Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1724 Sword Musou and Six Yin Shenjun

"Sure enough is you." Six Yin God is sinking.

He is also a member in the Shengba, and heard that the sword is unparalleled, but he only knows the name of the sword, and some deeds, but the exaggeration of the sword is unparalleled but has never been understood.

After all, he didn't have any intersection with the stars, and it won't think of the sword in the future.

Just starting to see the sword, there is no difference between the sword, but now I see the sword unparalleled exhibition strength ...

A eternal spirit can easily resist his offensive, in the vast chaotic world, it is estimated that only swords can't be done.

In the surrounding people from the sixteen of the Sixteen, when he heard the name of the sword, everyone was confused, but soon, there was a lot of swords.

"The sword is unparalleled, the first sword is ranked first !!!"

"Scorpio, it is him!"

"The God of the God Bit!"

As a shocking, everyone finally understood that the sword was unparalleled to provoke the majesty of Six Yin Shenjun.

The gap between true God and the energy is indeed a big except, in today's ancient chaotic world, it is eligible to be the real God of the plate, but the sword is unparalleled but absolutely this strength.

"The sword is unparalleled, this seat should not be sinned, nor have you been sinful to the star?" Six Yin Shenjun coldly sword unparalleled.

"It's really, but that is too clear, I'm not there, so I can only sorry." The sword smiled.

"So, then there is nothing to say, early listening, you are called the first day of the ancient chaos world, or reversal, just entering the eternal life, it is enough to fight against the gods, today, this is to see it." Six Yin God's look is cold.

"What is the means of Six Yin Shenjun, although it is." The sword is unparalleled.

"This is not polite." Six Yin god enjoys Zhong Li Mang flanted.


The void tremor, the pound of the throne, in the middle of the Six Yin Shen, formed a huge wind.

Everyone in these winds has hundreds of feet, in this moment, there is a windy dragon like a hundred ends in the moment. Subsequently, these wind dragons are screaming, and the wind is in the same way.

The sword is unparalleled only, a horrible storm is crushed by himself, and immediately after the blood peak sword behind him.


The sword is awesome, want to tear everything.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the wind is standing there, and the people around them seem to have disappeared, some are just a sword who wants to puncture the sky.

The blood peak sword was high, and there was a scream sword in the void.

These blood color swords, every road to destroy the earth, enough to make the surroundings, including those chaotic real gods from the heart.

It can be such a bloody sword, which has even condensed the foot and sixty in this moment.

Sixty-one bloody swords is condensed, and then the combination is fused immediately.

"Wan heavy waves, break!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword is directly squatted.

The new swords and shadows fused from sixty-one blood color swords, suddenly cut out.

Sword Ying, the first time, the top of the wind dragon to tear, and in the short film, the wind dragon was swept away, and some were even more broken.

The vastness of the vastness is crazy, and it can be suddenly ... Then there is a gap in the center of the world, and the fierce gangs will take out, which is the Six Yin Shenjun.

I saw him exposure to killing, and the right hand is a paw, but it is a void that suddenly faces the sword.

The claw is magnified, it is like the julings of the dragon, with the incredible speed, directly in the hands, one power, sword unparalleled body is actually unbroken.

Seeing this scene, the Six Yin Shenjun did not surprise, but revealed the color of a trace of dignity.

He grabs, just just a residue.

"Hey!" "Hey!"

The blank sound of the two harsh, although the sound is not large, but the Six Yin Shenjun heard clearly, and there is two golden light on his side. These two golden lights are very dazzling. And the speed is fast.

Six Yin Shenjun waved a hand, and there were also two streamed flowers.

clang! clang!

The crisp impact sound, the two golden lights were shocked, and the body shape of the Six Yin Shenjun was retired and the figure paused. Two flying rounds appeared in his hand, these two flywheels A black white, exudes a strange breath, and it is strange.

And in front of the Six Yin Shenjun, the sword is unparalleled with the sword, in front of it, and the two sorts of Hong Kong sword is suspended.

"That is the gold sword you used to be seriously injured," Six Yin Shenjun looked at the two sorts of Hong Yinjian, the eyes were cold, "Wei Neng is good, I don't know if I have a life and death. so what?"

"Don't you know?" The sword is unparalleled.

Because I know that I will encounter Six Yin Shenjun, I have already mastered some information on Six Yin Shenjun on the way.

He knew that this Six Yin Shenjun is a top god, which is stronger than the Qianli God who has worked with him.

This life is two big flying rounds, but it is very perfect to completely reflect the Six Yin Shenjun's sense of life.

Life and death, as one of the nine-blood gods, but it has been strange.


The sword has no doubles, the two sorts of the two sides of the two siler, slightly shock, and immediately turned into two golden lights, suddenly exploded, leaving two golden straight lines in the void.

And the Six Yin Shenjun also drove two flying rounds in his hand, hey! call out! The flywheel is overwhelmed, and the speed is also amazing.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

The collision of the dense Ma Ma sounded in the void, and the two of them will play their own power and the perception of the road.

Hong Yin Jinjian is constantly confronted with the black white, representing the flying wheel of life and death, a collision, every collision, a little power of the overflow, easy to open a huge shunt Spatial black hole.

Occasionally, there are some balances to pass to the battlefield, and immediately scare a lot of strong people to escape.

This battle is the fierce battle between the energy, it is not the gods on the field, and the gods can be inserted.

Even if it is a chaotic true God, once the power is slightly, it is estimated that it will shape.

boom! boom! boom!

The void was bombed again and again, and it recovered again and again.

The confrontation of the two has reached the stage of white heat.

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