby void, and there is also a strong powerful spirit of breath.

"The death, has begun to bombard the ban, although the ban on the ban is good, but if a god is full, you can force it, and you can come to people." Luo Wei god sound Old, but only after a moment of work, it is forced to defeat the ban on this suspended land.

"Haha, Luo Yizhen, you have been free of arrogant these years."

The cheerful laughter sounded, and then there were four shapes and violently, and the four people have a strong breath, and it has also reached the gods.

"Four Gods?" Luo Yizhen is sinking.

"The four gods I have never seen it in the Shengshi before, it is definitely not a Shengling, then their identity is not a bloody door is Huangquan Palace!" The wild dog gods have become cold.

Among the Outdoor Chaos World, the Sorrows is an absolute hegemony, and there is no doubt that is so high.

However, although the Shengshi is strong, there is still some potential enemy, the star magic family in the eight nests, just one of them.

And the star demon family has stayed in the eight major nests, and the stars will not reach a certain amount, almost won't run from the eight big nests.

In addition to the star magic family, there is still a threat to the Holy League, there are still many yin power, these over-dark forces are in the top ten holy land, and the activities are in the vast chaotic world, the most powerful is bloody door and Huangquan. palace.

Bloodymen, often for their own interests, large-scale slaughter, even often a domain, and even a goddess to slaughter, is definitely the most evil and poisonous force, and the public enemy of many practitioners.

As for the Huangquan Palace, the most dark, the deepest, and will not easily shoot, but once they are shot, they are almost unable to live.

In the Shengzeo, I didn't know how many days of talents, died in the hands of Huangquan Palace.

When the first Yuan Dynasty, the sword was unparalleled. If he cares about some dark and dark, the most important thing is to be careful about Huangquan Palace.

Like the sword is unparalleled, Huangquan Palace will generally not let him live too long.

"They are rushing to the Taijie Shenmai." Luo Wei Shen immediately understood this, "Old wild dog, this time I am afraid to be tired of you."

"Don't say that, no matter whether it is a bloody door or Huangquan Palace, it is the enemy of the Holy League, and the public enemy of the countless cultivator. I have a big dagger, but this is still understandable." "Wild dog Shen Jun Shen Sheng.


The four-way figure appeared in front of the void, and stood in parallel, but did not have the first time.

"I didn't expect this old wild dog." The four people are ignorant, "this old wild dog is not weak, and it will definitely not sit still, there is him Luo Wei Jun teamed up, to deal with it, it is much more troublesome. "

"God is seven, God 8, two of you teamed up with me, a total of Luo Wei Shen Jun with this old wild dog."

"Mu Hong Hall, that is too early to god, and you are troubled."

"No problem." Mu Hongni nodded under the Mu Hong Temple, "I originally thinking about this Luo Weijun, I also want to try with her, but I will hurt it, but since the other party is two people ... Save time, I will not show up. "

"If you want to horn in Mu Hong, it is a chance in the future." The cold old man laughed, "Yes, the Muhong Temple came down to the young gods, in case, it is best to look at the gods in the god of the gods. Is there anything else to exist, if there is, the Mu Hong is directly left directly, if not, then according to the plan. "

"Haha, rest assured, I am not stupid, if there is a strong god or the emperor to absorb the power of the generous gods, I will not be stupid." Mu Hongda smiled.

"Na Luo Shenjun has long controlled the Taiwan Shenda. If we want to get it, this Luo Yinjun must not kill directly, and must be born. As for the old wild dog, it is directly killing." The cold old people look around. " Two people around, "God seven, God 8, do it!"


The four gods are in the same time.

In the four people, there were three people to spread the strong horizontal gods, and the Shenqih took the four-party, and the lightning is like Luo Yizhen, and the wild dog god kills.

As for the Mu Hong Hall, the first time fludys toward the direction of the Taijie Shennian.

At the moment of these four gods, Luo Wei god and wild dog gods also moved.

The wild dog goddess has a pair of dark gloves, and the pounds of the gods are also exploded. This stock also has a trace of violence.


The shape of the wild dog gods is just a shape. It is just a body shape. It can be simultaneously turned into three in this moment, just like three streams, the first time flies, then the three streams are simultaneously waving. Claw.

It is clear that the three body shape is simultaneously displayed, but the instant is immediately fused.

directly smashed the void.

Luo Wei gone is a hand-held cyan soft sword, and the whole person is in a fog, the fog is fogging to the opposite side, then the sword is launched.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

A shocking sword launched.

These swords are light, and each of them has a hateful hate.

hate! hate! hate!

Hate to extreme.

It seems to put the opponent frustrated ash.

"Haha, old wild dog, I know that you realize that you have a unique powerful stacking method, and today, there is no name, but unfortunately, you still have to die!"

The cold old man and the gods, the gods of the three gods, and immediately greeted it. One by one will show a shocking means, and the strength of God's strong is completely broke out at this moment.

Five gods, crazy fight together.

However, Luo Wei Shenjun and wild dog gods are strong, but the two are dragged in the three big gods, which is already the limit. As for the Muhong Temple, which is the Tower of Tai Chi, they have no way.

The wild dog gods also gave the sword unparalleled news.

"The sword is unparalleled, there is an accident, hurry out!"


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