Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1713 Oreal!

This is a bloody world.

Bloody day is empty.

In this top of this bloody world, there is a bloody ** hole.

The hall of the hall, there is a huge, there is a huge and embarrassing face, and these faces are poisonous and vicious, and people are afraid.

The cold old, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods of the gods, in this temple, but the three people have no gods, but the opposite is despicable, even directly, three major The gods of God, at this moment.

The reason is nothing, it is because the Mu Hong Hall is dead.

"Dead, Hong is he, is it dead?"

At the top of the hall, a goldpastic shadow is sitting there, his face with a bloody ghost mask, can't see the appearance, but at this moment, the whole body is cold, the shares are shocking, but the three below The big god is shivering.

"This task is not too difficult, according to the reason, even if you only send two gods, as long as you cautious care, you can do it, but this seat is sent to your three people, you Know, why? "The strange eyes of the golden robes showed the three people below.

The three people shameful, they certainly know the purpose of this adult's sent them before.

Naturally, it is to protect the week of the Muhong Hall, but the result ...

"The macro is dead, but you are alive, but it is alive." Golden Robe tapped the seat in his hand, but an invisible force has been venting.

"Puff puff!"

The three gods in the hall, sprayed from blood at this moment, and the faces of the three were immediately miserable.

This scene, but there is no three-person shammint, but there is a surprise.

Because they are still alive.

"Thank you for your life." Three people gratefully grateful.

"If it is not now in a critical period, this seat is lacking, you will die, you will die!" The cold voice was issued from the Golden Robe, "killing the macro, is the sword is unparalleled?"

"It is him." The cold old old man is said: "This sword is unparalleled than the true god list. Obviously, in this short hundred years, his strength has been upgraded again, now He, it should be strong in the gods! "

"Oh, the sword is unparalleled, this seat last heard his name, or the status of his rebellion, and at that time, he could achieve the war of Eternal Shimen, while now, how long? It turned out to stand in God It's stable, then give him another time, is he not even? "

"Huangquan Palace, this Huangquan Palace is an indispensable thing to eat dry rice? So a huge threat, they still don't eradicate now, is it really going to have become the emperor, reach the highest level, do it again?"

This golden robe is roaring, the sound is shocked, and there is constant in this temple.

"Go, give this seat to Huangquan Palace, just if it is Huangquan Palace, it is useless, and he is old to become the vassal of my blood. I heard from my bloody door, by my blood. In response to the sword is unparalleled. "

"If there is such a little bit of his dock in Huangquan Palace, you will take this sword without double, this seat only gives them a thousand years, within a thousand years, the sword is unparalleled, if it is still not dead, His Huangquan Palace extends into my hand in my blood in the year, this seat will be broken! "


The dark star is empty, and there is a dark continent.

A seat is standing on the mainland, and these mountains have a large number of hundreds of feasons, and they have more than 10,000 small.

In these mountains, it is quietly suspended in a dark temple.

In the vast hall, a famous hood stands in the guardian guards, and a black robe is in the gaze of these guards, and a letter will pass.

"Oh, the son of the seventh palace owner of the bloody door is dead? Is it not doubled by the sword?"

The low and hoarse voice echoed in the main hall, the sound seems to be sounded in all directions, but the people who speaking, they have never been exposed.

"Hey, his son is a waste, and it is dead, and this seventh palace master actually scatches anger in my Huangquan Palace."

"But this matter will give us a wake up, the sword is unparalleled ... progress is too fast!"

"Hundred years ago, he was in the eighth nest, but only seriously hurting the gods, and the thousands of gods did not go all out, nor did it, the strength is not weak than him, but now it is short Hundreds of years, he kills a goddess, and there is two three gods of the three gods to kill them. "

"The progress is so fast, if it is a time to grow, it is afraid that even if I want to kill him, I can't come, it seems that I can't just hope that the Lingxiao Temple is, I have to do my hand, but I still have it immediately. ! "

Huangquan Palace, this is in the dark, the deepest of hiding, they will not shoot, and can not shoot.

Before they thought the sword was unparalleled with the Lingxiao Temple, then they were fighting, so that the Lingxiao Temple killed it.

But now, they have to take themselves.

"Immediately develop the murder plan for the sword unparallery, and the plan, the success rate must be more than 90%, must complete the murder of the sword and unparalleled murder, I don't allow this decision to make this decision, and live again, Even just a thousand years! "The hoarse voice command.

"Yes." The lower part of the black robe is nod, and then immediately prepared.

Huangquan Palace is definitely a dark and dark forces.

Its threat is even higher than the blood of the blood.

After all, although the bloody door is evil, but the slaughter is just some weak people, but the Huangquan Palace, it is directly for a high-rise power of the Shengshi, a genius assassination.

Moreover, once Huangquan Palace has a heart to kill him, even for this, it has also set a detailed assassination plan. The power can be alive in the assassination, absolutely will not exceed 10%.

Now, Huangquan Palace began to develop a murdere of sword unparalleled.

For this, the sword is unparalleled, but he still doesn't know anything.

He knows that the talents and potential they show, it is difficult to keep it at some dark forces, but he doesn't know that the dark power will pay so much, and he has a good understanding of the darkness of the dark strength. Although the bottom of the heart is alert, but it is not afraid.

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