Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1728, the first era

"Blood Hall?" The sword was unpaired.

"The Blood Hall is a special place in the third nest." The main story of the Yuan Dynasty said, "Among the eight nests, the sixth, seventh, the eighth nest is more common, most threats are only from stars Magic, in addition to these three major nests, the remaining five major nests are all the battlefields left by the first era and even ancient times, which not only contains star demon, but also has a variety of Crisis. "

"There is a crisis, of course, there are many opportunities."

The sword has no double look, he has a certain understanding of the eight big nest.

Also knowing that the eight big nest is outside the old nest of the Star Magic, or a great battlefield.

The battlefield is divided into two kinds. One is the battlefield of the ancient times, the most high-end, the most mysterious, eight big nests, it is said that only the first nest is the battlefield left by the real Ancient times.

As for the second, third, fourth, fifth nest, the battlefield left by the first era.

The so-called first era is the era of re-pregnancy after the end of the ancient times.

The ancient god of the ancient gods is the first era, Hech's famous super power.

However, the first era experienced is not long because of a war, then it is pruning the second era, it is the elder chaotic world of the sword.

"The ancient times, the first era, the second era ... three different times, the ancient times is the most stronger, the first era is more than ancient times, but it is far from a very far, but it is still much stronger than the current chaotic world. The sword is unparalleled.

He knows that this world of herself, with prison, with time, the overall strength of the cultivator has been declining, and the decline is very powerful.

As an ancient period, what is the prosperous.

Numerous powerful, just take out a superior existence, and even the ancient chaotic world has long rumored, in ancient times, even the great emperor is nothing.

The sword is unparalleled, in that independent space, before the spirit of the Dragon Qi owner, I saw a picture of ancient war, very clearly the terrible of those strong in the ancient war.

The first era, although it is not as good as ancient, but it can also produce the super power of the ten star ancient gods of the ancient gods.

It can be reached the current era of chaotic world, that is, the second era, don't say that it is a strong in the ancient times, even if the power of the ancient gods, never has it.

This era, the strongest, is the great emperor!

This is recognized.

It is because the ancient times, the first era is more stronger than now, so they have a battlefield, which has great attraction to the strong people of the ancient chaotic world.

Many versators choose to go to the fifth nest, not to destroy the star demon, but for the first era of the nest.

For those battlefields containing the won.

"In the third nest, there are many special sites, and there are four things in the most famous, the blood cloud temple is one of them." The Yuan Dynasty said.

"The Blood Hall is the first era of a very strong emperor left. In the first era of the first era, the strength of the great level is enough to take the top three, and the current vast chaotic world Say, there should be no one. "

"With the blood clouds he left, there is a great opportunity, but the blood cloud temple will open once, and every time you open, you need a unique trick to enter it. This letter is A handle of jade sword. "

"It is said to be the trolley of the Blood Hall, a total of jade swords, but now knowing the jade sword, only six handles, there is no falling, did not think that the Dan Hao Jun, which was falling earlier, I have got a jade sword, and I still hide. "

The Yuan Dynasty is the main hall.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also secretly marched.

From the main words of the Yuan Dynasty, the sword was unparalleled to listen to the value of this jade sword.

That is, the first era left the temple left by the Temple, the value is incredible, even enough to make the great heart.

Although this jade sword is just one of them, the same value is not quantity, if it takes out, I am afraid enough to cause many major people to snatch.

The sword is unparalleled is completely lucky, and it has been such a treasure.

"The main hall, the blood cloud temple opened next time, is the time?" The sword didn't ask.

"I know this, but unfortunately, I am too long for you." Yuan Temple.

"How long is it?" Sword is unparalleled.

"8 million years!" Yuan Demen.

The sword is unparalleled.

He was born all the way to the present, and he only used tens of thousands of years, 8 million years?

Perhaps the other big energy, eight million are not for anything, many of the big energy people live very long, far more than 8 million years.

This is really a little longer for the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, this jade sword, you can't use it, but it value is extraordinary, you have a good time, maybe you will send it to the field." Yuan Demen.

"Well." The sword has no double nodded, and the jade sword re-incorporated the Qiankun and deliberately placed in a prominent position.

After leaving from the main hall, the sword has no double back to his sword.

In the secret room, the sword is unparalleled. In front of them, it is suspended a jade bottle, and there is a mouth-watering medicinal medicine in the jade bottle. It is nine.

The sword is unparalleled from the bottle, and there is no hesitation, and this Dan medicine is swallowed directly.

In the body of the medicinal medicine, he immediately fails to transform the sword without double absorption.

This absorbs the speed of transformation is also amazing.

Three days later, the sword was unparalleled, and the eighty-nine drops of the ultimate draft, it has been condensed, and the power of the Taqing Qi Lingdan only consumes less than half.

"It's too Qing Dan, which is indeed amazing." The sword was unfolded in the eyes.

Just less than half of the drug effect, it has already condensed the eighty-nine drops of the ultimate power of water. 10 drops of the ultimate power.

And too Qing Dan, he has a foot nine.

"Although the ultimate Shenli water droplets, the more difficult it is, but the nine is too clear, but it is not possible to reach the most extreme, but it is estimated that it is not too much."

The sword is unparalleled with hands, with a silk expectation, continue to absorb it.


PS: Today, six!

The three era, the is the strongest in the ancient, the first era, the second era of the protagonist is the weakest, everyone remembers.

Recommend the old book "Wuji Cang" "The reborn, I will be the beast" is also very hot, and everyone can take a look.

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