Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1714 Taiqing Gu Lan Dan

The sword is unparalleled with the wild dog, who has left from Luo Yakun, as for Luo Wei Jun ... he has notified the high-rise power of the Sorrowfow.

Next, she will definitely have a negotiation or transaction between the highest level of the Shengshi, and the total Luo Wei will never continue to occupy a young pool.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have stayed in the gods in the Shenqiao ten years, how is the harvest?" Wild dog gods asked casually.

"It's not bad." The sword smiled smiled, but some regrets were somewhat.

Indecent of regrets.

If you give him two or three years, the ultimate power of his body can achieve the limit, you can break through the third phase of the ultimate God.

But unfortunately, because the gods of the gods were seriously damaged, he couldn't continue to absorb.

"How much can you save in your body?" The wild dog god seems to ask.

"There is also a lot of words, if you rely on my own, you should need to tens of thousands of years." The sword has no double.

"Is it so long?" The wild dog goddened slightly, and sank of his life, and finally made a decision, "Xiaozi, I will tell you about me, I will tell you about it. "

"What kind of thing?" The sword was unparalleled.

"You should know that I have been staying in Thunder Island before, but I suddenly came out from the Thunder Island to Xuanguang Ganguang, it certainly reason." The wild dog gods said.

"As soon as I got the news, I was in the country of Zhenwu, some people found the Dongfu left by Dan Hao."

"This Dan Yu Jun is a very old god, and it is already fallen before, as for how to die, no one knows, but it is said that although the Dan Hao Shenjun is not good, in God The strength can only be counted, but he refines the book of Dan medicine is not a general, but the extremely rare Dan Dang, the world's chaotic world! "

"He used to refine many kinds of medicinal herbs, these Dan medicine have a great role in these God, and he has also refined a medicinal medicine that is less than an alone. Qing Dan. "

"This is a very unique medicinal medicine. Only he can refine, and its intrinsic will contain uncomfortable power. It is said that a Shen Li is exhausted, as long as it swallows a Taizhen Ancient Lingdan, It can restore the peak in a short time, even if the emperor, one take this Dan medicine, the power of the body can still recover more. "

When you hear this, the sword is not a double eye is a bright.

For example, the power of the Qing Dan is so amazing, for those gods, there are God, should have a small use, if it comes to critical, maybe there is a lot.

In the case of the sword, this is so much like this too, but it can be used directly.

"In the World of Duan Chaotic World, the number of Dan medicine that contains fine powder, but the power is so amazing, in addition to the Qing Dan, there is no kind, and even if there is, it is rare, no certain The means can not be found at all. "

The sword is unparalleled, and this is also known.

He didn't think about swallowing the ultimate Shenli water droplets through the swallowing of the pure power, but there was a very high value of the Dan medicine, followed, the immersive sacred one hundred drops of the sword For example, it is nothing to do.

If you want to rely on Dan medicine or genius, he has accumulated his strength to accommodate the excellence, and that the price is not affordable.

So he came to Taiwan.

"It's because such Dan medicine is too rare and precious, the Dongfu left by Dan Hao will be extremely attractive. After all, the Dan Hao will leave a lot of medicinal herbs in his own, even some Too Qing Gen Dan? "The wild dog god smiled.

"When the message spread, it also caused some of the attention of the Shenglian's major energy, but unfortunately, the Zhenwu god, is the land of the Six Yin Shenjun, the Six Yin Shenjun is in the gods, and the strength is not weak. Quite positions, he personally came out, with some means, let the large energy in the Shengza's final gave up this idea. "

"But they give up, the old man can not want, the old man wants to taste the taste of the Too Qing Gong Ling Dan, so I will come out from the Thunder Island, I am going to go to the true country, who knows you, still Take you to the Taijie Shennian. "

"What is the Dongfu of this Dan Hao?" The sword did not ask.

"It is interesting now." The wild dog gods smiled slightly. "I just got the news, the Dan Yinjun House did left a lot of medicinal herbs, these medicinal herbs exceeded 90% of the Six Yinjun. In hand, but don't know what is going on, the most important Taqing Qi Dan in the medicinal herbs, but also nine too clearly of the Qing Dan, and even in the hands of an boundaries. "

"God?" The sword was unparalleled.

Things I am eyeing by a big energy, but finally in the hands of a context?

Have you joked?

"I don't know if I have a specific thing, but now the true Wu of the country has become a pot of porridge. I don't know how many people are searching for the trail of the world. I have never found it now." The wild dog god smiled.

"The sword is unparalleled, since you need to accumulate the power, then this nine too Qing Dan, you should use it, of course, you have to think about the nine too Qing Dan to reach the hand."

"Thank you, the dog god monarch, I will go to Zhenwu, I will go now." The sword is unparalleled.

"Go, Zhenwu God is not too far away, if you hurry to get there, you should still have to come." The wild dog god waved, and he had no idea for Tachen Ancient Lingdan. .

After all, he wants to be too clear to Gu Lan, just for eating, you want to taste the taste, but it is not really useful.

But the sword is unparalleled, but it is different.

After I learned that the news of the Turkotan's news, the sword was unparalleled immediately to the truth of Zhenwu.

He has an idea to Too Qing Dan.

After all, the power of the Erlen Dan is very amazing, accumulating his strength, and there is also a large use, and there is also a nine.

If he can get it, then swallowed, then he estimates that the power of your own body, even if you can't reach the most limit, you can't get a hundred drops of the ultimate power of water, but it is absolutely different. too much.

Take the outside spaceship, the sword is unparalleled with the fastest speed, just for more than ten years of hard work, he has already arrived at Zhenwu God.

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