Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1727 Blood Cloud Temple

Within the beautiful star river, the sword is unparalleled with his break.

"Here is the star river, it is the star of the star."

The sword is unparalleled with a sleeper, and he is also constantly introducing some things in the stars on the way.

Why do you have to listen, it is shocking.

He has been born in a true military god, although he has heard of Ten Holy Land, but he never really touched until now he knows the bustling of the top ten holy sites, it is far from a domicate.

Like this star, in his eyes is a hoe, it is more than a large number of true powers than him.

And the sword is unparalleled in the way, it is also very emotion in his heart.

You know, tens of thousands of years ago, when he was first arrived at the star, the expression was the same.

One thousand years have passed, now he is one of the mains of the Stars, in the world of the chaotic world, Heh, and this is, after tens of thousands of years, I don't know what it will be.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled with the old nest, who really stepped into the star, and went casually in the building.

On the way, I also encountered a strong people in many stars or disciples.

These people see the sword is unparalleled, respectful.

"That is the unparalleled hall, is the most gainful genius in my history!"

"Although the unparalleled house is not a big energy, it is better than the big energy, he is in the first thing!"

Some old disciples, also introduced to the new disciples to boast.

Of course, they also noticed the existence of the break.

"Who is that person?"

"There is a double temple mainly give him a way. Even if it is a disciple of Xingchen Palace, there is no qualification?"

"This person should be the disciple of unparalleled main halls."


Suddenly, the whole of the envy of the envious eyes saw it.

With the unparalleled strength of the sword, the gains of the chaotic world robbed him as a teacher, I didn't know how much, but I didn't have this blessing, but He Ben became his disciple, of course, people.

The sword is unparalleled in the stars, and the land of the stars, including the use of the stars, including their use, and then he took him, came to the main hall Inner living in the cave.

"The sword is unparalleled, how is the generos of the god pointed?" Yuan Demoto saw that the sword did not double.

"It was very smooth, but later there were some changes." The Jian is unparalleled will have a simple narration of the things that happen to the Shennan.

"Those over-dark power, actually played the idea of ​​the Taijie Shentan?" The main point of the Yuan Dynasty is slightly, "Unfortunately, if you give you a while, your strength can be soared again."

"It is a bit a pity." The sword is unparalleled.

"Is this little guy around you?" The main hall looked at it.

"This is a little guy I have encountered on the way. He called Hebao, now is my name disciple." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh?" The main eyes of the Yuan Dynasty, he knew that the sword was unparalleled, and the sword was unparalleled. It was unparalleled by the sword. Even if it was named disciple, it is certainly not bad.

"Whole break, see the main hall of Yuan." He Yuan also respectfully

"This little guy talent is not bad, I have realized a power to destroy, the strength, in the current world list, should be able to take the first fifty." The sword is unparalleled.

"The first fifty? Not bad." The Yuan Dynasty was immediately eyebrow.

You must know that there is no one who can go up. Although the star has a genius disciple on the world, it is less poor, like the sword unparalleled in the world stage, at the time of the star, the sword There is no saying, but it is also a genius on the two world.

And the two people are ranked is not high, and He Yuan, just arrived at the stars, there is a battle force in the top 50, this is to take a long time with many resources in the stars, you can completely impact the gods. The top ten in the list, although the future of the future is unparalleled with the sword, but it is very possible to become a top chaotic real God.

Such a genius, the star is naturally not seeking.

"I am in the stars, although you are a disciple of unparalleled temples, but you can't change it. If you express it, you can become a disciple of Xingchen Palace, get more resources. "The main hall said.

"Disciples understand." Hebao nodded.

"Well, I will take you to take you." The Yuan Dynasty immediately commanded a long and personally to bring it.

After walking, there are only two people who have only swords and the main two people in the Dongfu.

"Yuan Temple, I got a special thing this time, do you see what this is?" The sword won't take the jade sword.

The Yuan Dynasty maintained a jade sword, played with a hand in his hand, but the look was gradually gaining.

"The sword is unparalleled, this jade sword, where did you get it?" Asked the Yuan Dynasty.

Seeing the expression of the main hall, the sword is unparalleled, and the Yuan Dynasty has seen the origin of this jade sword.

"This jade sword is to me." The sword is unparalleled, and some of the experiences of Yu Jian, including some of the experiences in the Netherous Mountains.

"Dan Yu Jun? It turned out to be Dan Yue Shen's Dongfu?" Yuan Temple was shocked with a shock.

"You don't know the death of Dan Hao Jun Cave," The sword is quite quite weird.

"Of course, I don't know." Yuan Dian shook his head and smiled. There is a circle between each other, such as a single-actant, a circle of the strong, like our forces from all parties, and have their own circles. "

"And Dan Yu's god of the gods, is born in Zhenwu, which is outside the Holy Land. This news may have some big energy in the Shengba, but will not deliberately spread, let alone the Six Yin Shenjun before I greeted, you can learn about this matter from the wild dog God, and it is also luck. "

The sword is unparalleled and a smile.

Indeed, if he is not a wild dog god, he doesn't know what is too clear.

The wild dog god is an exclusive power, and it is still a unique and unique, and he gets a lot of ways.

"Is this jade sword?" The sword was unparalleled to see the Yuan Dynasty.

"If I haven't mistisred the wrong, this jade sword should be one of the people of the Blood Hall." The Yuan Dynasty said solemnly.

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