Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1709 Goodbye to Muhong Temple

Too early god pool, the endless "Tanshui 'package, the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are still trying to absorb the force.

Reversal in this ultimate real stage, the power required to accumulate, indeed beyond the sword unparalleled imagination.

One hundred drops of ultimate power, then, it is even harder to condense.

Fortunately, staying in the Great Pool, if it is almost the smell of the magic nucleus, or relying on the accumulation of self-cultivation, the sword is unparalleled.

By now, ten years have passed, but the ultimate power of the body can still have a small distance.

~~~ The power of the geager flows, constantly entering the sword unparalleled body, and at this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the eighty-eight droplets of the ultimate draft, but it is slowly condensed.

"Eighty-eighth dropping." The sword is unparalleled with joy.

Eighty-eight drops, one hundred drops, only twelve drops, it is very close to it.

"No accident, just give me two or three years, my ultimate power can reach the ultimate, and you can break through the third phase of the ultimate God." The sword is unwound.

Others, the wild dog gods suddenly came from.

"The sword is unparalleled, there is an accident, hurry out!"

The sword is unparalleled.

Wild dog gods, I know that he cultivated in the Taijie Shennan, if there is no 100,000 urgent things, it will not easily come to disturb him.

Now, since the wild dog gods come, it must be a big event.


The sword is unparalleled immediately from the genre, but he just appeared in the sky, and immediately saw a galloping figure in the distance.

Seeing this figure, the sword is unparalleled first, and it is just over the past, but immediately swummed out.

Under the Muhong Temple stared at the sword, I naturally saw the existence of swords.

"It's him?"

"Haha, it is really a narrow."

This Mu Hong is a brow, and the spin is to continue to face the sword.

Just started to see someone next to the Shenda, he was still surprised, but he saw that this person was a sword, but he didn't have a scruple.

After all, the sword is unparalleled is just his hand.

On the void, the Mu Hong Hall has appeared in front of the sword and paused.

"Hey, swords are unparalleled, let's meet again." The Muhong Temple is cold and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, but the face is incomparable, and the blood peak sword in his hand will slowly rise from him.

"How, still want to do with me?" Mu Hongda smiled down, "It seems that you are still not enough for me. Unfortunately, I met a change last time, let you escape the life, but This time, you are not so good. "

"I ask you, cold as snow, where is it?" The sword was unparalleled.

Mu Hong Hall Next, followed by the face, but twisted, "mixed, the name of the cold, is it a waste called you?"

"Where is she!"

"If you don't say, I will slaughter you !!!"

The sword is unparalleled as coming from nine secluded hell, and his body shape has also slowly moved toward Muhong, every step, the Shenwei on his body also had the killing, and it is more powerful.

The Muhong Temple will not put the sword without double in the eyes, but as the sword is not coming, especially the huge pressure, it is, it is a little but angry. Come, there is some hair in his heart.

"Hey, a waste, last time I was smashed, this time is also the same." Mu Hong Hall is a flash, and the breath of God is immediately burst, and a blue sickle appears in his hand, figure , Immediately have a dramatic induction of a blue-colored phantom.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is indifferent to this Muhong Hall to kill him.

The last time, when he met this Muhong Temple, he was just two heaven, and the latter had broken through the true God.

Now, once again, the sword is unparalleled is the second phase of the ultimate god, and this Mu Hong Hall, I don't know if it is, it has broken through the gods, based on the competition.

The same encounter, the same realm gap, can be different, this time the sword is unparalleled will no longer be reversed.

"Waste, die!"

The Muhong Temple bursts, and he also swayed out of Qingguang. These glare gathered in it, formed a tall blue ** God, with the Muhong Temple, the cyan sickle is rapidly.

I immediately had a bright cyan river, hang, on the way, the cyan knife river is constantly enlarged at an amazing speed, eventually covered the entire heaven and earth, the scary knife contained in the knife river, seems to be torn and smashing everything .

The sword has no double step, and the blood peak sword in his hand is suddenly lifted into the long sword without retaining.

On the void, a bloody sword is appeared in the air, and these bloody swords and shadows are strong, but they have sixty-one!

Sixty-one blood color swords, immediately fusion overlapping together, a universal energy spread.


The bloody sword is straight, breaking the time and space, breaking the sky.

In the sword where there is no double, it will crash in an instant, and the thrilling swords are ravage, and the surrounding voids tear the mouth of 10,000 miles.

The whole world is overwhelmed by this thrilling sword.


A void in the shape of the sword, it is the Muhong Hall.

However, this Mu Hong Hall is just stabilizing, but he sees the voids in front of him, followed by an ancient giant finger, carrying the terrible power of the venue, which is straight to him.

The sixth finger of the ancient god, caught the sun!

The ultimate Shenli water drops in the body condenses the 88th drops, the sword is unparalleled, far more than the powerful people.

There are so many power foundations, the sword is unparalleled, and many powerful means will be unfolded.

"Give me!"

A low drinking, the younger ** God covered in the Mu Hong also issued a roaring, and then saw the Mu Hong Hall, the squadron, the surroundings immediately, in an instant formed A small area of ​​sharp shadow storm.

This knife storm impact is on the ancient giant point, but the double annihilation is dust.

But at this time ...

call out!

A golden light, dragging the long golden tail, like comet, quietly shocking down the mulk.

"What?" The heart of the Mu Hongwu, apparently this despite the sudden sudden.

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