Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1712 is damaged

laugh! laugh! !

Two golden lights, a hole in this Muhong Hall, and another is a direct hole in his head.

The power contained in Jinguang, instantly killing the vitality of this Muhong Hall.

This Mu Hong is still standing there with a fool, but consciousness has completely dissipated.

Seeing this scene, the cloudy and cold, the gods, the gods, the gods, all shocked.

They are very clear, the identity of this Muhong Temple also knows the horror that he is standing behind him.

Originally this task, just practicing this Muhong Temple, and for this, they also dispatched the three gods and strong guards, plus the "Strong" of the Muhong Hall, that is, foot and four The big god is guarded, and the Mu Hong Hall is also a god.

Such lineup, there will be no accidents in the reason.

As a result, this Mu Hong is dead.

When this is, they are killed.


"The sword is unparalleled, you are waiting, today's things, it will not be so simple!"

"The hatred of the Muhong Hall, must have someone to find you!"

The cloudy old man roaring the sky, and he has already taken the body of the Muhong Temple, with the other two gods to escape.

This time, the sword is unparalleled, and it can't continue to chase. I can only look at them.

This kind of void finally calmed down.

"The sword is unparalleled, don't do it." The wild dog god came from a surprise voice.

"There is no double friend, it is amazing." Luo Wei Shen Jun also said.

At the same time, I just escaped at the same time. Although they did their best, there was no way to stay the other party.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a big means, and the life is killed, and that person seems to be the most important person of the other party.

If you hear two people, the sword is unparalleled but shakes his head.

"Unfortunately, my strength is going to be some. If I have a breakthrough to time-space, the time-space road, any one has achieved breakthrough, reaching the seventh level of the Taoist Taoist, or I have broken through the third stage of the ultimate God, these people, all Can be left! "

"However, you can leave one person, it is not bad, you can't let them retreat to the whole body." The sword didn't think.

"Right, too early god!" The sword was unparalleled.

Luo Yizhen's noodles changed, and immediately figured it directly toward the direction of the Taijie Shentan.

The sword is unparalleled with the wild dog, and the monarch has naturally followed.

After arriving near the Tai Chu Shen Ni, Luo Yizhen is pale, but it is still within the first time.

The sword is unparalleled with wild dogs, is a void in the god pointed, overlooking everything below, and the two faces are extremely ugly.

They see that they have been greatly destroyed.

Not only will the entire water chamber disappeared in a large half, but also have a large amount of generosity, which has been dissipated, and now, it has also dissipated nearly 30%, but also continues to dissipate.

"It is the array of law." Wild dog gods said, "I listened to Luosha God, said that this too early Shennan is derived from a drop of generosity, and the derivation of Taijie Shenqi has been used to some special array. It can now be damaged, even collapsed, and this is completely broken, but not only derivation is stagnant, but will be crazy. "

"If it is not a timely trimming method, these too early power will be evaporated."

I heard this, the sword was unbolded.

Not long after, the Luo Wei gods bloomed from the Shennan.

"Luo Wei Jun, how is it?" Wild dog gods asked, in this way, he didn't mood to joke with Luo Wei Jun, saying that the other party is old monster woman.

"The big quantities in the magistrate ruined, but fortunately, the most important derivatization method is only crushed 50%, and there is also the possibility of repair, and the most core of the Shentan is not damaged, I have now been temporarily The god poinated stabilized, so that the power of the Taijie did not continue to evaporate, but this is only temporary, I must immediately ask many strong people who are good at the array. "Luo Wei god.

"Damaged this serious?" The wild dog god is low.

"This matter, blame me." The sword was unparalleled: "I just killed the gods that I killed, because he is likely to know my wife's fall, so I didn't want to kill it at first. , Just want to make it, I don't think ... "

The sword is really very selfless.

Luo Yinjun did not want him any price, let him cultivate the power to absorb the power in this generous treasure pool, but the result is coming, he has been completely destroyed because of his selfishness.

You know, if he will kill the killer at the beginning, the Thunder's means will kill the Muhong Temple, you will not show the scene of the Shentutan damage.

"Your mood, I can understand, this matter is not blame you." Luo Wei gone shook his head, she was in the temperament, her husband is dead, she is a crazy almost crash.

And the sword is unparalleled, and it is for his wife.

And the key is that the sword is unparalleled, and there is no two power to be so strong in the hands of the Muhong Temple.

When he responded, he had no longer arrived, and he only desperately returned to the Muhong Temple.

"The sword is unparalleled, I haven't stayed for a long time, until your power is completely absorbed to reach the extreme, but now ... Shentoon is damaged, I must immediately fix it, and a long time Time, you can't have anyone to enter the Shenfeng. You must have to wait until the wattur is completely running, so it can't let you continue to absorb it. "Luo Wei god said.

"I have gone in this god pointed, this love, my sword is never forget, as for those who have accumulated in the rest, I will work hard." The sword has no double.

Luo Yizhen Jun nodded.

"Right, your trace is so concealed, even if you know in my Shengfa, you will not exceed ten, just those people, how do you know?" Wild dog god wrinkled.

"Who knows, bloody door and Huangquan Palace, Hey, these two cross-street mice's means, who is unpredictable, this time, you are just in me, otherwise doing one person, I am afraid I can't help but not only God. I have to be lost in my own life. "Luo Wei gods snorted.

"Luo Wei Jun." The wild dog gods are solemn, "Since the bloody door has found you with Huangquan Palace, since you have already found you, you will definitely you will not be peaceful, so ... I advise you, Still talking to the top of the Holy League, let's talk. "

When I heard this, Luo Wei goddened slightly.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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