Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 173 to find a helper

The sword has nothing to have a deep breath, and strive to keep yourself calm.

"The owner of the palace is correct, the father is definitely to save, but it must not be saved by recklessness." The sword has no double.

"You are calm down." The White House mainly nodded. "Your father is detained in the nine rings mountain, there is a strong sense of power, this party is nine emperor."

"Jiuhuangmen?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"Since your father is being held in Jiuhuan Mountain, it is definitely among the nine emddesses." The White House is solemn.

"I checked your information, I know that you once told one of the Tianyuan Jianzong, one of the five major people in Tianzhu, and the Sword of Tianyuan, although there were several yin deficiency, but the strength is very general. Therefore, in the Tianzong Dynasty, it is reluctant to be a first-class zone. "

"And the nine emperor is even in the Tiangzong Dynasty, it belongs to the top first-class, than the Tianyuan Jianzong."

The sword is unbolded, and the top of the Tiansong Dynasty is naturally unweelly.

His father was detained in the nine emperor. He wanted to save it, and it is difficult to be very high.

"As far as I know, this nine emperor's inner light is a strong sense of yin, and there is a foot eight!" The White House continued.

"There are three yin deficiency in the eight yin deficiency, the two yin deficiency, the two yin is successful, there is one, it has always been a long and old, it is still the same, it has been reached Yinfeng! "

When I heard this, the sword was unbearable.

Football is full of yin, and the strength is also extremely strong.

The three yin deficiency is also a completion, and the strength of his current strength does not need to be, even if he can easily defeat or even kill. There are also more to grasp to fight against the other party.

As for the peak of yin ... The sword is unparalleled to make a secret, and it is possible to fight.

In the nine emperor, the strong person who is single-single-yin deficiency is a full level, and there is a closed door to the peak of the yin yin.

With the strength of the sword, there is no double one person, you want to rush in to save people, it is a luxury.

"In addition to the eight yin deficiency of the nine emperor, Since the bloody feather is held in the nine emperor, then the Jiu Emperor is related to the bloody house, and even the nine emperor. The door has been returning to the bloody piercing, so that the nine emperor, maybe I still hide the killer of the bloody ripple. "The White House is also.

"Yes, it is very likely." The sword is not double.

He knows that the bloody feather is paying attention to his father.

At the beginning, in order to catch his father, the bloody ripple even did not hesitate to overcome one of the eight top clan, such a important person, if the bloody ripper is not dispatched by the strong people who do not send trust.

"In the nine emperor, there should be no strong in the yang deficiency?" The sword didn't ask.

"Yang deficiency?" White House mainly shook his head, "Yang Shuxing is not much in the entire Tianzong Dynasty, a yang deficiency is extremely important to any side of the power, while the bloody ripper is amazing, but In order to guard one person, even if this person is extremely important, it is not to use the Yang Shuqiang. "

"That's good, at least I still have some hope." The sword is unparalleled.

If there is a Yangwei strong person to take the town, it is too difficult to save his father.

Although now I know a lot of Jiuhuangmen strong, the bloody flood is too dark, and there is also a strong person, but also a hopes of rescue.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have to tell you first." White House Lord looked at the sword unparalleled, solemnly: "My Dragon Palace has stopped with the bloody tower, so it is impossible to have no reason to deal with the bloody ripple, So, if you go to rescue your father, my dragon palace is unable to come to help you. "

"I understand this." The sword is not a hyper point. He didn't want to help the power of the Dragon Palace.

"Of course, though our Dragon Palace can't come, but the Golden Dragon Hall can." White House is also.

"Golden Dragon Hall?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"The golden hall is like a cloud, and the golden dragon guards, the Jinlong Wei, the golden dragon has not binding, these Jinlong Wei, Jinlong make what I have to do, what to do, there is no relationship with my Dragon Palace, so ...... I can help you find a few trusted Jinlong, let them come to help you. "The White House smiled.

The sword is nothing-eyed.

"Then there is the Lao Gong master." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Haha, you can rest assured, I will pick you up a few Jinlong, keep you down." White House smiled.

"Thank you." The sword is unparalleled again.


The sword has returned to the manor, but he at this moment, there is no smile before, some is just a good look.

"Old three, what happened?"

Three people who are still drinking in the manor, obviously noted the change of the expression of the sword.

"Wang Yuan is old, the old two, the old four, I have something to find you help." The sword is unparalleled.

"Let's brothers, have something to say." Wang Yuan said.

Yang Zi Xuan also looked at the sword and unparalleled.

They have been very understandable to the swords, I know that there is no particular important thing to use the sword and unparalleled sex, it is absolutely not to open someone to help.

"I want to save someone, this person is my father." The sword has no double.

"Well?" Wang Yuan three people immediately.

Save your father?

There is no explanation, but the sword is not explained, but his father is now detained, and the strength of the Jiu Emperor is said to have a very simple story. He is absolutely trustworthy for his own brothers, so he is also Never there was a slightest.

"Nine emperors, strong people like cloud, just have to save people," Yang Zi Xuan low. "Yang Zi Xuan low.

"Of course, it is impossible to we have a few, I have already invited the White House. She will invite a few trusts, and the powerful Jinlong makes it work together." The sword has no pair. "

"Golden Dragon is almost the same." Yang again wanted to nod, Xiang Xiang directly: "This is busy, I am helped."

"Old three." Sujucheng is the sword, no double, "before you help me fight for the black lotus flower, there is no one, now you have something, no matter what, I will never have any resolution."

The sword was unparalleled with Su Suli, and then he looked at Wang Yuan.

"Hey, don't look at me." Wang Yuan waved.

"The three of you are all the top ten in the landlord, you can kill, you can save people, and I, I am only just Jin Dan, and I am general. I will pick me up in the nine emperor, I am going to kill me easily. "

The sword is unparalleled, and it is deeply seen that Wang Yuan is glanced, but has not said much.

Invited Yang and Chang Xuan followed Su Soft, not long, there was news on the White House.


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