Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1725 is calm

"Can fight against my life and death, you are quite strange, no wonder the thousands of gods will lose money in your hand, but the golden sword is strong, your power is not weak, but you have a heaven The sense of strength is too low. "

The Six Yin Shen's eyes burst into Li Mang, it is like a heavy lightning, and his black one white flywheel is a sudden combination, forming a new flywheel.

"Combination of life and death, give me!"

Six Yin Shen Jun sent a good time, the new black and white flywheel broke out unparalleled speed, and collided with the two sorts of Hong Kong.

clang! clang!

Two low silences, the two handles Hong Yinjun was actually slammed out, and there were hundreds of miles away.

And that black and white flywheel seems to be unable to be hindered, and continue to be in the sword.

"What?" The sword did not have a double color.

He didn't expect that the two-handed flywheel of this Six Yin Shenjun combined, and the power would actually be so strong, and immediately he took the power.

"The ancient mystery, the eighth mountain!"


The angry sound is sent.

I saw a huge golden god of golden mountains.

Each of these golden hills has a high level, exudes a dazzling golden light, a total of eight hills.

The eight golden hills appeared in front of the sword, and it formed an eight-fold barrier.

The black and white flywheel was hit, and the horror, it was broken in an instant, but he was hosted by the eighth mountain, and the last hill is also hindered.

"Good power, I made all the eight pole gods that I made all the best, I was shocked by the seven." The sword was shocked.

The eight pole hills is the only defensive type secretation in the secret surgery of the ancient mystery, and the power is extremely strong.

With the unparalleled power of the sword, the ordinary gods attack, it can be easily resistant, but the Six Yin Shenjun's flywheel, although the eight-pole giant mountains have been abuting, but it has reached the limit.

"Haha, it is the six Yin Shen Jun, the strength is really, my sword is unparalleled today, and the speech."

The cool laughter echoed in the world, the two handles Hong Kong sword have returned to the sword unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled in Qiankun, and his body shape is directly turned, you want to leave.

"Want to escape?" Six Yin Shenji is a cold, "Don't leave too Qing Dan, don't want to escape."

"Haha, it is really ridiculous, if I want to escape, do you stop?" The sword is unparalleled but smiles. When the violiography of the violiography, the phantom of thousands of phantom, while the blood of the dragon blood is also Directly expand.

Dragon blood secrets, swords are unparalleled, plus sword is unparalleled, the time-time road, this is good at speed, and the moment, the moment, has escaped out of the distant distance.

Six Yin gods want to chase, but there is no followed,

On the void, the body shape of the Six Yin Shenjun has already paid down, he looked at the direction of the sword unparalleled disappearance, and his body shaking was full.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is the matter, this is remembered!" Six Yin Shenjun was holding his hands, and the raging angry was swayed.

In the surrounding void, many of the strong people from the Sixteen God see this scene, but it is a niche.

Six Yin Shenjun, in their eyes, that is invincible.

But today, the Six Yin Shenjun is obviously a big loss.

And this is all, it is just a true God.

His name is a sword.

Really God list!


After leaving the Nether Mountain, the sword is slow and slow, slowly in front of the void.

"Six Yin Shen Jun ... No wonder it is so famous in the vast chaotic world, the strength is really not covered." The sword is unhealthy. "

In fact, the strength of the dynasties, Six Yin Shenjun is indeed a slightly better than him, and this sword is unparalleled.

If it is true to kill, the sword is unparalleled may only have the final card, and there is a chance to win.

However, the Six Yin Shenjun, but it was too much, so that the sword was unparalleled to get the Too Qing Gu Lan, accounting for absolute charm.

"He thought that everything was in his control, he didn't have to come here, naturally someone sent the Too Qing Gu Dan to his hand, but he didn't think of it, I will also participate in this. The field is coming. "The sword is unhappy smile.

Zhenwu God, is the site of Six Yin Shenjun, everything here is like a refers.

He knows that in addition to his own, the whole of the true weapon is not existed, it is just a group of true gods, naturally does not need any scruple.

Even if it is too clear, the ancient spiritan falls into the sword, he is not anxious.

Until the strength and identity of the sword, the Six Yin Shenjun was tense, but this time, it was late, the Taqing Qi Ling Dan has fallen into the sword unparalleled, and the Six Yin Shenjun is more slightly better than the sword. Some, but it is not a sword, but it is not a different way.

But if there is another energy-eager, the Six Yin Shen will definitely be very vigilant, and the old man will come to the hand to go to the hand.

"Luck." The sword is unmainted.

He could get the Tachen Dan, which can have a bit of luck.

As soed in provoating the Six Yin Shenjun, the sword is unparalleled, it doesn't matter.

A gods, now I can't help him. As for the future, I didn't have a little way.

The sword is unparalleled, so soon he left the scope of Zhenwu Shennan.

Within a dark void, the sword is unparalleled, that is suppressed in the blood peak sword, has been released by him.

"Whole break, meet the adults." He Yu Dynasty is unparalleled, and there is a strong fear and fanaticism.

Before the sword was unparalleled, he suppressed him to the blood peak, just to better carry him, and he did not receive any constraints in the blood peak sword, and even everything happened outside, he also saw it in the blood peak sword. Clear clear.

He clearly saw the sword unparalleled with the legendary Six Yin Shenjun, and it was a positive confrontation. As a result, the Six Yin Shen Junnai couldn't help him.

Obviously, the sword is unparalleled, although it is just a true god, but the power is definitely the level of energy.

A large energy is standing in front of him, and it is certainly awesome.

"I have already taken you in the Zhenwu God State, you and I have done it." The sword was unparalleled, and he was ready to leave.

"Wait." He Yuan quickly opened.

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