Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1715, Nether

There is a gap between the Digital Chaotic World, the domain and the domain, and between the domain and the domain.

Some of the gods are extremely strong, but some of them are very weak.

Like the sword is unparalleled, the snow is far away from the chaotic world. It is far away from the top ten cultivation. It is a very remote god country. It is weaker, and the whole god is not much.

But the Zhenwu God, but it is definitely a strong spirit of strength, and the Zhenwu Shenshu and its surrounded footsteps, which is attached to a big energy, this big energy, is six Yin Shen Jun.

The Nether Mountains is a famous mountain range in the country of Zhenwu.

The reason why this mountain range is a strong, but there is a great power here, or there is a powerfulness of strength, but because of this mountain range, it is the largest, and the most concentrated A mountain range.

The Nether Mountain has no billion miles, and the number of pirates have more than 10 billion!

These pirate strengths have strong weakness, weak only, the normal Tianzun level, medium is many of the gods, and true gods, there are many in this mountain range.

It is because the pirates are rampant, this mountain range will have the most famous, and there are many cultivators in the truth in the weekdays. If it is not necessary, there will never choose this in this nerm.

However, since a year ago, the name of the name of the name was fled into the Netherly Mountains, which was completely lively.

He is the boundaries of the nine too Qingling Dan. He escaped in the nine mountains, and those who have come since the nine too Qing Dynasty, they have come. In the Nether Mountains, searching in this crazy.

To know, , it is too much, and most of them are strong, including this true martial arts, and the many powerful forces, Zongmen, countless.

So many powerful people have broken into the Netherly Mountains, which is not able to resist these pirates in the normally, and these robots are naturally suffered.

However, it is not easy to find a world of gods in ten billion pirates.

Therefore, until now, it has been in the past ten years, but no one has found it.


The Netherous Mountains, next to a wide avenue in the central area, with a fine pub, the name of the pub, is called a nervere.

This pub has been built in recent times, and specializes in searching for the strong man in the mountains, a total of a total of resting, and there are also many intelligence in the Nether Mountains.

For example, which place in the normally, or which pirate group, there is a world of thinking, this pub will be announced in the first time.

Such a pub, all over the nerve, everywhere.

At this point, in this hotel, the lively is extraordinary, at least have hundreds of cultivation in the pubs, some are drinking, and some are trading some intelligence.


The young people who carrying the long sword suddenly falls on the air outside the pub, and then the breath will continue to enter the restaurant.

"Guest officer, I don't know what it needs?" The pizza front smiled.

"Give me a message that has recorded things in the time of the Netherly Mountain. There is also information about the way, to be detailed, and give me a pot of wine." The sword has no double.

"Yes, but it is necessary to pay 200,000 crystals." Tsing Yi Girl.

Twenty thousand gods, it is equivalent to a full body of a weaker bound, but it is a nine bull.

He is now comparable to the big energy, from the Lingxiaobao Temple, there is 100,000 cars, and the crystal can be more than a hundreds of millions of crystals.

Tanqing Girl gave the intelligence to the sword. After the sword was unparalleled, I was free to find a position in this pub, and I started to look at those intelligence.

The many cultivars in the pub, also know that the sword is unparalleled, but there is no intention, after all, they are all in this, and the sword is unparalleled and also converges the breath, they also I can't see the sword is unparalleled, only the sword is unparalleled as the same bounds like them.

As everyone knows, at this moment, I am sitting with them, that is, it is enough to make the super existence of the truth of the truth of the truth.

"Oh, no wonder that the nephew can get the nine too Qing Dan, it turned out to be like this." The sword didn't look at the intelligence in the hand, secretly shook his head.

If you have, there are only two words, greedy!

It's not a greedy, but the elders of the doors.

According to the intelligence, this is born is the big family of this true Wu of the country, He Jia!

He family has always been sincerely in the country of Zhenwu, and in the country of Zhenwu, it is definitely able to take the top five great power.

When the Cave of Dan Hao Jun was discovered in Zhenwu Shen, because the cave palace was too huge, there were many maze, and naturally need a lot of strong, and then the truth of the true Wu of the country was sent. A large number of strong people go in to explore, including the many of them, where the father is also there.

And the strong people in the country of Zhenwu, the strong people of the real country were also fallen, and they finally got the numerous medicines left by the Danzi Shenjun, but unfortunately, the medicinal medicine got was not too clear. Dan.

In this regard, the true country of Zhenwu, and the big energy behind him, the Six Yin Shenjun also helpless, only to think that Dan Yu Shen did not leave too Qing Dan, after all, the medicinal medicine he left was last Discover, and all concentrated in three Qiankun Rings, no one can steal.

This matter is therefore a paragraph, who knows that in the end, those who have explored in the Danqi Jundong House have not intended to find a secret room, and also known that there is a place in the mid. The opportunity and the foot of nine too Qing Dan, when it can be found, the body is not seen with nine too Qing Dan.

This shows that it is definitely the strong people under the national owners of Zhenwu. Some people have got the chamber and nine too clearant, just that they quietly hide, and did not pay.

Suddenly, Six Yin Shenjun was anger. The true drain of Zhenwu God is also angry and immediately started to reconstitute.

This traced, I found him.

It turns out, what is the strong, the father, the father, the opportunity to get the chamber and the tasting of the room, just because of a greed, you want to occupy, but don't want to I have a big disaster.

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