Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 174 Seven Golden Dragon

In addition to the Huangcheng, Tianyun Mountains.

Tianyun Mountains have just experienced the choice of war, and there is still a sore internally.

At this moment, on the peak of the giant peak, there is a seven breath thick figure stood there, waiting quietly.

Suddenly there are three black splashes in the sky in the sky.


This seven figures have raised their heads.

The three black nodes are close, it is three galls, and the sword is unparalleled, Yang Zi Xuan, Su Fu.

When close to the top of the peak, the sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, there is no double brother." A cold middle-aged smiled and greeted.

"Night?" The sword is not a double eye is also bright.

He knows that the White House is in some strong people who are invited to wait for him, but he doesn't know who these strong people are.

Now, this is the cold middle-aged middle-aged man who usan towards him, and he is a night like him.

At the beginning, this night is like the wind to the Dragon Palace.

"There is no double brother, let's meet again." Night is like a wind, smile, "I met last time, it was more than two years, I said, I still have to thank you, if it is because you, my family, I am afraid it is hard to live back. "

When the sword didn't double to complete the mission of the Dragon Palace, I met the night, by the way, the night was so good to take care of his daughter, and let's complete the two-way Jinlong Wei mission.

And what happened in the two-way Jinlongwei mission, he also said that he said that the sword was unparalleled to save his daughter.

"That thing doesn't have to be mentioned." The sword was unparalleled.

"How can I not mention it, it is the life of my daughter." Night is like a wind.

"I have always been a good news. You saved my daughter, this is a big man, I certainly have you, so I listen to the White House, you need to help, I don't say it. I came directly. "

"Haha, you can thank you night." The sword was unparalleled.

"It's still what night adults, if you don't mind, call my night brother directly." Night is like a windway.

"Night big brother." The sword is unparalleled, and immediately shouted.

"This is right, come, I will introduce you." The night is like a sword.

"This is the water, and the Jinlong of the Jinlong Temple."

The sword is unparalleled to look at this grandeur, this man seems to contain a strange magic, let people feel very good.

"Mr. Water." The sword shouted.

"The first day of the dragon list is the first day of the first day, the first day of the sword is unparalleled. After the choice of the battle, all the Tianzong dynasties are talking about you, my ears are coming, and today, it is the same. See the present. "Water is laughing.

"These few ..." The night is like the wind, and there is no double one in the sword.

Soon the sword is unparalleled to these strong people who come to the White House.

The White House was invited to him for seven strong people.

These seven are all Jinlong of the Jinlong Temple, and the strength is extraordinary.

Seven Jinlong made, three of them were Yin deficiency, two yin is full, and there are two yin yin peaks!

The two yin yin peaks are night like two people.

After knowing the strength of these seven strong people, the sword is unparalleled, and the heart is worthy of the White House owner personally invited him, this lineup is indeed strong.

Task, the nine emperor, as the first-class sect of the Tianzong Dynasty, only one of the eight yin, only one in the yin, the lineup, the lightup, the light, the seven people, it is enough to easily Rolling the eight emperor of the nine emperor.

Plus the sword is unparalleled, Yang Zhanxuan, Suofang three people are all ten in the landlord, the war is comparable to the yin, like the sword is unparalleled, and even the cloud is satisfactory.

In this way, it is qualified to cover the entire nine emperor.

The only thing to worry is that the bloody feather is hidden in the dark.

"All, this time you have to ask you, please take a gather, wait until the destination, I will carefully tell you." The sword said.

When I heard this, the seven Jinlong who was invited to make the brow and didn't care.

"In this case, let's go first."

The sword is unparallled, and then Yang Zi Xuan, Su can take the Griffin, and the seven Jinlong make it a shout, and ten people directly in the nine rings of the nine emperor.

Nine Ring Mountain is located in the province of Heaven.

As we all know, Jiuhuan Mountain is the foundation of the nine emperor.

Nine emperor, in the province of Heaven, the famous is amazing, is an ancient temple that is unfold.

There are three four-in-one say that the province of Heaven and southern China, representing the strongest seven power of Tiannong Province, and the nine emperor is one of the four doors.

The void outside the nine rings, the ten blacks are quietly suspended here, and the eyes look at the ancient sect not far away.

"That is ... Jiuhuangmen?"

Several Jinlong, which were invited, have a little dignified.

"All, this nine emblem is the goal of our trip." The sword was unparalleled. "" According to the reliable intelligence you got by the Jinlong Temple, it is a person who is in this nine emperor.

"Oh?" The seven Jinlong have seen the sword.

"I need a seven-bit, it is to help me save my father." The sword is unparalleled to continue: "Of course, this nine emperor strength is very strong, not only strong strength, but also has a great relationship with the bloody ripple Therefore, this nine emperor may not hide the top of the bloody ripple. "

"Bloodyater?" The seven Jinlong made the complexion.

If it is just a nine emperor, it is still within their accepted range.

After all, although the nine emperor is strong, it can be just a first-class zone, the strongest is just a rich peak.

It is different from the Bloody Pool Tower. As the first killer of the Tianzong Dynasty, the terrible of the bloody ripple is obvious.

Once the bloody pompiff is encompassed, he is staring at the bloody ripple. It is easy to be killed by a yin and yang false.

This seven Jinlong made, in addition to the night, other six people suddenly hesitated.


The sword is unparalleled to make these Jinlong's face in the eyes, and the only said: "I know that you are very taboo, I don't want to take the bloody feather building, so I will not barely, if you have a heart It's agency, you can leave now. "

"Of course, if you stay, I will help me save my father. After waiting, I will count my sword. There is no pareriest. As long as it is to work, I must do my best."

Then the hesitated Jinlong made the look immediately, and the eyes were bright.

They received the invitation from the White House. The White House is God to give them, just some substantive benefits. It is something such as some Tan medicine, cheats, although they are eager to these things, but they must be obtained.

The sword is unparalleled, it is different.

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